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'Microsoft ProcDump 5.1', and 'NADetector 1.4'

Microsoft ProcDump 5.1 ProcDump is a command-line utility for Windows computers. Its primary purpose is to monitor applications for CPU spikes and also to generate crash dumps during such spikes, so that a network administrator or application ... developer can determine the cause of the spike. ProcDump also includes monitoring of individual windows that "hang" and stop executing (using the same definition of a window hang that Windows and Task Manager use), as well as unhandled exception monitoring. The software can even generate dumps based on the values of system performance counters ... (view more)

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Microsoft CEO on Sinofsky: 'We Wish Him Well'

Microsoft's chief executive officer has finally weighed in on the recent departure of Steven Sinofsky , former president of the firm's Windows division. In a recent interview at Silicon Valley's Churchill Club, Steve Ballmer had only good things to ... say about Sinofsky. The departing executive had been with Microsoft for more than two decades. Since 2009, he was in charge of Microsoft's Windows unit, and played a key role in the development of both Windows 7 and Windows 8. Ballmer: Sinofsky Made "Amazing Contributions" In his interview, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer credited Sinofsky ... (view more)

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Ballmer: Microsoft to Produce More Hardware

Microsoft chief executive officer Steve Ballmer says businesses are reacting well to the Windows 8 operating system (OS). He also suggested that the company's Surface tablet won't be its last home-grown hardware device. Speaking at a business and ... technology event at the Churchill Club in California, Ballmer said that's he's been surprised by how well business users have reacted to the way Windows 8 focuses on touchscreen users. Before Microsoft released the new operating system, many analysts argued that businesses would be frustrated and angry with the its new interface, tailored to ... (view more)

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Microsoft Unveils Improved Translation Tool

Microsoft is currently developing a new English-to-Chinese translation tool that is said to dramatically improve on previous offerings of its kind. Even more exciting, some observers believe the software giant may also be working on a Star Trek-like ... 'universal translation tool.' In a recent blog post, Microsoft Chief Research Officer Rick Rashid discussed the new translation software and the challenges the company faces in developing it. Rashid indicated the solution to the combined difficulties of replacing English words with their Chinese equivalents and then correctly adjusting for Chinese ... (view more)

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Microsoft Windows Chief Departs; Tensions to Blame

Steven Sinofsky, chief of Microsoft's Windows division, is leaving the company. His former position will now be shared by two other Microsoft executives. Sinofsky had been in his position since 2009, and has been with Microsoft since 1989. He spent ... much of his career working on the Microsoft Office suite, then later spearheaded development of Windows 7, an operating system widely considered a major success. During his work on both Windows 7 and Windows 8, Sinofsky took a very distinctive approach to communication. He blogged regularly about the development process, giving the massive software ... (view more)

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Windows 8, RT: 'Critical' Fixes Coming This Week

Windows 8 and Windows RT will get their first security fixes this Patch Tuesday, November 13, 2012. For Windows 8, three of the fixes have been marked "critical," Microsoft's highest security rating. The fixes address zero-day vulnerabilities ... reported by security firm Vupen last week. Vupen recently announced it had found "multiple vulnerabilities" in Windows 8 and also in Microsoft's newest web browser, Internet Explorer 10. Remote Code Flaws Found in Windows 8 The "critical" fixes will address remote code execution vulnerabilities that, theoretically, could allow a hacker to install malware ... (view more)

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Microsoft Office Coming to iOS, Android: Report

Microsoft is reportedly working on bringing its Office software to the Android and Apple mobile platforms. The reported plan would involve offering a free viewing app for users, and light editing tools for subscribers. At the moment, Office ... functionality on mobile devices varies widely. Handsets running Windows Phone have a limited range of viewing and editing tools, while Microsoft's Surface tablet comes with Office pre-installed. Now, a combination of leaked screenshots and a press release from Microsoft's subsidiary in the Czech Republic make it clear that Office is coming to devices ... (view more)

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Windows Live Messenger Eclipsed by Skype

Microsoft is getting ready to ditch its instant messaging service. Now that it owns Skype, according to reports, Microsoft will be switching off the Windows Live Messenger service in March, 2013. Windows Live Messenger first became available back in ... 1999, when it was known as MSN Messenger. Back then it was designed as a rival to AOL's highly popular messaging services. The original MSN Messenger service allowed users to chat with other users via text messages in real time without a public chat room, or even email. Over the years, Microsoft added more complicated features, including video and ... (view more)

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Mozilla Fumes Over Microsoft Browser Ballot Glitch

Microsoft is being accused of failing to display a court-mandated option screen that would allow users of Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) to select their own Internet browser. Although Microsoft has already remedied the issue, the problem has ... apparently caused Mozilla to lose millions of potential Firefox users. As a result of a European Union antitrust settlement, Microsoft had agreed to present new Windows users with a screen that allowed them to choose a different web browser instead of (or in addition to) Internet Explorer. Microsoft offered the choice screen to new and existing Windows ... (view more)

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Microsoft Sued Over Windows 8 User Interface

Windows 8 has a totally new look and feel. But one company says it's not all that original and is suing Microsoft for copyright infringement. Portland tech firm SurfCast is suing Microsoft over its use of "live tiles" on the main display screen, the ... one that appears whenever a user starts up Windows. The tiles are the large rectangular blocks that link to various tools and applications; they're designed to make them easier to use on touchscreen devices. The tiles don't actually have a fixed image or text and they update automatically by using Internet resources. For example, a weather tile ... (view more)


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