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Microsoft's Virtual Earth To Rival Google

Microsoft Corporation recently launched a revolutionary software program that will take end-users on a three-dimensional journey through fifteen American cities. The company has made substantial upgrades to their online mapping service and has ... developed a 3D program called "Virtual Earth." (Source: ) The initial set of virtual cities include San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Detroit, Phoenix, Houston, Baltimore, Atlanta, Denver, Dallas and Fort Worth, with even more cities expected in the future. While the program is still far ... (view more)

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Free Windows Vista for Bug Testers

It pays to play doctor. Although in real life -- where people get hurt and receive unfortunate diseases -- doctors are paid handsomely for saving lives. And, in the sometimes strange tech world, those who merely pretend to be doctors reap all of the ... rewards. That's because those developers who helped test Microsoft's new operating system, Vista, are being offered free copies of the upcoming OS. There's just one little white lining to the proceedings: they must have found a potentially sickening bug in the system. The requirements really are simple. If you were one of the exclusive beta ... (view more)

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On Microsoft and Novell: The Leopard Still Has Spots

In my last article, I likened Microsoft to the fabled leopard that couldn't change its spots. As it happens, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has proven that indeed, the leopard is still covered in spots. Mr. Ballmer declared his belief that the Linux ... operating system infringes on Microsoft's intellectual property. What is so laughable about his assertion is that Microsoft has had those exact same charges leveled at them by companies such as Apple, Xerox, and several other entities. (Source: ) What is Intellectual Property? Intellectual property (or "IP") is a method of legal ... (view more)

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CompUSA and Microsoft Announce Vista Small Business Package

Small businesses desiring an upgrade to Microsoft's newest operating system, Vista, need not worry. Although it was first rumored that mini corporations would have to wait until the home release of Vista in late January of next year, the ... Redmond-based company has announced that the operating system will be available on November 30, instead. (source: ) Small businesses anxious for the upgrade can thank a joint effort from vendor CompUSA and Microsoft. The special package is part of Microsoft's recognition that half of small businesses shop at retailers for their operating system ... (view more)

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Microsoft To Snuff Pirated Vista Software

Microsoft announced Wednesday that pirated versions of it's Vista operating system (OS) will be of "limited value" to anyone who has received a copy of the company's newest version of Windows. The new OS is said to have integrated anti-counterfeit ... technology, which disables the pirated versions from being used. (Source: The software giant's announcement comes as a reaction to earlier reports that the key code to "crack" Vista's activation process was posted on peer-to-peer networks, Usenet groups and BitTorrent download sites. (Source: Although Microsoft is " ... (view more)

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Survey Reveals More About Businesses' Plans for Vista

With the Vista Business launch less than two weeks away, many are anticipating the arrival of the new operating system. A recent survey revealed further details about businesses' plans to adopt Vista, and the timelines they expect to follow. The ... survey, commissioned by direct-marketing reseller CDW, asked 761 IT managers from different sized business about their company's plan for Vista adoption. 86% of respondents plan to upgrade to Vista, and about 20% expect to start deployment within the next twelve months. While the figure may seem optimistic to some, it should be noted that "starting ... (view more)

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The Time Has Come: Thoughts on Vista, Microsoft, and Web 2.0

"The time has come," the Walrus said," to speak of many things. Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, Of cabbages and kings..." Not that I liken myself to the Walrus in Lewis Carroll's 'The Walrus and the Carpenter', but it is still time to speak of ... many things. In fact, things are changing with the speed of a run-away freight train, and you need to know the facts before things get out of hand. This is truly a cautionary exercise and not a case of 'Chicken Littleism'. Microsoft and Novell Microsoft and Novell entered into a collaborative agreement a couple weeks ago to develop a set of ... (view more)

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Microsoft Cozies Up with Linux for $348 million

Familiar with Linux? It's the hardcore techie's answer to the more restrictive (albeit user-friendly) operating systems from Microsoft and Apple. Those who know what they're doing with Linux can achieve unparalleled goals via software applications ... and open source technology. It's also a great way to hack an Xbox. Changes are possible upon the horizon, however, with the recent announcement that Microsoft has partnered with Linux owner Novell. The result is a relationship that will continue until at least 2012, and include some major cash transactions. The primary goal of the agreement is to ... (view more)

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Windows Media Player 11 Debuts for Windows XP

Microsoft has recently released Windows Media Player 11, the newest installment for Windows XP. One of the biggest changes is the Media Player's integration with "URGE," MTV Networks' digital music center. URGE's catalog offers more than 110,000 ... artists and over 2 million songs. Users can query for "instant searches," which easily narrows search results with each entry; they can also sign up to receive streaming content according to their preferences. The integration is one of the ways in which Microsoft hopes to surmount Apple's dominance in the digital music industry. (Source: toptechnews. ... (view more)

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MS Vista Goes Gold

For those who have seen Microsoft's much-anticipated new operating system, Windows Vista, delayed time and time again, the recent news that the OS has officially gone gold will be refreshing (if not surprising) news. Announced at 11am Pacific time ... yesterday, Microsoft has officially moved production of Vista to manufacturers. That's the last step before retailers get their hands on the OS, which is set to ship to business soon and home PCs by the end of January. The release dates, although rumored for months, have never been 100% clear. Instead, information leaks are generally confirming ... (view more)


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