
Dennis Faas's picture

Block and Remove / Uninstall Internet Explorer 7 (IE7)

Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) has been released as of November 1, 2006. If you're not ready for it yet, there are a few options to prevent its installation through Automatic Updates. Personally, I update my computer manually, so I can see what's being ... installed before it's installed. Reports say that IE7 is more secure and has more functionality than Internet Explorer 6 (some improvements include tabbed browsing and a built-in RSS reader) -- but I prefer to wait until they get a few more bugs worked out and some patches for the flaws that still exist before I'll agree to install it myself. Many ... (view more)

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Windows Vista: Growing Concerns Over Consumer Choice

Representatives from Google Inc. were unable to comment on the measures Microsoft Corporation has taken to ensure that its customers will have easy accessibility to an array of Internet search engines when the Vista operating system launches in the ... coming months. (Source: ) In a recent media interview, David Drummond, Google's senior vice president of corporate development continually stressed the importance of consumer choice of search and other applications when using the Vista system. (Source: ) Vista is Microsoft's first major update in nearly six years and the ... (view more)

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Microsoft to Silence MSN Music Downloads After Zune Launch

Microsoft recently announced a big change to the MSN Music website: as of November 14th (the launch date of the much-hyped Zune), the website will no longer be offering music downloads. While the MSN Music website will still remain, its focus will ... change toward offering information such as interviews with musicians and industry news, as well as hosting live concerts. The biggest change is that the "Buy Song" buttons will be taken off and replaced by links to the Zune and Real Rhapsody websites. In addition, the MSN Radio service will be free. (Source: ) MSN Music was launched in ... (view more)

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Microsoft Offers Failing Software Free of Charge

Wouldn't it be nice if every company offered users its lowest-selling, zero-profit-making products for free? Hey, I'd take a Sega Dreamcast. Well, now it appears that Microsoft is offering Office Accounting Express 2007 to end users for free, ... providing a complimentary license to download the otherwise expensive product. Office Accounting Express 2007 (OAE 2007) is a low-end calculating program for small businesses. That doesn't make it a cheap product, but apparently it hasn't exactly been popular amongst Microsoft clients. As a result, the company is offering the program for free download as ... (view more)

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Vista Upgrades on the Cheap

It seems Mr. Bill Gates will be donning a big red suit this holiday season, as Microsoft readies its new operating system, Vista, for release in the New Year. The software giant appears ready to launch a massive upgrade program for many of its loyal ... customers, with reduced prices for those interested in replacing the Windows XP operating system with Vista. The generous upgrade offers are being called "coupons" by some, with speculation that the initiative is being driven by Microsoft's own guilt over continuously pushing back Vista's release. The "coupons" will be available any day now, and ... (view more)

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Xbox 360 Incites Impressive Earnings for Microsoft

According to reports, Microsoft has posted some very impressive profits for the first quarter of its fiscal year. This period, ending September 30, saw earnings that were generally higher than most expectations expressed by the company, a surprise ... considering the fact that Microsoft's most anticipated product, the operating system Vista, is yet to even be released. The official terminology for said earnings place the profits at the "high end of expectations". The reasoning behind such a bountiful windfall appears to be the success of both the Xbox 360 console and Microsoft's SQL Server 2005. ... (view more)

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Internet Explorer 8.0 Already Rumored

Have you recently made the leap of faith from the relatively-buggy Internet Explorer 6 to the recently released and even-more-buggy IE7? IE7 is Microsoft's latest web browser and promises better options and security. Although it has gone through its ... own controversy in recent weeks, Internet Explorer 7 is generally considered an advancement in Internet surfing. And with that said, there are strong rumors that the Redmond-based company has already begun working on Internet Explorer "Next," which should be ultimately dubbed Internet Explorer 8.0. Recently appointed Internet Explorer platform ... (view more)

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Microsoft's Vista 'PatchGuard' Hacked by a Security Company?

It appears that some of Microsoft's ambitiousness in developing its latest operating system, Windows Vista, is receiving anything but glowing reviews from other segments of the electronics industry. Recently, a few notable vendors are expressing ... anger over Microsoft's internal virus protection within Vista, which they claim has not been developed in coordination with other security companies and is thus, susceptible to hackers. The main problem stems from Microsoft's refusal to allow firms like Authentium, McAfee, and Symantec from full access to the "kernel" technology within the 64-bit ... (view more)

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McAfee and Symantec: Vista May Be Less Safe Than XP

Both McAfee and Symantec have recently countered claims that Microsoft has provided security firms with enough information to get their products working its upcoming operating system, Windows Vista. McAfee's Worldwide Corporate Communications Vice ... President Siobhan MacDermott released a statement explaining that the information is inadequate. MacDermott says that although McAfee has received a document that contained the SDK (Software Development Kit) for Windows Security Centre, requests for both clarifications and meetings have been ignored. "To date, we have not had any cooperation from MS ... (view more)

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IE7 To Be Sent As Automatic Update

Now that Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) is now officially out, and Microsoft is trying to position it as a viable replacement for Mozilla Firefox -- but there are already some security issues with the new browser. One way Microsoft may be trying to ... "bigfoot" Firefox is by making IE7 an automatic update. Starting in November, computers with Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, or Windows Server 2003 will automatically receive IE7. (Source: ) From a distance, it appears that Microsoft is essentially forcing its newest browser onto an unsuspecting public. ... (view more)


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