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Microsoft Active in Windows 8 Ultrabook Design

Microsoft is reportedly taking a more active role than ever before in the development of hardware for planned touchscreen Windows 8 ultrabooks. It's a change of strategy for a company that usually keeps to the software side of the business. ... Ultrabooks are slowly emerging as a popular new form factor for consumers who are showing remarkable interest in a light, portable laptop but who are not willing to compromise on performance and storage space. Although Apple's MacBook Air fits the description, the term 'ultrabook' is most often associated with Windows-based computer systems. Clamshell ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Tablet PCs: More Than 30 Due by 2013

According to a new report, by the end of this year consumers should be able to choose from more than thirty different tablet computers running Windows 8, with a wide variety of form factors and capabilities, and prices ranging from $300 to $1,000. ... Taiwanese technology blog 'Digitimes' reports that tablet makers Dell, Lenovo, Acer, Hewlett-Packard (HP), Asus, and Toshiba should be offering some thirty-two different Windows 8 tablets by the 2012 holiday shopping season. (Source: ) ARM-Based Tablets to Wait Until 2013 Digitimes doesn't name its sources, but claims that every ... (view more)

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Windows 8: Choosing the Right Version Made Easier

Microsoft has now revealed that most buyers will choose between just two versions of Windows 8. It's a big change from earlier Windows launches, in which choosing the right version could be a daunting and confusing experience. One version of Windows ... 8, known as simply 'Windows 8', is aimed at consumers and small businesses. The more expensive and expansive option will be called 'Windows 8 Pro'. As with previous "premium" or "business" editions of Windows, it will include features that are most useful in a corporate setting. These additional features include extra network controls, a remote ... (view more)

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Microsoft to Fix Windows, Office Flaws Next Week

Microsoft has announced it will issue six security updates next Tuesday. Together, the updates will patch 11 different bugs affecting Windows, Internet Explorer, Office, and other Microsoft programs. It's worth noting that Microsoft has ranked four ... of the 11 fixes "critical," the software giant's highest security warning. "Critical" Bulletin 4 Fixes Office, and More The security update currently receiving the most attention is Bulletin 4. It is designed to repair a serious security vulnerability in a number of different Microsoft programs. The list of software due for ... (view more)

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'WinScan2PDF 1.57', and 'Sleipnir for Windows 3.0.15'

WinScan2PDF 1.57 WinScan2PDF is a very small, portable program that allows you to scan documents and save them on your computer as a PDF, using any installed scanner. The system cleverly eliminates any need for a PDF printer driver, or any ... equivalent complex program required to generate a PDF from an original document. WinScan2PDF makes very small demands on your computer's processor, handles multi-page documents easily, and even offers support for multiple languages. Click the small, blue "Download" link at the bottom to start your download. Sleipnir for ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Interface at Heart of New Firefox

Mozilla has unveiled the first version of a new browser specially tailored to work with Microsoft's upcoming operating system (OS), Windows 8. The new edition of Firefox utilizes the Metro interface, which is expected to become a central element of ... the new Windows 8 user experience. The Metro feature is primarily designed for effective use of touchscreen devices, such as smartphones, tablet computers, and any PCs that incorporate a touchscreen display. The Metro interface is most notable for displaying information in special "tiles" that can easily be moved around on the screen and ... (view more)

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Nokia Windows 8 Tablet In Development: Report

Nokia has announced plans to release a Windows 8 tablet computer. No shipment date has yet been scheduled, but a key Nokia manager recently indicated a launch for the product could be on the horizon. In a recent interview, Finland's Kauppalehti ... Optio magazine asked Nokia executive Marko Ahtisaari about his company's plans to launch a Windows 8-based tablet, and reports that he answered: "We are working on it." (Source: ) Ahtisaari even went so far as to admit that he is devoting approximately one-third of his own working time to overseeing the new tablet's ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Due in October: Report

A new report suggests that Microsoft will send its first shipment of the retail version of its highly-anticipated Windows 8 operating system (OS) in October, 2012. This schedule would give the Redmond-based software giant a chance to market its new ... operating system during the holiday shopping season, and would allow hardware makers like Dell to package the OS with their upcoming PCs. The rumor is reported by Bloomberg News, which bases the story on up-to-the-minute reports that Microsoft will release its final version of Windows 8 to manufacturers during the summer of 2012. Historically, this ... (view more)

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Microsoft Fixes Major PC Flaw with Security Update

Microsoft says it has fixed only one 'critical' security flaw this Patch Tuesday. However, it appears to be a highly significant vulnerability. For those not familiar with the terminology, 'critical' vulnerabilities are those rated to be most in ... need of addressing. Flaw Could Allow Remote Code Execution The 'critical' security flaw is a remote code execution vulnerability in Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). Every version of Windows is reportedly left vulnerable by the problem. So long as the vulnerability remains unpatched, Microsoft says, a hacker who is able to convince a computer ... (view more)

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Virtual Windows 7 on iPad 'Illegal', says Microsoft

The company behind a service that allows access to Windows 7 on an iPad has run into a major problem: Microsoft says the service isn't properly licensed. The service is from a company named OnLive and works in a slightly complex manner. The user ... doesn't actually have Windows on their portable device, but rather uses the Internet to access a copy running on a remote computer operated by the company. (Source: ) iPad Users Access Microsoft Office, Adobe Flash Users of the basic service are able to access Microsoft Office to create documents and can save up to 2GB of documents to ... (view more)


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