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Windows 7: Leaner, Most Customizable OS Yet

Not a big fan of Internet Explorer 8? Well, Microsoft's upcoming and highly-anticipated operating system (OS) Windows 7 actually allows you to shut the program off altogether -- along with several other features users might not want loaded on their ... systems. The 'off switch' is actually a security feature at heart. "If a feature is deselected, it is not available for use. This means the files (binaries and data) are not loaded by the operating system (for security-conscious customers) and not available to users on the computer," said Jack Mayo, of Microsoft. "These same files are staged so ... (view more)

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March Madness Comes To Microsoft's Media Center

Microsoft is attempting to boost use of its Media Center tools by offering a sports channel. The programming kicks off with extensive coverage of college basketball's March Madness. The new channel, which goes live this week, will include footage ... from Fox, MSNBC and CBS. There will be no subscription charge or other costs. The footage is only available in the Vista edition and is not compatible with the Windows 7 Beta. (Source: ) To launch the channel, Microsoft will be showing replays of those games in the final stages of the NCAA basketball tournament. The event, known as March ... (view more)

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Microsoft to Patch Critical Flaw, Still no Excel Fix

Microsoft is currently readying another slew of fixes for Windows operating systems dating all the way back to 2000. Unfortunately, the software giant has still not yet addressed an Excel security hole that raised eyebrows over a week ago. Although ... Microsoft is remaining quiet about the fixes for its upcoming patch, the company has revealed that at least one issue is considered "critical" and two more have been classified as "important." In other words, most business and home users will want to pay attention this coming Tuesday, March 10, when more details regarding the three Security ... (view more)

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EU Relaxes Microsoft Anti-Trust Monitoring

The EU-emblazoned noose wrapped around Microsoft's neck might soon be loosening. According to reports today, the EU (European Union) has announced that it will discontinue constant monitoring of the Redmond-based company for anti-trust violations. ... The EU has regularly attacked Microsoft over anti-trust matters and has for some time used a special, independent committee to constantly watch Microsoft's every move overseas. "Changes in Microsoft's behavior..." However, that's now changed and it appears that Microsoft might be owed some credit for the let-up. In a statement, EU ... (view more)

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MS Invests $1B in Research, Hires 3000 New Empoyees

Microsoft has made headlines in recent weeks for devising new ideas to bolster a struggling global economy. While the software giant expects to lose significant revenue this year, Microsoft is looking at the bigger picture in an attempt to stop the ... bleeding and start on the road to recovery. One of the new Microsoft-endorsed initiatives is an online program called Elevate America , which hopes to teach, certify and secure employment for close to 2 million people. Now, Microsoft is once again giving hope to an ever-increasing unemployment demographic by making way for an additional 3,000 ... (view more)

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Microsoft Opens Online Services to 18 New Countries

Software giant Microsoft has expanded its tentacles over an even greater part of the earth's crust this week, after it announced that the Business Productivity Online suite has been made available on a trial basis for businesses around the world. ... The plan has, according to some insiders, been in the works for some time. Most believe Microsoft began preparing itself for this step when it extended hosted software services to companies across the United States late last year. Also in the works is a worldwide release for Microsoft's Office Communications Online tool, which allows users access to ... (view more)

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Microsoft Live Search Update Plans Leaked

According to reports, Microsoft is getting ready to release a re-branded version of its "Live Search" in an attempt to become a major player in the search engine game. Since Microsoft recently attempted to join forces with Yahoo , it's not ... surprising that they are looking for new and improved ways to increase their status as a go-to company for online searching. What will come to The Market and When? Messages from Microsoft insiders that were observed on Twitter this week indicate that a pre-beta test version of the "new Live" already exists, and that users can expect some form of ... (view more)

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Microsoft's Vista Named Tech World's Worst 'Fiasco'

It's now official: Windows Vista, Microsoft's over-hyped, underachieving operating system took top honors, winning the first-ever Fiasco Award announced in Barcelona, Spain. The Fiasco Awards consists of a group of people linked to the Information ... and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector, which wants to reward the best non-successful projects in the area. (Source: ) Out of 6,043 votes, 5,222 were garnered by Windows Vista, beating out other contenders including Google's Lively virtual world, the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) computer, and many others. (Source: ) In 2005 ... (view more)

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Lawyers Attempt to Revive Vista Capable Lawsuit

The Vista Capable lawsuit -- like the consumer and business market's dissatisfaction with Windows Vista -- refuses to go away. Shortly after a federal judge revoked the class-action status of the Vista Capable lawsuit, lawyers for the plaintiffs are ... now reportedly asking the judge to reconsider that decision. Originally, the class-action suit involved all parties who purchased Vista Capable PCs, but a recent court ruling narrowed it down to six individual plaintiffs. (Source: ) Plaintiffs Attempt To Recertify Class-Action Status Lawyers for the plaintiffs are attempting to recertify ... (view more)

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Microsoft's Anti-Sexuality Policy Sparks Outrage

Gay marriage is always going to be a heated debate. But what rights do gays have when it comes to their video game consoles? Microsoft was recently forced to change a policy that prevented gay gamers from stating their sexual orientation in their ... Xbox Live profiles. Xbox Live is Microsoft's popular online platform for its console, the Xbox 360. When anyone links their Xbox 360 to a cable or a broadband Internet connection, they're automatically prompted to fill out an online profile that can be seen by other gamers, including friends and foes alike. Although users aren't allowed to play ... (view more)


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