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MS Still Denies Zune Phone Hybrid, Despite Report

Microsoft has again denied reports it is planning to launch its own phone despite rumors that suggest it's working on a music-based handset to rival the iPhone. The latest report, one of the most mainstream so far, comes from the Wall Street ... Journal. It says Microsoft has had discussions with Verizon about teaming up to launch a smartphone on the network. Such a phone wouldn't just be another handset running Windows Mobile, but would have enhanced multimedia capabilities and include the Windows Marketplace for Mobile, Microsoft's take on Apple's App Store, due to launch later this year. ... (view more)

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MS Vine said to Improve, Simplify Social Networking

Critics complain social networking kills privacy , allowing friends and enemies alike to slowly and methodically 'creep' your personal details without you ever having to know. It would seem appropriate, then, that Microsoft's first major foray into ... social networking should be called "Vine," which both uses and attempts to improve upon Facebook and Twitter. Vine works by asking users to download its special dashboard-style application. Once that's installed, a user is prompted to sign into his or her Windows Live account, where they're presented with a map-like interface that provides news and ... (view more)

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Service Pack

A Service Pack (SP) is a collection of updates, fixes and/or enhancements to a software program delivered in the form of a single installable package. Many companies (such as Microsoft) typically release a service pack when the number of individual ... patches to a given program reaches a certain (arbitrary) limit. Installing a service pack is easier and less error-prone than installing a high number of patches individually, even more so when updating multiple computers over a network. Service packs are usually numbered, and thus shortly referred to as SP1, SP2, SP3 etc. They may also bring, ... (view more)

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Windows 7 Premium to Support Windows XP Mode (XPM)

Apparently Microsoft has learned a few lessons from some of their many Windows Vista fiascos . In a move that appears aimed at backwards compatibility, some versions of Windows 7 will include a virtualized Windows XP mode. Dubbed Windows XP Mode, or ... XPM (formerly known as Virtual Windows XP or Virtual XP, VXP) will ship alongside the Windows 7 Release Candidate (RC) in May and then in its final version with Windows 7's own ultimate release. (Source: ) Dramatic Changes in Compatibility XPM is the next generation Microsoft Virtual PC 7 product line, and according to Rafael Rivera and ... (view more)

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MS Windows 8: Details Emerge via Help Wanted Ad

With only a few weeks until Microsoft's Windows 7 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) is released, Microsoft is already looking for people to help with Windows 8. An April 14th job ad posted by Microsoft says the upcoming version of Windows will have new ... features like cluster support and support for one way replication. Apparently the Windows 8 kernel is being reworked to provide dramatic performance improvements. Windows 8 will also include innovative features that, according to Microsoft, will revolutionize file access in branch offices. (Source: ) In the Planning Stage for a While ... (view more)

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Windows 7 RC1 Arrives May 5th

Those anticipating Windows 7 , Microsoft's new operating system, will be happy to hear that the Redmond-based software giant will make its Release Candidate 1 (RC1) edition available soon. Starting May 5, Microsoft will provide Windows 7 RC1 through ... and There's been some confusion about the download date. Microsoft's Partner Program site not so long ago bragged that the Windows 7 Release Candidate was already available, luring users in with the promise that the build was available "now". However, as Ars Technica recently found out, that appears to be a typo and the full ... (view more)

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Justice Dept Seeks Extension in MS Antitrust Case

The U.S. Department of Justice (US DOJ) and several states have requested an extension of restrictive antitrust oversight of Microsoft Corp. An 18 month extension was requested by the DOJ and 17 U.S. states, including New York and California, in ... order to 'thoroughly scrub' technical documentation Microsoft is producing to comply with antitrust law. The DOJ's restrictive oversight of Microsoft was first implemented in 2002 as part of an antitrust settlement that required Microsoft to produce reams of technical documentation designed for enabling rivals to design compatible products with ... (view more)

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Win7: Why MS Wants You to Buy Laptop, not Netbook

A mix of dwindling profits and fussy consumers is causing Microsoft Corp. to take extra precautions when planning the release of their forthcoming Windows 7 operating system. The current economic meltdown presents a dual challenge for Microsoft: on ... one hand, the company knows that consumers are likely to flock towards the less expensive netbook computer models that offer only the most essential features. When the consumer opens their new netbook computer for the first time, Microsoft wants to ensure that one of their operating systems is running on it. On the other hand, Microsoft wants to ... (view more)

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Apple Responds to MS Ads: PCs Are 'No Bargain'

Apple recently made its first public comment on ads from Microsoft depicting shoppers that reject Mac computers in favor of PCs . Surprisingly, Apple agrees with some of the ads' conclusions. Bill Evans, a spokesman for the company, told ... BusinessWeek that "The one thing that both Apple and Microsoft can agree on is that everyone thinks the Mac is cool." However, he rejects the implication that PCs are better value, arguing "A PC is no bargain when it doesn't do what you want." (Source: ) The PC Price Is Right The Microsoft campaign involves 'ordinary shoppers' who are tasked ... (view more)

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MS Office 2010 Announced with $7.7B In Development

The next edition of Microsoft's Office software will include an online version which doesn't need to be installed on computers. It's a clear rival to other cloud services , such as Google Docs. There aren't many official details available on the ... online version yet, but it appears the system will work on several browsers: not just Internet Explorer but also Firefox, Safari and the iPhone browser. Users who want to do more than simply edit a simple document at once will likely have to install Silverlight, Microsoft's take on Adobe's Flash. This will allow users to upload and collaborate on ... (view more)


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