
toubes1's picture
Tuesday, August 19, 1947
Des Moines, Iowa
Member for:
10 years 11 months
About me: 
I retired a year ago after teaching for 30 years . I spent 20 of those years in the Des Moines Iowa Public schools teaching multi-categorical special education - math and science. I taught 3 years at Drake University in qualitative analysis in the department of chemistry until the discontinued the program.

I have a personal weather station in which I have a fully populated station complete with UV and solar radiation sensors, soil temperature and moisture probes, temperature and humidity stations. I send data daily to Weatherunderground; COCORAHs, and APRS, and other sites. Listing them would be too long. I also contribute to atmospheric data and soil temperature readings.

I have a PC, but also an iPhone and an Ipad. I am the residential guru as I have the whole place wired with internet access as well as IP cameras. The bathroom is safe.

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