Windows Tips

Dennis Faas's picture

Use External hard drive to boot Windows incase C drive crashes?

Infopackets Reader Steve T. writes: " Dear Dennis, I have recently added a 120GB external hard drive to my Dell Dimension computer (via the USB port). Problem: whenever I turn my computer on (to start Windows), the external hard drive always tries ... to boot first. Inevitably I get an error message that 'operating system is not found' and I have to shut off the external unit and then reboot the machine in order to start Windows properly. For this reason, I am curious if my Windows XP crashes, would it be able to boot from the external hard drive? If so, how would I go about doing this? ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Internet Explorer doesn't ask where to Save Files?

Infopackets Reader Mike F. writes: " Dear Dennis, I have been reading your articles for quite a while and now I have a situation of my own and am hoping that you can help. The problem is that when I click a link to download a file, there are no ... options for me to choose where I can save the file. Subsequently, I cannot locate the files I download from the web. I have searched all over my computer but have had no luck. I would appreciate any help you can provide in resolving this problem. " My response: I've been asked this question a number of times in the past. According to ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Set Mouse Focus (bring Window to foreground)?

Infopackets Reader Jamie T. from the UK writes: " Dear Dennis, When I hover my mouse pointer over a window, it automatically brings that window to the front. I don't understand why this happening all the sudden. I can't seem to find any settings in ... the Control Panel where I can stop the mouse from stealing focus. Can you help? " My response: The mouse focus setting may be the result of a program you recently installed. At any rate, you can adjust mouse focus (enable or disable) it with a freeware Microsoft utility, called TweakUI (a part of the PowerToys collection). A download link ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Windows Form Parking Window Error?

Infopackets Reader Jimmy B. writes: " Dear Dennis, I'm running windows XP and use Webroot Spy Sweeper and Norton Anti Virus. Sometimes I'll be using my computer when -- all of the sudden -- I get this very strange error message that reads 'Windows ... Form Parking Window' error and it shuts my computer down. What is Windows Form Parking Window and how can I stop it from appearing? I've done a Spyware and AntiVirus scan of my computer and haven't come up with anything. Can you help? " My response: From what I read via Google, the "Windows Form Parking Window" or " ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Print Song Titles in Media Player Library?

Infopackets Reader Wayne B. writes: " Dear Dennis, Can you please tell me how I can Print the Titles of all the songs I have in Windows Media Player Library? I have a ton of songs listed here and I'd like to have a hard copy for my reference. " My ... response: What you're referring to is a printing a PlayList. According to, you have two options. Option 1: You can "use the 'Media Info Exporter PowerToy' to export your library to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access, or even to an HTML or XML file, and then you'll be able to print. Note that this tool only ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Display Modem Lights for Dialup Connection in Tray bar?, Part 2

Recall -- Yesterday, Andy P. asked if there was a freeware program that could display the send and receive activity of his internal modem: " I use a dialup Internet connection from AOL. Before I upgraded to Windows XP, I ran a wonderful utility ... called 'FMLights' which allowed me to view the Send and Receive activity internal modem. Unfortunately, FMLights is not compatible with Windows XP, and I can no longer view my network traffic when I'm connected to the Internet ... If you can recommend a freeware application that displays my modem lights and is compatible with Windows XP, that ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Display Modem Lights for Dialup Connection in Tray bar?

Infopackets Reader Andy P. writes: " Dear Dennis, I use a dialup Internet connection from AOL. Before I upgraded to Windows XP, I ran a wonderful utility called 'FMLights' which allowed me to view the Send and Receive activity internal modem. ... Unfortunately, FMLights is not compatible with Windows XP, and I can no longer view my network traffic when I'm connected to the Internet. I understand that Window XP has the ability to show a network activity in the tray bar [RE: 'show icon in notification area when connected'], but this feature is unavailable when I click the properties of my AOL ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Can't print because QuickLink III isn't installed?

Infopackets Reader John M. writes: " Dear Dennis, I recently had to reinstall AOL. Now when I try to print something, I receive an error message stating that I must install QuickLink III before I can use my printer. I can't print anything now! What ... is QuickLink III and where do I download it so I can print again? Please Help! " My response: QuickLink III is a fax program and may have come bundled with your computer (or you may have installed it at some point in the past). Because Quick Link III is a fax program, it uses a special fax printer driver for decoding received faxes. The ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Windows Activation screen keeps reappearing?

Infopackets Reader Linda R. from the United Kingdom writes: " Dear Dennis, Thanks again for all the help in the past. I have an urgent question, however. The past two days when I reboot my Windows XP machine, I am getting message 'Windows has to be ... Activated within [now] 6 days', and prompts me to click on Yes. When I do this, a larger box comes up with the message, 'Windows already activated.' What does all this mean? " My response: That's very strange! If you have the original Windows XP install disc, you (or the person who installed XP) were supposed to enter the CD Key in the ... (view more)

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Can't view Thumbnails?

Infopackets Reader Al D. writes: " Dear Dennis, A little while back, I wrote to you about a problem I had not being able to view my thumbnail pictures when browsing my video files. Normally the thumbnail view provides a still photo for each file, so ... that I can preview and identify the proper video. At any rate: I have hundreds of video clips on my computer (mostly in .mpeg video format). Shortly after I installed Nero Vision Express 3 (a CD / DVD burning software program), I lost the ability to preview my thumbnails. Now when I use the thumbnail view, I get a standard Windows Media ... (view more)


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