
Dennis Faas's picture

New PC Security Tutorial

Have you ever stopped to read the headlines that make news on the Internet? Fact: Almost one in every three Internet users in the United States has been hit by either a computer virus or a hacker in the past two years.(1) Fact: In just 24 hours, the ... 'MSBlast' Internet worm exploded onto some 120,000 Windows computers around the world.(2) Overall, MSBlast has infected an estimated 8 million PCs,(3) while damage from the worm is about $525 million USD.(4) Fact: Internet security and privacy issues frequently dominate news headlines as hackers repeatedly infiltrate computers connected to the ... (view more)

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TWAIN compliant graphics editor?, Part 2

Recall -- A few weeks back, Infopackets Reader Brad B. asked if it was possible to transfer his digital camera photo software from his work computer to his home PC: " Dear Dennis, Many years ago, I bought a digital camera that came with the software ... program called 'Camedia'. Unfortunately my computer crashed last year and (worse yet) I can't find the CD to reinstall it on my PC! Before I lost the disc, I managed to install Camedia on the computer at work, and thankfully, it's still working fine. I have tried copying the Camedia files from the work computer to my home computer, but it won ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Swap file optimization?

Speaking of Windows optimization, Infopackets Reader 'Harkatcan' asked me a very interesting question the other day that dealt with the Windows Swap File. " Dear Dennis, How can I get my swap file to empty when I start my computer? When my system ... boots up, a dialogue window appears and reports that I have 572meg in my swap file. Could this be why my computer is running so slow? I use win98se. A techie friend of mine suggested that I write a simple batch file [program] so that my swap file is deleted every time I reboot the computer. That way, it will be replaced with a new swap file that ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

TWAIN compliant graphics editor?

Infopackets Reader Brad B. writes: " Dear Dennis, Many years ago, I bought a digital camera that came with the software program called 'Camedia'. Unfortunately my computer crashed last year and (worse yet) I can't find the CD to reinstall it on my ... PC! Before I lost the disc, I managed to install Camedia on the computer at work, and thankfully, it's still working fine. I have tried copying the Camedia files from the work computer to my home computer, but it won't run. Is there some sort of program I can use to transport Camedia onto my home computer without having to use the installation ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

What if Microsoft produced cars?

I don't normally post jokes in the Gazette; in fact, I've never done so. However, a joke I recently received put a smile on my face. Of course, none of the following story is true -- but humorous nonetheless. See if you can point out the parodies. " ... For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced our lives, read on. At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated, 'If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25.00 cars ... (view more)

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OEM software -- deal or deception?

Infopackets Reader Pete N. writes: " Dear Dennis, My email box has been bombarded lately -- as I'm sure most of your readers have -- with solicitations for OEM Software (sans the box and manual) available at ridiculously cheap prices. The deal is ... very tempting, but can you tell me the pros and cons of buying and using this stuff? I find it hard to believe that the only difference [when purchasing OEM software] is that you don't get the manuals and boxes. Can you explain? " Side note: OEM is an acronym which stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. My response: Anything that ... (view more)

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Hard drive does not detect and has disappeared?

Infopackets Reader LaVerne B. writes: " Approximately two months ago my computer suddenly stopped recognizing my D Drive. What should I do to correct this problem?? I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the hardware; however, I still have the ... predicament! " My response: This sounds like it might be a hardware problem. What I am about to suggest may not be the most 'correct' answer, but will surely set you in the right direction. Having said that, here are some probable reasons as to why your drive is no longer working: The drive is not configured / plugged in properly. The BIOS ... (view more)

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Showstopper (Windows Shutdown Utility)

Recall -- A few weeks back, Infopackets Reader Ian B. asked if there was a way to make his Windows 98 computer shut down and power off: " I have a win 98 computer that used to shut off the power after a Start -> Shutdown command was clicked, but ... now it just stops at that the 'It is now safe to shut down your computer' screen. Can you advise if this is a hardware or software fault, please?" I responded to this question by writing 2 articles. In part 1, I commented on a number of reasons why Windows 98 might not shut down (I.E.: BIOS, device drivers, Power Management, and APM) and ... (view more)

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Activate Windows XP on more than one PC?, Part 3

Another hot topic in the Gazette is our discussion regarding Windows XP, and whether or not it can be installed on more than 1 PC using the same activation key. Infopackets Reader Steve S. writes: " In response to your recent discussion concerning ... re-activating WinXP after substantial hardware changes, I just wish to add that the process is done pretty simply in terms of 'setting things right' with Microsoft. When Microsoft detects that your computer's hardware components have substantially changed -- (as in my case: I had simultaneously added more RAM [memory] and installed a faster ... (view more)

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Activate Windows XP on more than one PC?, Part 2

Recall -- Infopackets Reader Marie 'ChameleonsGirl' asked if it was possible to use the same copy of Windows XP that came with her new computer and install it onto her second computer. My response was that Microsoft has designed Windows XP so that ... it can only be activated on 1 computer (per copy). This is a form of copy protection and is aimed at stopping software piracy, and works something like this: You buy Windows XP on CD (or it comes with your computer) and includes a registration number. The Windows XP activation program looks at each hardware component inside your computer, gathers ... (view more)


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