Windows Tips

Dennis Faas's picture

Internet Explorer download Window disappeared?, Part 2

Last week, Dee N. had a question concerning the Internet Explorer download-dialogue box: " On the download Window, there is an option for 'Always ask before opening this type of file'. Well, I accidentally Unchecked this option -- and now, all my ... .ZIP files open automatically after each download completes! How can I turn this option back on? " My Response: I didn't know the answer to this question, so I asked Infopackets Readers for help. Mike K. [and about 40 other readers] informed me that the 'Always ask before opening ... ' option for .ZIP files can be resolved through modifying ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

WinBackup doesn't support my CD Writer?

Over the weekend, Lanny B. indirectly asked me a question about how to span an archive using WinBackup : " Hi Dennis! As always, love your newsletter! Keep up the good work. I'm writing today about WinBackup . It seems that the program currently ... does not support my CD-R/W burner (LITE-ON LTR-24102B). Whenever I try to run a backup and record to the burner, all I get is an error message which states that my 'CD-R/W drive is not supported.' There is no mention if / or when WinBackup will support the writer in the future. What can I do? " Recall -- WinBackup is a simple-to-use backup ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Internet Explorer download Window disappeared?

When a download link is clicked using Internet Explorer, a Window normally pops up asking where to save the file. Dee N. recently wrote me a very interesting question concerning the download-dialogue box: " On the download Window, there is an option ... for 'Always ask before opening this type of file'. Well, I accidentally Unchecked this option for my .ZIP files -- thinking that I wouldn't be prompted this Window any more and it would save automatically to my computer -- but, now it opens every single .ZIP file I download! Do you know how I can have Windows prompt me to save my files again ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Share emails with separate user accounts under XP?

Not long ago, Barry M. from Africa sent me this email: " First off, thanks for all the great info! You've helped me come a long way with my PC confidence and knowledge. Much appreciated! I am running Windows XP Professional. The multiple user ... profile feature of XP is really handy, but I don't want to have separate email accounts in my Outlook Express. If it is possible, I would like all users to access the same information from their XP login accounts. At the moment, if I receive e-mails into my inbox while logged on under my profile, then those e-mails won't be visible to the next user ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Spell Check in Outlook Express stopped working?

Infopackets Reader Ken K. writes: " Dear Dennis, I can't seem to get my Spell Check to work in Outlook Express. Whenever I try to run the spell check, Windows gives me an error message. I don't know how to correct this problem. Can you help? " My ... Response: Believe it or not, I've been asked this question many times. My own experience when searching for the answer to this question has always turned up quite a few results using Google -- most of which contained outdated information. I decided to do some thorough digging and eventually came across two Microsoft Knowledge Base articles ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How Do I Export My Address Book Contacts?, Part 3

A little while back I was asked how to copy Address Book contacts onto another computer. Roberta C. asked: " Could you tell me if there is a way to copy my contacts in Outlook Express and load them onto another computer? " I provided a solution ... (complete with pictures) which details how to use the Export function in the Address Book: How do I export my Address Book contacts? Unfortunately, the Export function appeared ghosted (non-functional) for some folks, so I asked Infopackets Readers to send me their thoughts for an alternate solution: How do I export my Address Book contacts ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How Do I Export My Address Book Contacts?, Part 2

Yesterday , I detailed instructions on how to export / import contact information from the Address Book. Essentially, this allows users to make a copy of their address book: either for backup purposes, or to import contacts onto another computer. ... The instructions I gave were done using Windows XP (Service Pack 1) with Internet Explorer / Outlook Express 6. Today, I received email from two users who claim to have similar problems with the Address Book program. John L. writes: " I followed your instructions but the import and export options would not highlight. Is it because I'm using ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How Do I Export My Address Book Contacts?

Roberta C. asks: " Could you tell me if there is a way to copy my contacts in Outlook and load them onto another computer? " My Response:I remember reading this question before, so I decided to search previous newsletters for the answer. Low and ... behold -- I found the answer in January 01, 2002's issue of the Gazette ! Jayne T. writes: " [All you need to do is send] the contents to floppy disk [or hard drive] via the export facility in the address book and you can do the reverse with the import facility of the address book on the new machine. " I decided to try it my own ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Show all programs in Start Menu?, Part 2

In a previous newsletter, Infopackets Reader Robert G. asked: " I have Windows XP and use the Classic Start Menu. Is there a way to show all programs, without having to click that double arrow at the bottom of the Start Menu?" My Response: In short, ... I wasn't sure how to do this. I mentioned in the previous newsletter that I tried a few options but nothing seemed to work. Shortly after the last newsletter was mailed out, a few Gazette Readers informed me of a combination of clicks which would rid the Start Menu of the double-arrows. As it turns out, disabling the "Use Personalized Menus" ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Show All Programs in Start Menu?

Robert G. sent me this question: " There appears to be a limit to the number of programs that can be listed in the Windows XP Start Menu [start button] when using Classic View. Is there a way to increase the number of programs that can be displayed ... at one time, without having to click that double arrow at the bottom of the Window? " My response:I also use the Classic View for my Start Menu ... and it bugs me when I have to constantly click on that double arrow to show all contents. As far as I know, the Expand [Documents, Pictures, ... Printers] option allows you to view all ... (view more)


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