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Fed-Up Gamers Sue Microsoft

Not long after Microsoft announced that it would be extending the warranty on Xbox 360 consoles to three years, system owners served up a class action lawsuit against the company, seeking $5 million in damages for scratched discs. The lawsuit, filed ... in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, claims that the plaintiffs "have been damaged in that their game discs were destroyed by the Xbox 360 during reasonable, foreseeable, normal, and intended use." The lawsuit maintains that Microsoft is responsible since "the Xbox 360 was negligently designed and manufactured in that the console's laser disc reading ... (view more)

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Down on Vista Down Under

So, we've read all about Windows Vista in North America. Despite selling some 40 million plus copies, it's generally considered a work in progress (with many consumers avoiding the new Microsoft product altogether). But, what's the mood in other ... parts of the world? In Australia, Queensland Purchasing, part of the Queensland Department of Public Works, procured bids to purchase desktop computers, portable computers and servers for 26 agencies. All the computers are required to be supplied with Windows XP SP2 licenses, Microsoft Office 2003 and media. (Source: ) The department ... (view more)

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Is Windows Vista the End?

Is Microsoft finally beginning to get it or is this more smoke? According to , Microsoft has decided to continue focusing on desktop products. This means Windows Vista and the 2007 Office System will be followed by Windows Seven and ... Office 14. Kevine Turner, Chief Operating Officer at Microsoft, emphasized the fact that Windows Vista will not be the last big operating system release from Microsoft. That also holds true for Office 2007. "There will be another release of and launch of a Vista type operating system. There will be another release of Office, and we're going to ... (view more)

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Will Microsoft Reduce the Price of its Xbox 360?

After Sony Corporation reduced the price of its PlayStation 3 system, rumors swirled that Microsoft was to make a similar move with its Xbox 360 price tags. Lower prices were the talk of the town at the recent Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) ... videogame trade show. Nintendo's Wii console, which now outsells its competitors, is allegedly what provoked Sony's price cut. As the PlayStation 3 quickly fell far behind its rivals, Sony dropped the system's price from $599 to $499. Many were led to believe that a price cut would happen for Microsoft because the company's profits experienced a ... (view more)

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Microsoft Takes $1 Billion Hit

Microsoft put many Xbox users' minds to rest last Thursday, when the company announced that it would be extending the warranty on the Xbox 360. The peace of mind won't come cheap for Microsoft, however, which will take a hit of just over $1 billion ... to provide the extended warranty. "As a result of what Microsoft views as an unacceptable number of repairs to Xbox 360 consoles, the company conducted extensive investigations into potential sources of general hardware failures," Microsoft said in a statement. (Source: ) The company said that the investigations revealed many factors ... (view more)

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Be Cautious of Upcoming Vista SP1 Beta

After spending months denying that there even was a Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1), Microsoft will be rushing out the first Vista SP1 beta around the middle of July. After agreeing to change the search feature in Vista due to complaints by Google and ... leading everyone to believe the first beta of SP1 for Vista wouldn't be released until near or after the first of the year, it now appears that Microsoft is attempting to get the final version of Vista SP1 out around November 2007. There is also a lot of widespread speculation that Vista SP1 is being rolled out in an effort to encourage Vista ... (view more)

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Vista Users Beware: Big Brother is Watching released a nice article regarding the plethora of Windows Vista "features and services" that collect, maintain and transmit your personal data to Microsoft and/or their "controlled subsidiaries and affiliates." If you're going to use ... Vista, you really don't have much say in the matter. Microsoft makes it crystal-clear that they're gathering information. The Vista Privacy Statement and the End User License Agreement (EULA) references most of these "features and services", but not all of them. "This disclosure focuses on features that communicate with the Internet and is not ... (view more)

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Microsoft Forces Pirates to Walk the Plank

It was about this time last year that Microsoft began a shock-and-awe campaign against piracy. Its most coveted weapon? WGA, or the Windows Genuine Advantage, which checks the legitimacy of their software and reports back to Microsoft headquarters. ... An anti-piracy program based on a spyware-like strategy? Only Microsoft could do it! The backlash against the company was strong, and may have even kept a few users away from the much-hyped Windows Vista. However, there's still no stopping the Redmond-based firm's war on piracy. It's now going after some 23 California and Florida companies for ... (view more)

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One More Reason to Fear Microsoft

Although they certainly take a lot of heat from competitors like Google, Apple, or even the Vista-buying public, Microsoft is one of the most iconic and arguably trustworthy names in tech. That's currently working against web mail users, many of ... which are being duped by a security threat that disguises itself as a Microsoft update. Compared to most spam threats, this one is particularly brilliant (and thus, dangerous). The fake emails, which carry and install malware, are actually personalized for the unlucky recipient. According to security company Internet Storm Center, the victim's first ( ... (view more)

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Microsoft Simplifies XP Rollback

Although chairman and recent Harvard graduate Bill Gates has bragged that Microsoft has shipped its new operating system, Windows Vista, some 40 million times, there has been much criticism of the product. That's not news. However, word that ... Microsoft will offer more simplified methods of "downgrading" new systems to Windows XP, is. Much to the company's chagrin, customers have demanded that newly purchased computers ship with the outgoing operating system XP rather than Vista, which took some ten years to create. (Source: ) The new, XP-friendly initiative will help customers ... (view more)


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