
Dennis Faas's picture

'Moba Live Cd', and 'Introduction To Computer Science - Stanford'

MobaLiveCD MobaLiveCD is a freeware that will run your Linux LiveCD inside Windows from an ISO. There's no need for burning a CD, since MobaLiveCD uses the excellent emulator, Qemu. Introduction To Computer Science ... - Stanford Free online, one of Stanford's most popular engineering sequences: the three-course Introduction to Computer Science taken by the majority of Stanford undergraduates, and seven more advanced courses in artificial intelligence and electrical engineering. Think you've got the stuff to excel at post-secondary comp-sci? Then try this out ... (view more)

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'On-Site Computer Repair Kit', and 'Boot Safe'

On-Site Computer Repair Kit What a seasoned computer technician brings to on-site computer repairs; this list is a great resource for green-horn users who want to know more about the various functions performed by their systems, and when necessary, ... how to fix 'em. Boot Safe BootSafe takes the hassle out of rebooting in Safe Mode or back to Normal mode. No installation is required, no setup requested, just download and run -- it's that simple! Users will find that Boot Safe is simple to use, fast to download and FREE! Today's fresh ... (view more)

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A Web Browser Custom Made for the Autistic User

If consumer response is any indication, the public wants their modern technological devices to be hi-speed, visually stimulating, and offer more options than one will ever need or use in their lifetime. But can these features be detrimental to the ... overall experience for some people? If the user has autism, the answer is a definite "yes". John LeSieur, owner of the small software start-up "People CD", has a six-year-old grandson who has autism. For Zachery, the entire experience of using a computer is wasted on the countless options that confuse the child. The episode ends when Zachery hurls ... (view more)

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'Access Your Computer Remotely', and 'Desk Drive'

Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City. Please note that the below software descriptions are provided solely from the developer and are absent from any guarantee or warranty. You are encouraged to ... review the Shell Extension Software Policy for more details. Access Your Computer Remotely Thanks to virtual network computing, you can access your home machine from anywhere, from the Wired How-To Wiki. Desk Drive Desk Drive solves a really annoying problem. You pop a USB thumb drive or DVD into your computer and then you ... (view more)

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An Apple Supercomputer?

Apple they'll soon be turning the tech world upside down by introducing a new level of computer performance by focusing their energies on something called 'parallel computing'. There's a certain irony in this. Supercomputers are stacking up PCs to ... get their performance while PCs are using supercomputing methods to get boost theirs. Just this week, IBM and Los Alamos National Laboratory announced the first "petaflop" computer (named 'Roadrunner') that is, essentially, an armada of PCs working in parallel. The new machine is capable of performing more than 1,000 trillion operations per second. ... (view more)

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Dell Guilty of Defrauding Customers

Computers, cell phones and the like are the ultimate luxuries. They make our lives easier and, lets face it, we love them to death. But we all know how frustrating it can be when something goes wrong. Either it's way more expensive than we thought, ... impossible to repair, or the warranty doesn't cover what's broken. That's how some deceived Dell customers felt about financing, warranties, and repair services promised by the company. Clients who were "left on hold for hours...pressured to take apart their computers themselves, and subjected to numerous other negligent and abusive practices." ( ... (view more)

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Hackers Find A New Hiding Place for Rootkits

Security researchers have reportedly developed a new type of malicious rootkit software capable of hiding itself in an obscure part of a computer's microprocessor, hidden from current antivirus products. Dubbed a System Management Mode (SMM) ... rootkit, the software runs in a protected part of a computer's memory that can be locked and rendered invisible to the operating system, but it can give attackers details of what's happening in a computer's memory. The SMM rootkit, built by Shawn Embleton and Sherri Sparks, operators of security company Clear Hat Consulting, comes with keylogging and ... (view more)

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Cuban Government Says 'Ok Computer'

Have you ever wondered what life would be like without your computer? Most people can't even fathom it. Would it surprise you to know that until last month, Cubans were restricted from owning computers, surfing the Internet, or having cell phones? ... Until recently, the communist Cuban government (under Fidel Castro) restricted all non-essential expenses, such as air conditioners, luxury cal rentals, and toasters. Average Cubans were not allowed any of these indulgences. (Source: ) In most countries, computers, Internet access and cell phones are an everyday, often integral, part of life ... (view more)

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Microsoft Device Extracts Forensic Data

Microsoft has reportedly developed a small plug-in device that can be used by investigators to quickly extract forensic data from computers that may have been used in crimes. The Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor (COFEE) is a USB "thumb ... drive" that Microsoft quietly distributed to a handful of law-enforcement agencies last June. The COFEE device contains 150 commands that dramatically cut the time it takes to gather digital evidence. It can decrypt passwords and analyze a computer's Internet activity and data stored in the computer. COFEE lets the investigator scan for evidence on ... (view more)

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PC-Based Windows Rival Still Unlikely

The leading manufacturer of software using the open source Linux system says it's still too tricky to produce a serious competitor to the Windows operating system that is suitable for the average PC user. Linux is an operating system based on open ... source code; that means it's free to use, distribute and alter it. Indeed, many computer developers find ways to improve it and then share those improvements. Think of it like the Wikipedia of programming. The system is popular for running servers, the large machines at the heart of computer networks. That's because it's generally seen as more ... (view more)


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