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Microsoft Admits Surface Tablet Could Hurt Business

Microsoft has acknowledged that its decision to build its very own tablet computer, Surface, could upset the companies that produce Windows PCs. The firm has also admitted that the rise of tablet devices could dramatically impact the traditional PC ... market. Both comments come in Microsoft's latest Form 10-K, which publicly traded companies must submit to the Securities and Exchange Commission as an annual report on the company's activity. The form contains a section where companies must detail any potential risks to their business. This helps existing and would-be stockholders to make more ... (view more)

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Windows 8 'Bad' on a Desktop PC: Analyst

Microsoft last week finally revealed the official release date for its upcoming Windows 8 operating system (OS): Friday, October 26, 2012. Unfortunately, few technology insiders or consumers appear excited about the product's launch. Now, one of the ... industry's most prominent analyst firms has referred to the desktop version of Windows 8 with one, ugly word: "Bad". Gartner Research Director Gunnar Berger recently tested Windows 8 and produced a five-part review. Windows 8 Great on Touchscreens Berger's findings: when used on touchscreen devices like smartphones, tablet computers, and all- ... (view more)

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Microsoft Browser Ballot Fails; EU Investigates

The European Union (EU) is investigating claims that Microsoft isn't providing other browser makers full access to Windows 8. It comes at the same time the EU is deciding whether to punish the company for breaching previous promises to offer new ... Windows users a "browser ballot" that promotes browsers like Safari and Firefox. The newest probe concerns two allegations: the first covers all versions of Windows 8, the accusation being that Microsoft isn't providing full access to application programming interfaces (APIs). Rival Browser Could Have Limited Windows 8 Access In this context, an API ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Full Upgrade: OEM Edition Only

New reports suggest Microsoft may be planning to force users of build-your-own PCs and machines running non-Windows operating systems (OS) to install the manufacturer version of Windows 8. If true, those users could face some serious drawbacks. ... Normally, the majority of customers buy Windows through one of two routes: either by buying a PC with the operating system (OS) pre-installed, or by upgrading their current computer to the new OS from a previous version of Windows. Those affected by the reported policy change fall into two other, much smaller groups of operating system buyers: people ... (view more)

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No Windows 8 Prompts Nokia to Cut Lumia 900 Price

Given the amount of media attention paid to the financial calamity currently facing Research in Motion (RIM), maker of the BlackBerry, the troubles of other smartphone producers have gone relatively unnoticed. But perhaps that's no longer the case. ... Nokia Corp. has also been confronted with narrowing profit margins, and has responded to a lack of consumer interest by slashing the price of its Lumia 900 Windows phone device. The Lumia 900, which runs Microsoft's Windows Phone mobile operating system, first hit the market in April, 2012. Available exclusively through AT ... (view more)

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Windows 8's 'File History' a Better Backup Tool

Microsoft has revealed that its new operating system, Windows 8, will include a new feature that lets users automatically back up their most important files. If the feature works as advertised, the only data lost in a crash will be whatever is ... produced or saved less than one hour before the unfortunate event. Existing versions of Windows already include a back-up tool, called Windows Backup. However, Microsoft says that fewer than five per cent of home users take advantage of this feature. The company also estimates that, including people who use third-party backup tools on their computers, ... (view more)

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Samsung to Release Windows 8 RT-Based Tablet PC

Samsung is reportedly working on a Windows 8-based tablet computer that will be ready for the new Microsoft operating system's (OS) launch in October, 2012. The device will reportedly utilize the mobile version of the OS, called Windows 8 RT, and ... will run on the speedy ARM chip architecture. The report on Samsung's plan to introduce such a tablet for this fall's Windows 8 launch comes from Bloomberg news, which cites "people with knowledge of the matter" as the source. (Source: ) Samsung Product Seen As Good News for Microsoft The news of Samsung's new tablet should help ... (view more)

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Microsoft CEO: We're Going After Apple

Get ready, Apple. If Microsoft chief executive officer Steve Ballmer is to be believed, the Redmond, Washington-based software giant is coming after you like never before. In a recent interview with CRN, Microsoft's CEO acknowledged that his company ... has "ceded some of the boundary between hardware and software innovation" to Cupertino, California's Apple in the past. But he asserted that trend is about to come to a dead end. "We are trying to make absolutely clear we are not going to leave any space uncovered to Apple," Ballmer said. (Source: ) Microsoft Touts Windows 8 ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Boots Up Much Faster Than Windows 7: Test

Last week, Microsoft announced it would offer Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 users the option to upgrade to Windows 8 for just under $40. To many onlookers, this offer appeared to be a desperate move designed to arouse more interest in a ... not-so-anticipated upcoming operating system (OS) due later this year. However, it appears there may actually be good reason to make the upgrade: according to recent speed tests conducted by PC Magazine's Michael Muchmore, Windows 8 is legitimately faster than Windows 7 in several key areas. To perform the tests, Muchmore used a single PC: a Toshiba ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Upgrade: XP, Vista Users to Lose Settings

According to a new report, users of Microsoft's three-year-old Windows 7 operating system (OS) are the only ones who will be able to upgrade to Windows 8 without losing files or custom settings. For users of an older Windows OS, such as Windows XP ... or Windows Vista, this news may make the upcoming debut of Windows 8 somewhat less attractive. In a report released late last week, ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley showed off a Windows 8 upgrade guide which she says is based on information gleaned from sources within Microsoft. Full Upgrades Easy for Windows 7 Users Foley has learned that users of the home- ... (view more)


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