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A Few Thoughts: Microsoft and Windows Vista

Since last November and even before that, Microsoft has been aggressively hyping the features and virtues of Vista. We've all seen it talked about in the printed media, on television, and on web sites, including Infopackets. Is Vista the latest and ... greatest Windows operating system ever produced? The jury is still out on that. Even I, the local Linux 'geek', look upon Vista and can see where there are seeds of potential greatness, but only the potential. It's just too soon to say for sure if will attain greatness. Why So Much Memory? On the technical side, the reasons for the expanded ... (view more)

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Windows Vista: Limited IE7 Protection Mode

"Protected Mode provides the safety of a robust Internet browsing experience while helping prevent hackers from taking over the system and installing programs or deleting your information." At least, that's what the Windows Vista web site and all ... the commercials tell you. The problem is, you're not as protected as you thought you were. According to Microsoft, users with Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) in Windows Vista are better protected from malicious web exploits than users with IE7 in Windows XP -- all thanks to the introduction of Vista's Protected Mode. With Protected Mode enabled on a ... (view more)

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Microsoft Pulls The Plug on Windows XP

In what appears to be a last ditch effort to sell more of it's newest operating system (OS), Microsoft has notified computer manufacturers that by the start of 2008, they will no longer be allowed to ship PCs loaded with Windows XP. "The OEM version ... of XP Professional goes next January," said Frank Luburic, senior ThinkPad product manager for Lenovo. "At that point, they'll have no choice." "Dell recognizes the needs of small business customers and understands that more time is needed to transition to a new operating system," Dell said on its Direct2Dellblog . Dell plans to continue offering ... (view more)

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Microsoft to Purchase DoubleClick?

Online advertising company DoubleClick is looking for a buyer, and many analysts speculate that Microsoft is going to spend the big bucks necessary to acquire the company. In 2005, the private-equity firm Hellman ... (view more)

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Microsoft sued over Vista 'Capable' and 'Premium Ready' Marketing

In the first of what may become many law suits involving Microsoft Windows Vista, a class action suit was recently filed alleging that people who bought "Vista Capable" and "Vista Ready" computers last year have found themselves with a machine ... barely capable of running Vista, not capable of running "the real Vista." Last year, before the release of Windows Vista, Microsoft and several computer makers launched a program to put "Windows Vista Capable" logos on computers that met hardware requirements to run the new operating system when it came out. The law suit alleges that people bought the ... (view more)

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MS Critical Security Fix: Released Ahead of Schedule

Microsoft Corp. released an emergency security patch to plug a hole recently found in several versions of Windows, including the company's brand-new operating system, Vista. Microsoft is receiving some ridicule from industry analysts, since the ... company has invested months of promotion, claiming that Vista is the most secure operating system ever. Many have said that the hole has the company so worried, that Microsoft put their critical security fix one whole week ahead of their regularly scheduled update. (Source: ) The hole allows hackers to break into personal computers and ... (view more)

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Global Vista Sales Higher Than Expected

Although most of us are aware that Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows Vista, is an improvement to yesterday's XP, few are convinced it's worth the pain of upgrading. Further hurting Microsoft's efforts have been a plethora of ... sensationalist reports on Vista shortcomings, many of which overlook the available improvements. Despite the negative light, Vista appears to be shining on the global stage, accounting for some 20 million licenses sold in a month. Still love XP? It's worth noting that Vista's initial sales are double that of XP, Microsoft's previous operating system. By ... (view more)

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Microsoft offers Businesses Paid Incentive for Search

Usually, embarking on a corporate upgrade path that involves fresh software is an expensive venture. It can take millions of dollars to update company computers, pay IT overtime, and train those who might use it. However, with Microsoft's recently ... unveiled Live Search technology, the Redmond-based company is actually offering to pay corporations who integrate it. The handout is rumored to include a $25,000 base provision, with an additional $2 to $10 for every PC using the Live Search. For the time being, Microsoft is looking to try the incentive program with 30 companies in North America, ... (view more)

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Research Suggests Exchange 2007 Migration to Reach $50B

The recent release of Microsoft Vista and Exchange 2007 has IT managers and system administrators taking a long hard look at upgrading their organization's infrastructures reports. (Source: ). While there may be some advantages to the ... new products such as enhanced security features, optimized mobility functions and integrated searching, there are just as many if not more challenges, including hardware upgrades and compatibility issues. Keith McCall, founder and CTO of Azaleos, a company that builds appliances with Microsoft software preloaded and preconfigured then provides ... (view more)

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Is Vista Worth It?: A Closer Look

Is Vista worth it? With all the hoopla, hype, and criticism floating around the 'net since Vista's release, it's no wonder users are confused as to whether the leap to Microsoft's new operating system is a good investment. In a recent article by ... Laptop Magazine, author Jeffrey Wilson wrote that "it's no secret that Microsoft's new operating system offers plenty of additional functionality over XP and gives users a much better experience overall." It's also no secret that Vista has taken some serious heat in recent weeks for a number of issues, the most frequently reported surrounding ... (view more)


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