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Internet Explorer Loses Ground in Browser Battle

Despite the upcoming release of Microsoft's Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) , it appears that Microsoft is still losing market share to its competitors at Apple and Mozilla. (Source: ) Web metrics firm Net Applications released a new ... market share analysis Sunday, placing Microsoft at 67.6% -- the lowest market share percentage for the company since 2005. This 0.6 point drop follows an unfortunate trend for Microsoft, who has lost approximately 8 percentage points in the last year. While nowhere near as devastating as the drastic drops of November and December 2008, it seems that ... (view more)

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IE8 has Zero Impact on ClickJacking, Experts Say

The security researcher who recently discovered an especially sneaky way of spreading spyware online says Internet Explorer 8 will have "zero impact" on the problem. It comes as attacks using the 'clickjacking' technique spread to other browsers. ... 'Clickjacking' lures users into clicking on a button that at first appears legitimate but actually does something altogether nasty. The usual way of doing this is to hijack a legitimate web page and use frames to overlay it with a transparent web page. This means victims are actually clicking on a button they can't see, which will usually 'authorize ... (view more)

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'Vista Capable' Lawsuit Could Cost Microsoft $8.5B

Documents unsealed by a federal court in the "Vista Capable" lawsuit reportedly reveal that Microsoft would have to come up with as much as $8.5 billion to settle accounts with customers affected by its 2006 "Vista Capable" marketing debacle. Keith ... Leffler, a University of Washington economist and expert witness for the plaintiffs, estimates that it would cost a minimum of $3.92 billion to as much as $8.52 billion to upgrade the 19.4 million PCs that were sold as Vista Capable to hardware capable of running premium versions of Windows Vista. (Source: ) Leffler said in a ... (view more)

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Microsoft Warms up to Open Source with Web Sandbox

After flirting with open source development for some time, Microsoft has made another step towards real commitment with the release of source code for Web Sandbox, a program used to test and secure web site content. (Source: ) The Sandbox ... source code will be released under the Apache 2.0 license, an open source license agreement allowing the content creator to maintain copyright while permitting others to develop the product for their own use. Microsoft has gradually been increasing their involvement with the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) since 2008 when they agreed to fund ... (view more)

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Internet Explorer 8 Pre-Released by Microsoft

An early release of Microsoft's uber-popular web browser Internet Explorer version 8 (IE8) is now available for download. The Redmond-based company boasts that it's the safest and most secure browser ever constructed, and has included several new ... features meant to protect users against even the most innovative hacker attacks. As expected, Microsoft has simply added yet another digit to its browser, dubbing this one simple "IE8". There are a number of good reasons to invest precious download minutes in Internet Explorer 8; at the top of the list is a special new feature meant to protect ... (view more)

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Internal MS Documents Suggest Vista Isn't Vista

Recently unsealed documents relating to the ongoing "Vista Capable" class-action lawsuit revealed that a group within Microsoft recommended in 2005 that the lowest-priced version of Windows Vista be released without the "Vista" name due to concerns ... over "user product expectations." The lawsuit claims that Microsoft misled consumers with its "Vista Capable" marketing program in the months leading up to the January 2007 release of Windows Vista. Part of the allegations in the lawsuit contend that Windows Vista Home Basic is not the "real" Vista because it lacks the ... (view more)

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90% Dip in Profits Prompt Intel and MS Job Cuts

The tech industry is beginning to feel the heat from a financial meltdown that has been burning the rest of the world for months. Microsoft recently announced that it would lay off up to 5,000 employees -- 5 percent of its work force -- over the ... next 18 months, starting with 1,400 jobs immediately. Chipmaker Intel is also reportedly laying off between 5,000 and 6,000 jobs while closing five plants in the U.S. and Asia in response to falling computer sales. (Source: ) The announcement came a week after reporting a 90% dip in profits for the last three months of 2008. Facilities to be ... (view more)

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Microsoft In Trouble Again With EU

The European Commission has once again attacked Microsoft for bundling Internet Explorer with Windows. The EU (European Union) body recently ruled in principle that such behavior breaches European competition laws. The ruling concludes a year-long ... investigation which is the latest in a series of battles between European regulators and Microsoft. In one case, involving the inclusion of Windows Media Player in Windows, Microsoft was fined a total of $745 million. The European Commission is the executive wing of the European political system: it carries out the laws made by politicians. Its new ... (view more)

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9M PCs infected with New Conficker Worm

A malicious Internet worm known as Conficker, Downadup, or Kido that spreads through low security networks, memory sticks and PCs without the latest security updates, is infecting machines by the millions. (Source: ) The worm was first ... discovered in October 2008 and a security patch by Microsoft was issued at that time. However, a recent, new strain of the worm was developed and has managed to infect an estimated 9 million machines with 1 million new infections per day. (Source: ) Microsoft says the worm works by searching for a windows executable file named "services.exe ... (view more)

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Microsoft Earned $1.5B from Vista Capable PCs, Claims Expert

According to a court document, an expert estimates that Microsoft earned more than $1.5 billion through the sales of PCs labeled as "Vista Capable" when they allowed some PC makers to label XP-running PCs as "Vista Capable" prior to the release of ... the Windows Vista operating system in early 2007. (Source: ) Last February we reported that a "Vista Capable" lawsuit was granted class-action status because some PCs labeled as "Vista Capable" were only capable of running the most basic version of the operating system. (Source: ) Despite claims that Microsoft ... (view more)


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