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Security Essentials: Effectiveness Dropping Fast

Microsoft Security Essentials is a free antivirus software tool, which makes it a tempting download for many Internet users. However, a new report suggests it will protect computers only from two in every three or so worm, virus, or Trojan horse ... threats. An independent computer security lab based in Germany recently carried out tests of Security Essentials' effectiveness in detecting and removing security threats affecting Microsoft's popular Windows 7 operating system (OS). The lab is affiliated with AV-Test, an independent security institute that performs tests of security products every ... (view more)

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Microsoft 'Windows Blue' Due in 2013: Report

According to a new report, an updated version of Microsoft's Windows operating system (OS) will now ship each and every year. Some observers suggest that Microsoft's idea may be to release gradual upgrades every year rather than wait for a complete ... overhaul to the operating system every few years. Various reports claim Microsoft is using the codename "Windows Blue" for its development work on a new OS, one that may possibly be made available to users as early as 2013. A New Plan for Microsoft? Some insiders believe Windows Blue is both a codename and the actual release name for the next ... (view more)

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Microsoft Surface Pro: Official Pricing Set

Microsoft has officially set the price for its upcoming Surface Pro tablet computer. When it goes on sale early next year, the device will retail for $899 and up. Microsoft's Surface tablet officially launched on October 26, 2012 (along with Windows ... 8), but observers made clear that was just one of the versions of the Surface that Microsoft has been developing. The Surface released in October runs Windows RT, a slimmer version of Windows 8 designed for portable devices with more limited hardware specifications. The new Surface Pro is capable enough to run a full-fledged version of Windows 8. ... (view more)

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Microsoft Portrays Internet Explorer Critics As Trolls

Microsoft has chosen an unusual way of dealing with critics of its newest version of Internet Explorer (IE). In a new TV commercial, the company openly mocks a stereotypical critique of the new Internet browsing software. The ad involves a fictional ... character named "Eugene Finlon." The TV spot shows Finlon -- who is young, wears a cut-off shirt, and lives in a dark, dank apartment -- visiting sites that praise Internet Explorer. Finlon responds to the praise by leaving comments boldly attacking the browser's quality. (Source: ) IE: Only Good for Downloading Other Browsers? For ... (view more)

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Windows RT Support Period Surprisingly Short

Microsoft now promises it will support its new Windows RT operating system (OS) with security patches and updates for at least four-and-a-half years. While that may seem like a long time, it's only half as long as Microsoft generally provides ... support for many of its other software products. Windows RT is designed to power a number of portable devices, including Microsoft's own Surface tablet computer . RT is a trimmed-down version of Windows 8 that requires fewer, cheaper resources from a portable device. "Mainstream" Support Phase to Last Until April 2017 Microsoft says it will ... (view more)

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Windows Store Vulnerable to New Cracking Tool

A new 'cracking' tool reportedly allows users to take trial version applications they have downloaded from Microsoft's Windows Store and turn them into fully functional versions, and do it free of charge. According to reports, the tool is called ... 'Wsservice_crk' and has been available through several online forums -- including -- for more than a month. However, only recently has this tool caught the attention of the media. (Source: ) Cracking Tool Brings Risks Using 'Wsservice_crk' entails several significant risks. For one thing, it's necessary to provide one's ... (view more)

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Microsoft's Windows Store: 500 Apps Added Per Day

Microsoft's Windows Store is slowly growing in size. According to a recent report, the number of applications available has now surpassed the 20,000 mark. Of those 20,000 available apps, about 18,000 (or 90 per cent) are free. Of course, an ... inventory of 20,000 apps is still far short of the standard set by Google's Play store (600,000 apps) and the Apple Store (700,000 apps). But it's a start. Windows Store's App Growth Rate: 500 New Apps Per Day Microsoft's Windows Store app tally has recently begun mounting at an impressive rate. In early October critics raised concerns about the fact that ... (view more)

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Windows XP Support Ending Soon

There are just 500 days left until Microsoft officially terminates all support for the incredibly popular Windows XP operating system (OS). When it happens, the event will mark a major transition for the software giant, and could present big ... problems for the half billion computers still running the aging OS. Once these 500 days come to an end, Windows XP will no longer be updated or have any security vulnerabilities patched by the Microsoft development team. Over time, that will tend to make the operating system highly vulnerable to hacker attack. You can think of this 'end to upgrades' much ... (view more)

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Microsoft to Introduce 'Project Glass' Rival: Report

In an effort to compete with Google's much-anticipated "Project Glass" headset, Microsoft is reportedly preparing its own brand of high-tech eyewear. The evidence for this notion comes from a recent patent application, in which Microsoft described a ... new device that includes a head-mounted display capable of presenting wearers with detailed information about an individual's immediate surroundings. As outlined in the patent application, an individual "wearing at least a partially see-through, head mounted display can view any live event while simultaneously receiving information on ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Pirates Aided by New Software Update

A Microsoft special offer has unintentionally made it much easier for software pirates to run bogus copies of Windows 8. But the loophole works only for particularly determined pirates. The loophole centers around the way Windows users activate ... their software. Each copy of Windows has a unique "key," which Microsoft checks to ensure the software copy is valid and not already in use by another registered owner. If the software's key passes these checks, the software copy is activated. Without activation within a certain period, Windows will begin to severely limit its functionality, mostly to ... (view more)


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