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Contactless Payments Coming To Mobile Phones

A Microsoft manager has revealed that the latest Windows Phone system already includes support for "contactless" smartphone payments in stores. However, there remain serious questions about the system's security status, which is still being worked ... on. Electronic Payments Make Transactions Quicker NFC is a form of wireless communication that works very much like Bluetooth and WiFi, but only over a much shorter distance (as little as a few centimeters). One of its primary uses could be to make electronic payments in stores without swiping a card. Although technically NFC payments are ... (view more)

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Windows 8 to Include Software Kill Switch

Windows 8 is said to include a new 'app store', where users can browse and install software for their PCs and mobile devices through Microsoft. The news is welcomed by many, as the apps will be under strict regulations. Microsoft, however, will ... retain the ability to delete or remove software programs ("apps") that it deems necessary. The ability to remotely delete software on whim, critics say, gives too much power to Microsoft. Microsoft Offers "Try Before You Buy" Software developers using Microsoft's new app store will be able to offer trial copies of their software ... (view more)

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5 Days Only: $99 Windows 7 (Lowest Price Ever)

Update 12/5/2011 @ 9:25PM EST: Note that the link to the $99 deal we reported earlier today appears to be down. For now, you can read below about the deal and we will repost an updated link when it becomes available. Apologies for the inconvenience! ... We're just as bummed to find out the link isn't working. (From earlier today): Special Holiday 2011 Update: We just found out Amazon has Windows 7 Home Premium Family Pack for $99. This is not only the lowest price ever, it's an incredibly AMAZING deal! In short, The Family Pack allows you to run Windows 7 on 3 separate PCs but you pay 1 low price ... (view more)

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'7 Taskbar Tweaker', and 'Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.0 Platform Preview 2 (2.10.8103.0)'

7 Taskbar Tweaker This new tool is designed to tweak (and improve) the Windows 7 taskbar. It provides you with options like disabling "grouping," "middle-click" to close, and many more. Recently updated to version 3.1 with a slew of new features. ... Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.0 Platform Preview 2 (2.10.8103.0) An updated platform preview of IE10 for the Windows Developer Preview is now available for download. This IE10 preview adds even more support for HTML5 technologies, enabling richer Web applications with significantly improved performance. IE10's hardware ... (view more)

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Microsoft Offers Cheap PCs, Xbox 360 on Black Friday

Early reports on Black Friday deals being offered by Apple and major U.S. retailer Target emerged a couple days ago. Now, we're learning more about other big Black Friday deals, including Microsoft offers on cheap laptops and gaming devices. ... Microsoft hasn't been a major U.S. retailer for very long, but it's already offering some of the most eye-catching Black Friday deals. The Redmond software giant currently has about 14 retail stores located across the United States, and is hoping to drive foot traffic inside with some serious post-Thanksgiving bargains. Laptop Bargains Cause Most Buzz In ... (view more)

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Microsoft Unveils 40" Coffee Table-Sized Tablet PC

Microsoft is launching a tablet computer that isn't quite your average slate. What the Surface SUR40 lacks in portability, it makes up for with its 40-inch HD touch-screen. The price hasn't yet been confirmed, but rumors place it somewhere between ... $8,400 and $15,000. Wherever it falls in that range, the device is clearly not going to be a popular consumer product. Instead, the Surface SUR40 is expected to appeal primarily to business users and agencies involved in such sectors as education and healthcare. Microsoft says both FujiFilm and the Royal Bank of Canada plan to be among the first ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Security Updates to be Less Intrusive

According to Microsoft, Windows 8 will change the way users restart their computers after software updates, making life easier for home users and network administrators alike. Microsoft will be scheduling all Windows 8 software updates for the ... second Tuesday of each month. Dubbed 'Patch Tuesday,' that date already sees all Microsoft security updates. Under the new plan, only emergency security updates will be released on other days. (Source: ) Windows Update: New Three-Day Warning Microsoft says it is also simplifying the update process. Under the new scheme, updates will ... (view more)

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Microsoft Mulling End for Silverlight: Rumor

Rumors are circulating that Microsoft is gearing up to let Silverlight fall by the wayside. The newest version, Silverlight 5, which is reportedly due to be finalized and released for manufacturing by the end of November, may be the company's last. ... Silverlight is used by Microsoft for the creation of rich media and smartphone apps. Its features make it a rival for Adobe's popular Flash application framework. Insiders have also been hinting that the new version of Silverlight will not work with browsers other than Microsoft's own Internet Explorer (Silverlight 4 now works with both Windows and ... (view more)

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First Windows 8 Touch Screen Device Confirmed

Samsung has confirmed it will sell touch-screen devices running Windows 8, beginning in the second half of 2012. For Microsoft, this is a positive sign its efforts to adapt the new operating system to ultra-portable devices will pay off. Samsung's ... sales and marketing chief says the new touch screen device will likely be a modified form of the company's existing Series 7 computer, a touch-screen "slate" (a name sometimes used for Windows-based devices known elsewhere as "tablets") that comes with a separate wireless keyboard. (Source: ) Windows Slate: 'For Professionals ... (view more)

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Microsoft Offers Free Music, Movies for IE9 Downloads

With the holiday season right around the corner, Microsoft is set to launch a new campaign designed to entice those who do not run Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) to try out the new browser in exchange for free music and movies. However, critics suggest ... the campaign has little to do with the Christmas spirit of giving. That's because the whole idea appears targeted at helping IE regain lost market share. In fact, a recent study suggests that Google's Chrome has gained a significant share of the browser market, while Internet Explorer has steadily (and continues to) decline. (Source: winsupersite. ... (view more)


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