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Firefox .NET Susceptable to Malware Attacks

An add-on Microsoft slipped into Mozilla Firefox last February now leaves the browser subject to an attack. The threat is being categorized as a " browse-and-get-owned " situation in which hackers lure users to a compromised website. While Microsoft ... and Mozilla have been browser rivals for years now, their respective agendas have never been to cause any direct harm to one another. The two companies have an unspoken understanding that marketing campaigns and external advertisements used to lure potential users is the most ethical way to win the battle. Now, Microsoft is being made to look ... (view more)

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MS: 'All Sidekick Data Recovered,' but Damage Done

T-Mobile is taking a huge financial hit in the fallout over the Sidekick data loss . But Microsoft, which bears at least part of the responsibility for the mistake, is paying the price with its reputation. As reported earlier this week, the phone ... network had to admit that some users' data had been permanently lost due to a problem with a server run by Microsoft-owned company, Danger. The handset works by storing data such as contacts and appointments on a remote computer rather than on the phone itself. Microsoft Recovers Lost Data BBC news reports today that Microsoft has in fact recovered ... (view more)

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Win7 to hit Prime Time TV with Family Guy Pact

Apparently, throwing a Windows 7 party in honor of the new Microsoft operating system is not enough. The Fox network has recently announced an exclusive one-night partnership with Microsoft featuring the ever-controversial grown-up cartoon, "Family ... Guy". The idea for the partnership was instigated by Microsoft in the hopes of generating more interest in Windows 7. Special to Air in November The partnership will not be evident during the 9 p.m. Family Guy timeslot, however. Rather, a special half-hour television special, with the working title "Family Guy Presents: Seth and Alex's ... (view more)

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Sidekick Cloud Computing Data Lost, MS to Blame

Users of the Sidekick range of smartphones have been warned that technical problems may mean some of the data they stored on the device has been permanently lost. The story follows a period of around a week during which no users of the device were ... able to access any data services. The phones are carried by the T-Mobile network in the US, and are produced by Danger, now a subsidiary of Microsoft. One of the key aspects of the devices are that they work on cloud computing , meaning most data is stored remotely at a Microsoft owned server rather than on the device. In theory this make for a ... (view more)

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Next MS Patch Tuesday: 34 Fixes, 8 Critical, Most Yet

The next wave of Patch Tuesday remedies will see a total of thirteen bug patches shipped out for immediate repairs. Among the thirteen, Microsoft ranked eight of the patches marked "critical." (Source: ) The purpose of the patches ... is to reduce the number of flaws in the coming weeks. However, the latest offering is set to mend 34 vulnerabilities, making this the largest number of security holes ever recorded by Microsoft, edging out the previous Patch Tuesday record of 31 fixes this past June. Microsoft Makes Public Aware The exact details for the planned fix have ... (view more)

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Win7 Euro Edition to Offer Choice of 12 Browsers

It looks almost certain that Microsoft will be redesigning European editions of Windows 7 and its predecessors to offer users a clearer choice of which Internet browser they'd like to use. However, the changes won't be introduced until well past the ... October 22 launch of the new operating system (OS). The European Union will soon begin official testing of a menu system designed by Microsoft. The new menu is meant to answer criticisms that the Redmond-based firm has an unfair advantage by including Internet Explorer as the only browser shipped with Windows. If approved, it could mean the ... (view more)

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Hotmail Phishing Scam Also Targets Gmail, Yahoo Mail

It seems as if the massive phishing campaign reported yesterday was not specific to as was initially believed. According to a report by the BBC, many Gmail and Yahoo Mail accounts have also been compromised. (Source: ) ... While the source of the latest attacks has not been determined, many are pointing to the same bug that claimed at least 10,000 passwords from Microsoft Windows Live Hotmail. Microsoft, Google Prompt Password Reset Microsoft has done their part in blocking all known hijacked Hotmail accounts and created tools to help users who had lost control of ... (view more)

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Hotmail Leak: Phishers Make off with Thousands of Passwords

Details of a Hotmail security breach emerged early yesterday, and it's suggested that approximately 10,000 accounts could have been compromised. While the exact number of accounts has not yet been confirmed, the breach was likely the result of a ... phishing campaign -- a different kind of hack that uses fake web pages in order to acquire all kinds of sensitive information, from login data and passwords (such as in this case) to credit card and social security numbers. (Source: ) "We determined that this was not a breach of internal Microsoft data and initiated our standard process of ... (view more)

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'GSmartControl', and 'Microsoft Security Essentials'

GSmartControl GSmartControl is a useful open source tool designed for the prevention of hard drive failure. Essentially a S.M.A.R.T. frontend client, GSmartControl will give you a close-up look at your disks, and predict 64% of failures before the ... drive fulfills its destiny as a paper-weight. Microsoft Security Essentials Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your home PC and guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. Microsoft Security Essentials is always kept up to date so you can be assured your PC is protected ... (view more)

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Win7 Compatibility Scheme: Aims to Overcome Vista Stigma

Microsoft is taking a two-pronged approach to making sure customers know which hardware and software is compatible with Windows 7. It's launching a database of compatible products as well as running a special labeling scheme. The campaign is mostly ... aimed at making up for the Vista debacle, where many applications and devices had compatibility problems when the OS first launched in early 2007, creating a bad impression that lasted even after many of those problems were fixed. The firm will be anxious to ensure customers do not view Windows 7 in the same manner. Windows 7 Compatibility Center ... (view more)


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