
Dennis Faas's picture

Take Microsoft With A Grain of Salt

Over the past year, we have been hearing a lot about Vista from Microsoft. So what is the real truth? I cannot answer that question and I'm not going to try. I will, however, give you some figures that might blow some of Microsoft's 'fog' away. The ... World Wide Web Consortium (also known as W3C) is an organization that tries to establish and control the Web by setting standards for such things as the HTML language (used to create the web pages). They are, perhaps, the only source of information available that is based on gathered data about the usage of the web. Sometimes the numbers point out ... (view more)

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Google Gears Allow Software Programs To Function Offline

Millions of people use free online software programs that deliver news, email and a host of other services on a daily basis. While these programs make information and communication easier than ever before, they are still limited in their use to only ... when the individual is online. (Source: ) That's all about to change! In an effort to test the limitations of the Internet once again, Google is attempting to make many free online applications, like their popular G-mail and spreadsheet programs, available offline for users who experience trouble connecting to the Internet. (Source: ... (view more)

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Microsoft Sues Pump-and-dump Spammers

Microsoft is suing three perpetrators suspicious of using hotmail networks to endorse stocks. "Pump-and-dump email scams are a form of fraud where the criminals purchase stock in a company -- typically an inexpensive penny stock -- and then promote ... the equity in millions of unsolicited email messages." (Source: ) This quick and easy form of spamming is one of the more profitable styles at the present time. Those responsible for sending pump-and-dump emails gain monetary rewards, whereas Microsoft, on the other hand, is burdened with considerable costs. Research focusing on the ... (view more)

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Hardware Issues Continue To Plague Vista

Will you be upgrading to Windows Vista any time soon? Vote your opinion at the end of this article! -- At the annual WinHEC (Windows Hardware Engineering Conference) earlier this month, Microsoft issued new numbers in an attempt to bridge troubled ... waters concerning the success of their new Windows Vista operating system (OS). Microsoft claims to have sold almost 40 million copies of Windows Vista in its first 100 days, twice as many copies of Windows XP after its first 100 days. The big question is, who's buying them? PC makers under contract with them? Consumers aren't buying them at a rapid ... (view more)

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Microsoft Acquisition of Yahoo! May be Kaput

A few weeks ago, the rumored acquisition of Yahoo by software behemoth Microsoft appeared to be a done deal. There was some motive for it, as the pair lagged behind hegemonic web power Google in both search and advertising functionality. And with ... the latter acquiring major ad agency DoubleClick a few months ago, the impetus appeared to be on Microsoft to match such a move. Despite the sense it seemed to make at the outset of May, it's now looking more and more as if Microsoft is no longer interested in the Yahoo deal. (Source: ) So, what's changed in recent weeks? Most notably ... (view more)

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Is Vista Fueling PC Sales?

There was much hope in Redmond, Washington on the morning of January 31, 2007. That day, Microsoft's Windows Vista launched into retail outlets, for the first time available -- in completion -- to home users. Unfortunately, Vista failed to match ... lofty expectations, struggling to remain parallel with XP's early support while remaining far, far behind the mega-popularity of Windows 95. One of the reasons for consumer boredom with Vista was simply the PC market; insiders believed no one was buying computers, and thus, no one really needed an operating system. According to some experts, that may ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Vista Cracks 40 Million Sold, Compatibility Improving

At this rate, it wouldn't surprise any of us if Microsoft constructed its own golden arches outside its Redmond, Washington headquarters with a handy counter recording the number of Vista units sold. It seems as though the company is constantly ... touting the retail success of its recently released operating system (OS). The newest sales figure? According to big boss Bill Gates, 40 million Vistas sold. Another conference, another update, it seems. Chairman Gates announced the numbers at Microsoft's recent Windows Hardware Engineering Conference, a forum for the company to let slip its upcoming ... (view more)

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'Net Jaxer', and 'Microsoft Xps Document Writer Removal Tool'

Net Jaxer Net Jaxer allows you to put 'web 2.0' applications on your desktop, including: gmail, writely, kiko, meebo and other ajax web applications. Microsoft Xps Document Writer Removal Tool Windows Vista introduces the ... XPS Document format, a Windows spool file format, and a page description language (PDL) for printers. The Microsoft XPS Document Writer (MXDW) printer is already in place if you use Vista; however, if you don't want to use this printer to create an XPS document, you can uninstall it completely with the help of this XPS Removal Tool. XPS Removal Tool ... (view more)

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Microsoft's Latest Fiasco: Reader Response

Sound Off! Yesterday, we asked Infopackets Subscribers what they thought of Microsoft's latest fiasco : the claim that various Free Open Source Software (FOSS) developers have violated some 235 Microsoft patents -- and now Microsoft wants to collect ... royalties. So, is Free Open Source Software really doomed -- or is Microsoft simply grabbing straws in hopes of resurrecting lost Vista sales? Infopackets Reader C. Williams was the first to chime in: " Okay, I'll admit it. I've been using a PC since late 2001, and during that time, I have used Windows exclusively. However, my experiences with ... (view more)

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Is Free Software Doomed? MS Claims 235 Patents Violated, Part 1

In what's being labeled by some as an attempt to deflect questions surrounding their floundering Vista reception and sales, Microsoft is threatening law suits aimed at open source distributors and users, claiming that Free Open Source Software ... (FOSS) violates 235 of their patents ... and they want royalties from it. If they get their way, free software won't be free any more. According to Microsoft , the Linux kernel violates 42 Microsoft patents, the Linux graphical user interface (GUI) violates 65 patents, the Open Office suite of programs violate 45 patents, Email programs violate 15 ... (view more)


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