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Win7 Hardware Compatibility Much Improved over Vista

Microsoft says it's working with 10,000 software and hardware manufacturers to maximize the compatibility of Windows 7, in an attempt to avoid one of the most critical issues with Windows Vista. Bill Veghte, the Microsoft executive who oversees ... Windows development, says the work of 10,000 firms towards optimum compatibility is evidence that his company is serious about making the Windows 7 experience a convenient, easy, and enjoyable one. Veghte went on to say that the current efforts are unprecedented for the release candidate stage and Microsoft normally doesn't get to the 10,000 firm ... (view more)

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Vista Ultimate Users Demand Free Upgrade to Win7

When Microsoft released Windows Vista "Ultimate Edition" a while back, many users purchased the special version because of the promised "extras" not available to standard Vista users. Imagine the disappointment when Microsoft failed to live up to ... the hype. (Source: ) Now, a group of dejected consumers are urging Microsoft to give all Vista Ultimate owners a free upgrade to Windows 7 as compensation for their trouble. Vista Ultimate Disappointment In 2007, amidst the anticipation and fanfare over the upcoming "Ultimate" version release of Vista, Microsoft began touting all ... (view more)

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MS Confirms: Windows 7 to arrive before Christmas

In the tech world, Christmas time is key to successful sales. Failing to release Windows Vista by December 25, 2006 was a large setback for Microsoft, which afterwards watched in vain as consumers opted for the older XP instead. It's not clear if a ... Christmas release would have changed that for the likes of Vista, but holiday sales may have helped cement it as a 'must-have' for consumers. That said, Microsoft will likely not make that same mistake again. The Redmond-based company has confirmed that Windows 7 will in fact be released in time for the holidays, and the move could help drive up ... (view more)

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3D Realms (Duke Nukem) Calls it Quits, Fragged by Economy

For all the excitement that follows Nintendo's Wii and big-name releases for the Sony PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Xbox 360, the video game industry is hardly impervious to attack by a spiraling global economy. Now, word comes that a fan-favorite ... developer and Microsoft are both laying off staff. The worst news might be word that 3D Realms, best known as the developer for the sensationally popular mid-90s hit Duke Nukem 3D, will close its doors, laying off all of its employees. Two decades ago 3D Realms began life as Garland, Texas' Apogee Software, owned and administered by Scott Miller and ... (view more)

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Microsoft Completes Layoffs with 3,000 More Cuts

Microsoft has revealed that it will go forward with previous plans to cut a significant portion of its staff. The company has now terminated 5,000 employees since the beginning of the year. Back in January, Microsoft announced plans to shave off ... about seventeen per cent of its global workforce. It immediately slashed 1,400 jobs that month, and planned to spread the remaining 3,600 or so over the next 18 months. However, with the recent announcement Microsoft also revealed it had already reached the 5,000 mark -- far ahead of schedule. No Security for MS Workers "As we move forward, we will ... (view more)

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French National Police Dump Windows for Linux

By gradually migrating to a complete open source desktop and web applications, Gendarmerie Nationale, the French national police force with 105,000 employees, has saved millions of euros. The move cuts Microsoft out of the equation, helping the ... French national police force slash its IT costs by 70 percent. Most of the money saved was on proprietary software licenses, beginning in 2004. Previously, the acquired Gendarmerie Nationale acquired 12,000 to 15,000 licenses annually. Gendarmerie National's decision to adopt a strictly open-standards IT policy began in 2002 with the intention of ... (view more)

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MS Xbox Exec Flies Coop to Apple

One of Microsoft's senior executives has fled his post as director of the company's European Xbox operations. Richard Teversham is headed for Apple's business on that continent, ending a decade-and-a-half of service at Microsoft. It's not yet ... confirmed what Teversham will be doing with Apple across the pond, but given the iPhone and iPod Touch's continuing involvement in gaming -- and the promise these games have to eventually challenge the likes of Sony's PSP and even Nintendo's DS -- it's a fairly safe bet that he'll play a significant role in improving interactive entertainment on the ... (view more)

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MS Releases Office 2007 SP2, Vista SP2 due in Q4

Users of Microsoft's very popular Office 2007 software will be pleased to hear that a free update and download for the program, dubbed MS Office 2007 Service Pack 2, is available now, and promises to improve performance while adding several select ... new features. Unfortunately, there have been some reported issues preventing a full-blown ticker-tape parade. The main draw for users will undoubtedly be Microsoft's decision to add some support for non-Microsoft file formats. Once the download is complete, it will allow users to read and write Open Document Format files, documents used by the ... (view more)

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Windows 7 Launch Date Leaked

According to reports, it looks like Windows 7 will be released October 23, 2009. That's a few months earlier than Microsoft had publicly committed to, and could mean extra sales for the holiday season. So far, Microsoft has only described its target ... of releasing the new system three years after Windows Vista, which would have been 23 January. But British laptop manufacturer Acer has told a tech website his firm will be selling a Windows 7 PC after October 23. Bobby Watkins told that Acer's new Z5600 model, specially designed for Windows 7, will be available with the system ... (view more)

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IE8 Kill Switch: Enough to Satisfy EU's Antitrust?

According to reports, Microsoft has met the deadline set by the European Union for addressing antitrust concerns, including the bundling of its Internet Explorer browser with Windows. The European Union has thus far led the fight against what many ... feel are Microsoft's antitrust policies, the most concerning of which include the company's packaging of its ubiquitous Internet Explorer (IE) browser with its equally popular Windows operating systems. Some claim that the packaging practice "shields" IE against competition from Mozilla and other, smaller companies, and that Microsoft owes its power ... (view more)


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