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Vista Crack Available

Microsoft definitely does not need this. Less than two weeks after a rather successful business launch (that did, however, have its own problems), it has become clear that a crack is available to home users that will exploit one of Vista's features ... and allow pirates to use the system for free, for up to 180 days. Although Microsoft is remaining very, very quiet about the crack (with only a rep or two whispering to the media that there's no evidence to support the rumor), it isn't particularly difficult to find a torrent or two offering it up. The key is for the user to obtain a Windows Vista ... (view more)

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Zune: a Misfit for Microsoft?

Microsoft eagerly entered the digital music player industry earlier this month by releasing the much anticipated Zune. However, the product's place in the company is not yet a perfect fit; in fact, Microsoft's whole strategy with the device seems a ... bit puzzling. The Microsoft Zune, similar to Apple's iPod, exists within an ecosystem that unites music player and music content into a closed system. Clearly, Microsoft's decision to create a closed system reflects the company's aim to mimic Apple's success. However, the move seems to be inconsistent with Microsoft's strategy of encouraging ... (view more)

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'Kill Switch' In Vista and Office 2007?

As the release of Vista nears, so too does the highly-anticipated business tool, Office 2007. With it will come a host of new options and features for corporate users -- so long as they're playing fair. Recently, insiders are whispering more and ... more about the rumored "Kill Switch", first reported here on back in July . Although we could only speculate on the possibility that the switch would exist via WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage) affected Vista PCs, it's now becoming apparent that the same could be true when it comes to Office 2007. (source: ) Back during those ... (view more)

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Microsoft Faces More Patent Problems

Microsoft sure is having some difficulty with this whole patent business. While the company struggles to calm a stormy sea caused by CEO Steve Ballmer's statement that recent partner Novell is infringing on Microsoft's intellectual property , it ... appears the software giant must now face the loss of patent rights in South Korea, a major Asian market. The problem stems from court cases dating back months, which recently reached a very unfavorable decision for the Redmond-based company. The patent infringement -- in this case -- surrounds a local university professor's claims that he first ... (view more)

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Microsoft Lawsuits Reel in Phishers

Phishers, beware. In the past eight months, Microsoft's anti-phishing initiative has resulted in the filing of 129 lawsuits across Europe and the Middle East, the company said last Wednesday. Phishing activities, in which individuals attempt to ... deceptively obtain sensitive information, such as bank account information by posing as a credible source, have ballooned in the past few years. A recent research report released by Symantec has revealed that the number of attempts to trick individuals into handing over their bank account details has doubled in the first half of 2006. (Source: reuters. ... (view more)

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Microsoft Updates WGA

Last summer, Microsoft made a rather big mess of things with WGA, or the Windows Genuine Advantage program. The company had only recently delayed Windows Vista, and the public was primed and ready to jump on them for any other slip ups. That came ... with the aforementioned WGA, MS' attempt to introduce antipiracy software. The problem wasn't necessarily the concept so much as it was the nature in which Microsoft implemented the program. Well, it appears the Redmond-based company has drastically updated WGA, and some of the harshest critics from mid-year are now slightly less annoyed. Although ... (view more)

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Exec: Microsoft Depends on Gamers

With the launch of the Nintendo Wii and Sony Playstation 3 now underway, the next-gen war between these two gaming powerhouses and Microsoft (producers of the Xbox 360) is now officially on. That should make for some mudslinging in the media and ... ambitious attempts to trump one another in the general gaming realm. However, although the former two systems -- the Wii and PS3 -- are produced by makers who do depend on the success of their consoles, it's surprising to hear Microsoft's Xbox 360 chief Peter Moore tell the media that the software giant (which has its hands in pretty much everything) ... (view more)

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Novell and Microsoft: An Editorial

This is an Editorial. Actually, it is more of a commentary on my last posting concerning Microsoft's CEO and his remarks that declared his 'position' on the Novell/Microsoft agreement. Mr. Ballmer stated that Microsoft was preparing to take Linux to ... task over Intellectual Property rights. He stated he was doing this for his 'share holders' to increase their 'profits'. It appears that Mr. Ballmer was speaking about himself more than anyone else since he owns a fairly large chunk of Microsoft stock. However, there are a few things that Mr. Ballmer needs to be made aware before he speaks out on ... (view more)

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Microsoft and Dell Spawn Custom Vista PC

Isn't that sweet. Just when you get the impression that no other company -- even a partner like Novell -- can cooperate with software giant Microsoft, along comes Dell. It appears this new relationship has spawned offspring, in the form of one ... heckuva powerful custom-built PC. It's part of Dell and Microsoft's celebration of the Vista release, and either signifies future joint endeavors, or that MS simply pays hardware producers handsomely. Regardless of your feelings towards either company -- whether you're anti-Windows, anti-Internet Explorer, or even anti-Dell -- the two have certainly ... (view more)

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Novell Responds to Microsoft Patent Claims

Love 'em or hate 'em, thus far TomKat's marriage has been a rosier adventure than the recent joining of Microsoft and Novell, which, just weeks in is already on rocky footing. That's because the two tech companies are already squabbling over certain ... patent rights disclosed within the deal, and the result could lead to anything but a worthwhile relationship between the powerhouse companies. Most of the outrage is the result of Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's recent remark that Novell's signing of the deal acknowledges that the company is infringing on MS intellectual property. Apparently, Novell ... (view more)


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