
Dennis Faas's picture

Storm Clouds on Vista's Horizons?

The launch of Windows Vista earlier this year may have helped fuel Mac sales according to research conducted by Gartner Research. Mac sales were up 35 percent in the first quarter compared to a year ago. Comparatively, PC sales were up by 9 percent. ... (Source: ) A lot of technology companies appear to have expectations that computer sales would get a bigger boost with the release of Vista, which requires a lot more computing power than earlier versions of Windows. That expectation may be leaving tech companies with higher inventories and more production capacity than necessary. ... (view more)

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Acronis True Image 10: Review

Have you ever played the game, "What If?" For example: 1. What if your PC crashed and you lost all your data? 2. What if you unsuspectingly downloaded a Spyware-infected program and it proved near impossible to remove -- all the while slamming your ... PC full of pesky popup ads and slowing your computer down to a crawl? 3. What if Windows suddenly stopped working properly and refused to boot? 4. What if you opened a malicious email attachment that installs a nasty virus, worm or keylogger that steals your personal information? The list goes on. The fact is, these are real life scenarios regular ... (view more)

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Computer Basics, Part 1

I suppose it's time to roll up my sleeves and try to 'expose' the inner workings of the scary little box that's humming away on your desk. It's called a Personal Computer, no matter who designed and/or built it. It may have a name associated with it ... such as Macintosh (or Mac), Dell, IBM, Gateway, or any of a myriad of names depending where you live and what you decided to buy. No matter what name is associated, all desktop Personal Computers (or PCs) have a few basic components that are common. Laptop systems have the same array of components but they are usually not accessible like in a ... (view more)

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In France, The Minitel Lives On!

In the mid-1990's, 14 million homes in France had a government-sponsored microcomputer called The Minitel. The Minitel left much to be desired in terms of technological capabilities, as the system offered a black-and-white screen with slow ... connection speeds. The system was eventually replaced in favor of the forthcoming Internet. A French Internet service provider, Neuf Cegetel, has taken their inspiration from the Minitel and developed a brand-new computer based on a similar low-cost model. The new computer will be aimed directly at those who are unwilling or unable to purchase a high-end ... (view more)

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SpeedUpMyPC 3.0: Review

If you've been subscribed to Infopackets for any length of time, you've undoubtedly seen a program called "SpeedUpMyPC" recommended in our email newsletters. Judging by name, one might think that SpeedUpMyPC is just another run-of-the-mill system ... optimizer -- but don't click away just yet, because this may be one of the most demystifying articles you'll ever read. ;-) Allow me to elaborate. Back in 2003, I reviewed SpeedUpMyPC 1.0 when it debuted: and it impressed the pants off me -- not just because of the results, but also because it's such a unique product. But I wasn't the only one to ... (view more)

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Windows Vista DRM: 'Suicidal'

A lot of the hoopla surrounding the new Windows Vista operating system (OS) is based on it's new multimedia capabilities. However, users purchasing Vista to use the much-hyped and enhanced multimedia capabilities to watch high definition or blu-ray ... DVDs -- or to listen to audio CDs -- may be in for a very upsetting surprise. In a disturbing, albeit, eye-opening white paper detailing a cost analysis of Windows Vista Contect Protection, Peter Gutmann (a Department of Computer Science security engineering researcher at the University of Auckland, New Zealand) details the consequences of ... (view more)

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Email Is For Old People, Research Suggests

Do you use regularly use email to keep in touch your friends and co-workers? I know I do! Well, according to a new study conducted by Parks Associates, that makes us old folks. Less than one-fifth of the 13-17 year olds who took the survey use email ... to communicate with their buddies, whereas 40 percent of adults between 25 and 54 rely on email to contact their friends. One-third of teens indicate that they contact their pals through instant messaging -- a big jump from adults, who number only 11 percent. Family, however, is a different story. There's "still a lot of face-to-face communication ... (view more)

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Australian Software Company Mixes Reality and Virtual Reality for Healthy Results

An Australian-based software company has developed an innovative health program that aims at targeting employees with unhealthy habits. After seeing the stereotypes of computer programmers and software developers on a daily basis, Altiris has ... decided to motivate their employees with special incentives in an effort to help make better choices in the daily lives of their employees. (Source: ) The company hopes to encourage employees to avoid long hours in front of a computer, eating large amounts of junk food, and getting very little sleep at night. (Source: ) ... (view more)

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Dell Wants You To Recycle Your Old PC

What do you do with a computer that you no longer need? You can always give it away, but then there's worries that another person might have access to previous and private information once held on the PC ... or, you can just store it in a garage and ... watch it take up space and gather dust. Neither option sounds very appealing, does it? ;-) Now computer maker Dell is offering another choice to U.S. consumers: If you own a Dell brand PC or accessory, you can recycle it for free. A company worker will come pick it up from your home at no charge. Computer recycling, however, is hardly a new ... (view more)

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WinShampoo 2: Two Incredible PC Utilities In One!

Have you ever taken a good, long, hard look at everything stored on your computer? Chances are there are heaps of redundant and unnecessary files that are taking up valuable disk space and cluttering up your file system. Why are they there? What's ... their purpose? And how in the world did they get on your PC in the first place? If you've owned a computer for any length of time, you have inevitably downloaded, installed, and later gotten rid of program after program. What you may not realize, though, is that uninstalling a program often leaves you with "leftovers." Now, you'd think that the " ... (view more)


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