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Administrator user account for Windows XP?

Infopackets Reader Marie B. writes: " Dear Dennis, I am the only user of my computer which has Windows XP installed. How do I sign into my computer as the 'administrator', rather than as my individual name? I understand that administration access is ... required to make certain changes to Windows. I don't need to adjust anything at this time, but would like to know how to do this in the future (just in case). " My response: As far as I understand, the "administrator" account name is disabled under Windows XP for security reasons. For example: imagine how easy it would be for ... (view more)

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Computer is making strange noises?

Infopackets Reader Jim L. writes: " Although only two and a half years old, my hard drive is starting to make very strange noises, especially at startup, which sometimes dissipate after having run for a while, but not always. I'm extremely concerned ... that if I don't transfer everything to a new hard drive soon that I will loose it all. I remember that you had recommended a program that would allow easy transfer of data from one hard drive to the other. Will this program transfer my OS (Windows 2000 & Office 2000) and personal data as well? My hard drive is portioned into C and D ... (view more)

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Analog Camcorder (VHS) transfer to computer (CD)?

Infopackets Reader Samuel C. writes: " Dear Dennis, I have many VHS tapes created from the use of my old JVC personal camcorder (analog). I would like to transfer the VHS video onto my computer and then to CD. I've tried researching this issue on ... the web, but am so confused because the lingo is too technical for me to understand. I have a 2 year old computer (Dell) with all the bells and whistles, currently running windows XP Home Edition. Can you help? " My response: In terms of hardware and software requirements, you will need: a camcorder or VCR to play the VHS video a video card ... (view more)

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Download Kazaa Lite K++ Kpp Klite

Infopackets Reader Doug L. wrote in with another question: " Many thanks for your quick response to my concern about GuruNet. I checked out your suggestions and appreciate your advice. I'm straight now and I will again download GuruNet for my 3 ... school-age sons. I have another question, if you don't mind. My oldest son (even though I told him not to) installed Kazaa on our family computer and downloaded some music. The problem now is that ALTNET [a third-party advertising program] has been installed on my machine along with Kazaa. It seems to be controlling my system by automatically ... (view more)

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Transfer files and settings from old PC to new PC?

Die-hard Infopackets Reader Dri-Anna D. writes: " Dear Dennis, Being that I consider you a trusted source (along with Fred Langa's LangaList), I am following your newsletter articles with great interest with respect to updating Windows XP to Service ... Pack 2. I have a question, however. I will be purchasing a new computer next month, and it will have a pre-installed copy of Windows XP Home Edition, complete with the install CD so I can install it again at a later date (if needed). I am very excited about using my new computer, yet, I am also dreading the job of transferring my gobs of ... (view more)

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Share Files and Folders using Windows XP?

Infopackets Reader Steve 'notjourney' writes: " Dear Dennis, I have Windows XP Professional and Office 2003. There are 3 people who use the machine. All 3 need to be able to modify Excel and Access files. I have put these files in the shared folder ... and yet only I can modify them. The other 2 users can only read them. I have tried everything I can find including making them both administrators. Nothing has worked. What do you suggest? By the way, thanks for all the help you have given me in other areas. " My response: It sounds to me like your share privileges are not set properly. ... (view more)

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System LifeGuard v2.0 Review

Since writing this newsletter, I have come across a handful of noteworthy applications aimed at streamlining a Windows PC. Some of the programs I've reviewed are very particular in nature and focus primarily on one task, while others are ... multi-utility oriented. What is System LifeGuard v2.0? System LifeGuard v2.0 is a Swiss Army Knife of essential PC maintenance. Developed by NeoByte Solutions, System LifeGuard v2.0 includes a comprehensive collection of utilities designed to dramatically improve the performance of a Windows PC by safely removing junk files and folders and invalid System ... (view more)

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Computer Icon in Tray Bar Next to Clock has Red X?

Infopackets Reader Ed M. writes: " Dear Dennis, I have a Broadcom 440x10/100 Integrated [Ethernet] Controller built onto my computer's main board. On the task bar (near my clock), I can see a computer icon with a red X on top of it. If I hover my ... mouse over top, it says 'LAN or High Speed Internet' is disconnected. Could you please instruct me on how to connect it? " My response: Actually, this sounds like a similar scenario I recently faced when visiting my friend Frank in Toronto, except he has an extra Network card in his machine that is currently not in use (rather than an extra ... (view more)

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System Crash

It's been a rough couple of weeks: it seems like every time I try to take a step forward, I end up taking 3 steps backward. After I got home from visiting Frank in Toronto, my main computer (the one that I use to write the newsletters) kept crashing ... with repeated Blue Screens of Death (BSOD). The BSOD's gave me some clue as to why my system was crashing, as the .DLL file responsible for the crash appeared to be related to my video card driver. Strange, I thought. I didn't upgrade my video card driver recently, but opted to do so as I hadn't upgraded my driver in over a year. Video card ... (view more)

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CD Mastering Software

Since writing this newsletter, I have received a number of questions with respect to burning CD recordable discs. One question came from Infopackets Reader Bob T., who recently asked how it was possible to transport movie files from his computer ... onto his DVD player. Bob writes: " Dennis, I have a number of .MPEG movie files that I've downloaded through Kazaa. Friends tell me it is possible to play these files using my DVD player, but I need special CD burning software to do it. Is this true? If so, what program do you recommend? " And Infopackets Reader Sheila S. asked how to ... (view more)


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