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Former Microsoft Accountant Steals $1.1M; Sentenced 2 Years

White collar crime may not always pay, but it sure doesn't result in heavy prison sentences, either. Last week a former Microsoft accountant found guilty of stealing $1.1 million from the Redmond-based firm received just a two-year jail term. Ray ... Seal, a 54-year-old resident of Shoreline, Washington, was recently found guilty of stealing more than a million dollars from Microsoft while working as an accounts analyst for the firm. Seal was indicted late last year and finally plead guilty to the charge in May 2011. (Source: ) Accounting Loophole Exploited During the trial, ... (view more)

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Microsoft Unveils Windows 8 at BUILD Conference

After months of waiting, developers have finally got their first peek at Microsoft's next operating system (OS), Windows 8. The major difference between Windows 8 and any other version of Windows, for that matter, is that it embraces tablet ... computing and tablet technology from the ground up. The demonstration came Tuesday during Microsoft's first BUILD developers conference in Anaheim, California (the show runs until September 16). About 5,000 developers are expected to attend the event. (Source: ) Sinofsky: Windows 8 is "Reimagined" According to Microsoft Windows ... (view more)

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Rumor: Windows 8 Tablet to be Unveiled This Week

It may be another year before Microsoft's upcoming Windows 8 operating system (OS) officially hits retailers, but that doesn't mean hardware companies aren't already using it for new devices. In fact, it's expected that Samsung will unveil a new ... tablet PC running Windows 8 at the Microsoft BUILD conference this week. BUILD is a developers conference being held by Microsoft for the first time this fall. The conference will be held in Anaheim, California from September 13-16. Attendees May Receive Free Copies of Tablet Now, everyone expected that Windows 8 would be a hot topic at the event, but ... (view more)

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Microsoft Sued Over Alleged Phone Tracking

Microsoft is being sued over claims that it collects data about users of Windows Phone 7 handsets. The law suit says such collection happens even when the user has switched off the tracking tool. Rebecca Cousineau has filed the suit in Seattle, ... Microsoft's home city, and is seeking class action status. If granted, which is by no means guaranteed, any other Windows Phone 7 users in the same position could join the case and automatically receive damages if the case is won. Four Tracking Numbers to Identify Phone, User According to the lawsuit, analysis of the data sent by a Samsung Omnia 7, ... (view more)

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3D Xbox Update Due Any Time: Report

The latest buzz in the video gaming world is that Microsoft's Xbox 360 video game console is about to receive a 3D makeover via firmware update. It's believed that the platform revamping could take place as early as next week. The rush to expand the ... Xbox brand is due to a similar move on the part of Sony. Over the past year, dozens of PlayStation 3 (PS3) titles -- such as Killzone 3 -- have included 3D support, while also allowing users to stream 3D movies on a pay-per-view basis. Microsoft Alters Initial 3D Outlook Interestingly enough, the move would counter what Microsoft had said ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Tablet To Be Quad-Core: Rumor

There are reports that Microsoft is about to hand out an ultra-portable computer running Windows 8 and containing a quad-core processor. If true, it could serve as a very effective way of promoting the new system on portable devices. The rumors ... center on BUILD, a Microsoft event that takes place in California in September designed to help both hardware and software developers work better with Windows. The event also serves as a source of feedback for Microsoft about how it could improve the operating system (OS), including those still in development. This year's event is going to be built ... (view more)

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Confirmed: Windows 8 to Get App Store

Microsoft has confirmed that Windows 8 will include support for a smartphone-like "app store". But it's not yet clear what the implications will be for app developers. The app store is simply a central marketplace through which users can purchase ... software and then have it automatically installed on a device like a PC. The term app store was made popular on smartphones, most notably the Apple iPhone. (Source: ) Although leaked screenshots of Windows 8 suggested such a feature was on the way, Microsoft has now all but made that certain. It's published a list of the teams it has ... (view more)

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Bing, Yahoo! Surpass Google in 'Search Success'

For the majority of those who scour the Internet for information, Google's search engine continues to be a favorite tool. But a new report is showing that Google's success rate is slipping, even being surpassed by rivals Yahoo! and Bing. Google ... remained the most popular search engine in July, commanding 66 per cent of all searches for the month. But of those searches, only 68 per cent were deemed successful. In comparison, more than 80 per cent of searches conducted on both Yahoo! and Bing were considered successful. Link Usage Renders Search "Successful" The most obvious question coming out ... (view more)

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Microsoft to Offer $200,000 for Security Ideas

Microsoft is offering a huge reward to encourage tech savvy users to come up with new security ideas for its operating system. The company is running a contest for users to create "a novel runtime mitigation technology designed to prevent the ... exploitation of memory safety vulnerabilities." Put in simple terms, that means the winning entries have to halt malware that takes advantage of exploits in computer memory. An exploit of this nature is an extremely common source of security breach. It works by taking advantage of the fact that computer memory is used to serve multiple programs, often ... (view more)

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'Microsoft IntelliType Pro 8.20.468', and 'ResEdit 1.5.7'

Microsoft IntelliType Pro 8.20.468 IntelliType Pro software enables you to customize the unique features of your Microsoft keyboard. You can reassign keys to open a program, file, or Web page, or to perform commands and application-specific ... functions. You can also disable keys and modify scrolling and zoom slider performance. ResEdit 1.5.7 ResEdit is a resource editor for Windows programs. The original purpose was to help C++ developers to create resource scripts. Now it can also be used to modify any resource in PE files and compiled resource scripts (res files). ... (view more)


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