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'Microsoft Research Virtual Wifi', and 'Files To Phones'

Microsoft Research Virtual Wifi Virtual WiFi helps a user connect to multiple IEEE 802.11 networks with one WiFi card. It works by exposing multiple virtual adapters, one for each wireless network to which connectivity is desired. Virtual WiFi uses ... a network hopping scheme to switch the wireless card across the desired wireless networks. Files To Phones Send any files from PC to a mobile phone. Files to Phones provides free transmission of any files (TXT, MP3, JPG, 3GP, MP4, vCal, vCard) to any Bluetooth devices (mobile phones, smartphones, hand-held devices, ... (view more)

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MS Report: Worms Outpace Rogue Software Infections

A recently released security report from Microsoft warns that cyber crooks are digging deeper into computers in order to steal and control data. The Security Intelligence Report reveals that rogue security software ("scareware") was the biggest ... threat during the first half of this year. Worm Activity on the Rise In a recent report, Jeff Williams, Microsoft's Malware Protection Center principal architect noted that rogue security software is no longer the primary tool for hackers and that worm activity, particularly the Conficker and Taterf worm, are on the rise. Scareware usually ... (view more)

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MS Sets Cloud Computing Policy for Future Apps Online

Microsoft has assured users that it will strive to give cloud computing customers the same privacy commitments given to those using desktop software. But it warns that this could be limited by government regulations, particularly where data is ... transferred across international borders. Cloud computing is a broad term, but generally refers to set-ups where data, an application, or even an operating system is stored on, and operative from, a remote server rather than a user's computer. As Microsoft notes, it's not a new idea: Hotmail is an example of a cloud-based service, with the emails and ... (view more)

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Win7 Sales off to Strong Start, but Will it Last?

According to Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer, sales of the company's Windows 7 operating system have been nothing less than "fantastic" since its launch back on October 22. However, industry experts are wondering exactly why that is, ... and if the good times will last for MS. Speaking at a press event in Tokyo on Thursday, Microsoft CEO Ballmer gushed about Windows 7. He has reason to, thus far. According to industry stat-tracker NPD Group, boxed copies of Windows 7 have sold at a rate 234 per cent higher than Windows Vista during the same early period (in U.S. stores). Sales of ... (view more)

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Win7 Spinoffs to Boost Global Economy: Report

Microsoft says that not only will they benefit from sales of its new Windows 7 operating system (OS), but the local economy could benefit from it too. Microsoft hired research firm IDC Corp to conduct a study on the ripple affect of Windows 7 which ... launched on October 22nd this year. Estimates from the IDC study found that American companies could hire 25,000 additional workers through the end of 2010. Sales of Win7 Products Estimated at $110B Microsoft's launch of Windows 7 can affect tech companies that depend on Microsoft's software. Some companies make computer hardware, others produce ... (view more)

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Apple Targets Win7 Search with Google Ad-Bombs

With Microsoft grabbing all the headlines of late with its brand-spanking new Windows 7 operating system (OS), Apple has made its bid to turn consumer attention away from their Redmond-based competitor by employing the help of search titan Google. ... According to reports, search terms for "Windows 7 download" and even "Windows 7 upgrade" have triggered Google-sponsored links for Apple products. While some may think that an advertising campaign such as this is 'just business', others say that such a tactic is dirty. (Source: ) Apple: Make the Switch to Mac Apple ... (view more)

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Malware Rates linked to Windows Piracy: MS Report

According to Jeff Williams, the principal group program manager for the Microsoft Malware Protection Center, computers in countries with high rates of software piracy are more likely to be infected by malicious code because users are leery of ... applying security patches. In China , the piracy rate is nearly four times higher than that of the U.S., according to a recent Microsoft report. Oddly enough, the use of Microsoft's Windows Update service (used to patch security flaws) in these countries is significantly less than in the U.S. (Source: ) Brazil and France were identified ... (view more)

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Win7 has Yet to Boost Browser, Market Share for MS

There's no doubt that plenty of excitement has built up around Microsoft with less than two weeks since the launch of Windows 7. However, as of yet that hasn't translated to better market share numbers for either its operating systems (OS) or its ... web browser, Internet Explorer. Research Concludes 1 Year Study According to a recent study by research firm Net Applications, Microsoft's share of the browser market continues to decline . Microsoft's piece of the pie got significantly smaller between October 2008 and October of this year, dropping from 73.64 per cent to just 64.64 per cent. Mozilla ... (view more)

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MS Uses Twitter, Action Center to Resolve Win7 Issues Fast

A large part of the reason Microsoft's Windows 7 promises to be successful is because it won't be all that long before support for the very popular Windows XP ends -- somewhere around 2-3 years from now. So, how good is support for Windows 7 today? ... Microsoft recently took the opportunity to announce some of the best features behind its Windows 7 troubleshooting apparatus. It starts with something called "Action Center," the Redmond-based firm's new technical support system. According to Microsoft general manager of product quality and online support Lori Bronwell, Action Center includes over ... (view more)

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Win7 Upgrade Trick 'Breaches License,' Says MS

Many users are taking up the offer for Windows 7 "Upgrade," which requires the user to have a pre-existing, legitimate copy of Windows 2000, XP, or Vista already pre-installed on the user's machine. However, Microsoft has recently confirmed it is ... technically possible to install an upgrade-only edition of Windows 7 on a machine that doesn't already have another version of Windows pre-installed. That said, the firm has also pointed out that doing so is an illegal breach of licensing conditions. Several websites have printed what they describe as 'workarounds', which use an upgrade ... (view more)


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