Windows Tips

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How can I make sound in my emails?

Infopackets Reader 'PJ.' asks, " Where can I find information for making background sounds in emails? " My response: Any email containing sound is a HTML email which uses the Embed command. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the standard format ... used on the Internet when viewing a web page. You can make a HTML document using an HTML editor; here are some good resources: And for a free HTML editor, try Arachnophilia: (view more)

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Can I download to my CD burner?

Infopackets Reader Ken H. asks, " Can I download films directly to my burner from the Internet? " My response: You can't download files to your CD burner on the fly unless you have DirectCD installed. Even so, I don't recommend downloading and ... directly burning to CD, mostly because you need a complete file to burn to CD. Since files don't always download 100%, the process of "downloading and burning on the fly" would have problems from the get-go and may end up in a waste of media. Usually files have to be downloaded to your hard disk, then burned to CD. Once the files ... (view more)

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Upgrading an Old Pentium 1 Computer?, Part 2

You must be wondering: why is the Infopackets Gazette being sent out on a Sunday? In short, I've decided to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. First of all, I'm going on a small vacation. So, I won't be here to send out the newsletter on ... Tuesday -- so that's why I've decided to send it out Sunday instead of Tuesday. Secondly, I received a lot of feedback regarding my Visitor Feedback suggestion to Judy W. in the last newsletter . Many of you wrote in and asked me if I was crazy for suggesting that she purchase a special adapter for her old and ailing Pentium-1 system instead of ... (view more)

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Can I Upgrade My Old Pentium 1 Computer?

Infopackets Reader Judy W. asks, " Is there a way to upgrade my old Pentium-1 computer with a motherboard or a new processor chip? I really like this computer, but I need something faster so that I can use my digital camera. " My Response: It may be ... possible to get an adapter for your motherboard to make it run (at most) 500 MHz. Your CPU is most likely a Socket-7 type motherboard, so I'm pretty sure you can use this adapter: I'd advise you get at least 128 meg of RAM with your upgrade -- but most likely you're using 72 pin SIMM RAM or ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Installing more than one Operating System?

Infopackets Reader Dennis B. writes: " Dear Dennis, I was interested in installing a free version of the Linux operating system (OS) on my rebuilt computer with a 2.5 GB hard drive that I just love and seem to being Ok with. I'm running windows 98 ... and would very much like to keep that. Would it be possible to have both OS's and switch back and forth? I remain an admiring reader and fan. " My Response: Yes, it is possible to have 2 operating systems installed on a single system. The new OS * should * be able to detect that you already have Windows installed and provide you with a ... (view more)

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Adaptec Easy CD Creator Upgrade Trick

Many CD recorders (burners) come prepackaged with CD recording software: Nero Burning ROM and Adaptec (Roxio) Easy CD Creator are two of the most popular titles. At first, learning how to use CD burning software can be difficult and cumbersome, ... especially if you've never burned a CD before. Most of us are able to cope with how to operate the new software after time goes on -- most notably after burning a few duds through trial and error. When it comes time to upgrade to a new CD burner, many users are disappointed when it is discovered that the new CD burner will not work with the old CD ... (view more)

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MSConfig errata

Last week's issue of the Infopackets Gazette was about the importance of using msconfig. The article also reviewed some third-party msconfig replacements for Windows 2000 users. I received a lot of feedback regarding the issue since the last ... newsletter was mailed. If you were unclear about how msconfig works, be sure to check out the revisions made to the article online. I have provided a few extra steps and a screen capture for clarity. One more note: I received email with regards to msconfig and the Klez Virus. Denise R. writes: " Dear Dennis, In reference to the recent newsletter, ... (view more)

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Defrag your hard drive in record time -- without headaches!

Infopackets Reader John A. writes: " If I did not try this, I would not believe it. This Sunday's local paper has a Tech Editor that submits regular articles weekly. This week the article caught my interest - as on many Computer Group forums -- the ... defrag utility, which comes with all versions of Microsoft Windows, is plagued with many problems. For example: defrag sometimes hangs/re-starts; won't complete; you have to run in Safe Mode; run ScanDisk first; close all programs; close anti-virus; close screen savers, etc... So I went to his Web Site which has about every conceivable ... (view more)

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MSConfig Startup for Windows 2000 users

Last week I wrote an article which touched on a useful utility called msconfig. To recap what the program does: msconfig is a program that comes bundled with all version of Microsoft Windows, except Windows 2000. One of the most useful functions of ... the msconfig program is its Startup Tab which allows you to select / deselect programs from launching at the Windows Startup. Why is that so useful, you say? Well, I guess the answer to that question depends on what you have installed on your system. Sometimes, when a program is installed, it copies an instance of itself to the Windows Startup. ... (view more)

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loadqm.exe -- another Microsoft disastrous Jewel

Whether you know it or not, Microsoft has a previous track-history for releasing sub-standard software that is known to be less than computer-friendly. What do I mean by "less than computer friendly?" Quite simply: either there are lots of bugs ... present in Microsoft's software, or their software has been known to make systems run sluggish . The Story Recently, I was visiting my brother and decided to hop on his system and surf the Internet. His machine consists of Microsoft Windows 98, has 128 meg of RAM, and is powered by a Celeron 600 MHz processor. Certainly, this system is not ... (view more)


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