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MS Releases Temp Fix for Critical SMB Network Flaw

A critical flaw in Microsoft's Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 has been addressed by a recent temporary "Fix It" solution. The workaround for the problem in the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol version 2 could prevent hackers from remotely ... invading and raiding your operating system's data. Win7 RC Not Spared Vulnerability Plenty of press surrounded the fact that the problem affected early versions of Windows 7, which is due to be released to the public this coming October 22nd. Some analysts wondered aloud if the issue could mar the company's big launch party. To date, there haven't ... (view more)

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Win7 for $30? Sign Up for Classes

Are you a student on a tight budget? If you are, you're probably a bit worried about the prospect of upgrading your Vista notebook or desktop to the new Windows 7 Operating System (OS). No need to worry -- Microsoft is now offering students the new ... OS for just $30. The deal, which starts October 1st, was first reported by British tech analysts yesterday, who found that U.K. students could preorder a copy of Win7 for just 30 British pounds. That's a good deal, but U.S. college students will be excited to hear that they're also eligible for the deal, at just $30 USD, if the can prove their ... (view more)

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Microsoft Unveils New MS Office Project 2010

Microsoft has unveiled the next incarnation of its Project Management software. And for the first time, it will be a formal part of the Microsoft Office suite. The product itself is geared toward corporate users and is designed to understand and ... control project schedules and finances, effectively communicate and present project information, and get productive quickly. (Source: ) Project 2010: 3 Flavors Offered Project 2010 will come in three editions: Standard, Professional and Server. A beta edition will be available for testing sometime this year, with the final release ... (view more)

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MS Exec: Win7 to Renew Belief in Windows Franchise

At the Jefferies Annual Technology Conference on September 15th, Microsoft Exec Charles Songhurst was quoted as saying that Windows 7 is a "compellingly good product", and even went as far as to say it will "renew belief and innovation in the ... Windows franchise." (Source: ) With sentiments like these, you better believe that Microsoft will do everything in their power to make Win7 succeed and, most importantly, turn a tidy profit. Big Payday Incentive It has been rumored that Microsoft is set to collect, on average, $50 per copy of Windows resulting from higher-end PC sales. ... (view more)

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MS Denies using Explicit PPC Links to Promote Bing

Microsoft has denied suggestions that it has paid to use an explicit term (synonymous with film making) to promote its search engine Bing. Microsoft claims the pay-per-click (PPC) link to the site must have been triggered by another phrase. The ... controversy over the illicit keyword began when a writer at -- who asked to remain anonymous -- somehow wound up searching for the 'nasty' word in Google. The writer was surprised to find that the number one listed item in the sponsored pay-per-click results section was for Microsoft's search engine Bing. (Source: ) How ... (view more)

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Best Buy Employees Trained to Push Win7 Over Linux

Thinking about straying from Microsoft Windows to the Linux operating system? Well, you won't get much reassurance from Best Buy employees, who, according to reports, are being trained to push Windows 7 well ahead of a more basic, and cheaper, ... competitor. 'Training Kit' Materials Leaked Recently a Best Buy employee posted pictures of training materials used by Best Buy (which also happen to be supplied by Microsoft) in anticipation of Windows 7's launch date. (Source: ) The problem? Aside from showering Best Buy employees with a discounted version of Windows 7 for their own, ... (view more)

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Networking Bug Bad Publicity For Windows 7 Launch

Microsoft has confirmed a serious security issue affecting Windows 7 Release Candidate (RC) -- the version that was made available to the public prior to the full release of Windows 7. The problem also currently affects Windows Vista and Server ... 2008, but not Windows XP or Server 2008 R2. The issue involves the Server Message Block (SMB) system which is a part of Windows itself and is used for sharing files over a network. A bug in the system means anyone could take advantage of the exploit and use SMB to gain remote access to (and take control of) a remote computer. Temporary Solution: Block ... (view more)

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MS Patch Tuesday Leaves 3 Critical Flaws Unaddressed

Microsoft yesterday released a package of five Security Bulletins offering fixes for a total of eight vulnerabilities. While it's news worth celebrating, unfortunately the software company has also failed to address three other zero-day ... vulnerabilities . Browse And Get Owned, Drive-By Attacks Addressed All five of the Security Bulletins Microsoft has addressed were outlined in September and deemed "critical" -- the highest level of concern. Three out of five of the issues taken care of by Microsoft fix issues associated with "browse-and-get-owned" attacks, otherwise known as " drive-by" ... (view more)

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MS Cleared of Wrong-doing by Russian Anti-Trust Body

Microsoft has been cleared of wrong-doing by Russia's federal anti-monopoly service, FAS. It was announced yesterday that the investigation into the Redmond-based company had been closed, with the software giant found not guilty of any violations in ... the way it distributed and marketed Windows XP. The FAS investigation began earlier this summer, with the Russian body announcing that it suspected Microsoft of several antitrust violations in relation to the supply and pricing of the Windows XP operating system (OS). FAS felt that Microsoft might have broken the law when it discontinued the ... (view more)

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Microsoft Rewards Those Who Host a Win7 Launch Party

While many tech insiders anxiously anticipate the release of Windows 7, throwing a party in honor of the new operating system might seem a tad ridiculous to some. However, Microsoft feels that their latest OS offering should be cause for ... celebration, announcing that it might be willing to help those who want to throw a little party come October 22. In an effort to generate even more interest in the product, Microsoft has teamed with House Party to reach out to the average end-user. House Party is a community-based site that helps people around the world host parties. The news of a Windows 7 ... (view more)


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