
Dennis Faas's picture

Headers and Footers: MS Word

Every new Word document contains an empty header and footer automatically. Headers are repeating text or graphics that appear at the top of every page of your printed document. The footers appear at the bottom of each page. Some folks put their ... company logo in the header. Many times, you put your letterhead information in the header. You can use the header and footer in various ways. Below is more pertinent information regarding the use of headers and footers in your documents: Typically hold such document elements as titles, chapter headings, page numbers, confidentiality notices, document ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Changing Section Level Formatting MS Word

Most section-level formatting is controlled by the Page Layout dialog box found on the File menu of MS Word. The dialog box is made up of four tabs, each controlling a separate category of section formatting: Margins, Paper Size, Paper Source, and ... Layout. Margins Since margins are section-level formatting, when you change any margin at any point in a section, you change that margin for the entire section. If your document is just one section, then changing any margin at any point in the document changes that margin for the entire document. To change one or more margins: Click File | Page ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Importing from a Word Outline: MS PowerPoint

How many times have you been asked to give a presentation based on an existing report or other document? If you can import the document into MS Word and convert its headings to Word's default "Heading 1" style, the rest is a piece of cake. Outlines ... in Word can be imported directly into PowerPoint in either of two ways: From inside Word, choose File | Send To | Microsoft Office PowerPoint. From inside PowerPoint, choose File | Open and in the Files of Type box, choose All Outlines. When you import an MS Word document, Level 1 headings (formatted "Heading 1" in Word) turn into the titles of new ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Printing Comments: MS Word

You can print the markup balloons as they appear in a document by selecting the 'Document Showing Markup' option from the 'Print What' list via the Print dialog box. You can also print the Reviewing Pane without the document text by selecting the ... 'List Of Markup' option from the Print What list. Markup balloons printed with the document appear in the margin designated on the 'Track Changes' page in the Options dialog box. Whether you print comments with the document or just the Reviewing Pane, the number of the pages on which the comment mark appears is included with the comment text, as well ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Get Margin Placement Errors: MS Word

When you try to print an MS Word document, have you ever gotten the message: "The margins of section X are set outside the printable area of the page. Do you want to continue?" If you click No, Word will cancel printing your document. If you click ... Yes, MS Word will print your document, but some of the text may be cut off at the end of the page. The reason this happens is that your margins are set closer to the edge of the paper than your printer is capable of printing. (Most printers can't print all the way to the edge of the paper.) To rectify this problem, you could try to ... (view more)

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Creating Marginal Blocks of Text: MS Word

You have just finished a huge massive document when you're told that a block of text, such as the word "Confidential," needs to appear in the right margin for each page of your Word document. Learn how Word's Header and Text Box features make it ... easy to add this text to your documents. When you need to display the same block of text (i.e. DRAFT, CONFIDENTIAL, COPY) on every page, you can place it in a header or footer. However, it becomes more complicated if you want to display the text in a specific section of the pages, such as the right margin or the middle of every page. ... (view more)

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Normal Style and Document Formatting: MS Word

In a well designed style-based document, few, if any, paragraphs are actually left in the Normal style. Since most paragraphs have a specific role to play in a document, they should be formatted with the appropriate style. Normal style is typically ... reserved for paragraphs with unique or ad hoc formatting. Normal style's main role is to hold the document's basic formatting, particularly the document's base font. That way, if you need to change the base font, you need only to change the Normal style. Once Normal is changed, other styles based on Normal will change as well. Changing the Document ... (view more)

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Editing Round Trip Documents: MS Word

After your document is finally finished and formatted just the way you wanted, you often have to send it to another person who is collaborating with you on the document. When it comes back to you, sometimes it doesn't have the same formatting as ... when you last saved it. If a document comes to you single spaced with no line spacing between the paragraphs, rather than clicking at the end of each paragraph and pressing [Enter], you can add line spacing to the entire document in two easy steps: Press Ctrl+A. Press Ctrl+0 (zero). MS Word adds a 12-point line space before each paragraph, which is ... (view more)

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Setting Spell Check Options: MS Word

Have you noticed wavy red or green underlines under certain words in a document? That's the sign that MS Word's automatic spelling checker (red) and grammar checker (green) are at work. MS Word has flagged these items as possible mistakes, allowing ... you to see at a glance where possible errors are. Office has an extensive dictionary against which it checks all the words in your document. Whenever it finds a word that is not in its dictionary, it flags the word with a red wavy underline. Proofreading a document is time-consuming, and it's easy to miss finding mistakes in your own writing. ... (view more)

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Embed Excel Worksheets in a Table: MS Word

Rather than just pasting raw numbers into a table, you can embed a worksheet into a document. Embedding retains the formulas that ride behind your numbers and all the functionality of Excel. You can create an Excel worksheet from scratch, or, if the ... worksheet already exists, you can insert it using the Paste Special command. Although an embedded worksheet behaves as a picture in the document, when you double-click to modify it, Excel opens within MS Word, allowing you to use Excel's formulas to calculate results. One drawback to embedding an Excel worksheet is that it increases the file size ... (view more)


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