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Win7 Usage Already Outpacing Mac OS, Study Suggests

According to a a recent study, Windows 7 is already being used on more computers than Mac OS. In fact, Windows 7's usage outperforms all versions of Apple's system put together. According to Net Applications, 5.14% of online users were running ... Windows 7 last Sunday, compared with Apple's average of 5% for the week as a whole. However, Windows 7 only averaged 4.15% for the week, which is a fairer comparison. Figures for Sunday alone aren't available for Mac OS yet. (Source: ) It's possible Apple's figures for the Sunday will turn out to be higher than its weekly average as, ... (view more)

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MS Accused of Bait and Switch, Negative Cashback Rewards

For the past few months, Samir Meghani has been the proverbial "thorn in the side" of Microsoft. First, the co-founder of price comparison search engine posted ways in which users could exploit the Bing cashback rewards program . Now, ... Meghani is claiming that this same promotion is responsible for making some products appear more expensive on the web than their actual retail price. Bing 'Negative Cashback' Rewards Acccording to Meghani, Bing has a hidden feature that he refers to as 'negative cashback'. It is his belief that the program, and more specifically, vendors associated ... (view more)

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Windows 7 Sales: Mindblowing, or Misleading?

Microsoft's CEO says Windows 7 is selling twice as fast as any of its predecessors. However, he was careful not to sound too arrogant, noting that even the tiniest fraction of market share lost to rivals is important to the Redmond-based software ... firm. Steve Ballmer last week spoke at Microsoft's annual meeting in Washington state, broadcast live on the Internet. He said Windows 7 had already sold twice as many units as any previous Microsoft operating system (OS) in the same period, calling the sales a "fantastic start". (Source: ) Ballmer didn't give sales numbers or revenue ... (view more)

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Rumor: Microsoft's Windows 8 Due in 2012

Is Microsoft already looking beyond Windows 7 to Windows 8? Well, it can't hurt to be prepared. In a recent presentation at the Los Angeles Professional Developers Conference, Microsoft's Steven Sinofsky revealed two interesting slides that CNET ... News believes confirms the next major release from the Redmond-based firm is pegged for 2012. There's great value for Microsoft in being up front with its home and business customers. For one, being prepared keeps stock value high. Second, it keeps consumer confidence at a peak, and although the initial knee-jerk reaction might be to wonder if news of ... (view more)

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Microsoft Office 2010 Public Beta Underway Now

Although the next version of Microsoft's very popular Office software isn't set to ship until the new year, the Redmond-based firm recently unveiled a public beta allowing interested users to try new editions of PowerPoint, FrontPage, Word and more. ... Microsoft revealed the beta at the PDC developer event going on right now in Los Angeles. The beta is currently available and can be installed and run alongside older versions of Office, allowing the user to take a closer look at what's new for 2010. (Source: ) So, what new features can we expect in Microsoft Office 2010? First of all ... (view more)

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Internet Explorer 9 Unveiled: Faster, Web Standards Questionable

Microsoft has given Internet Explorer 9 its first public airing. The browser looks set to make up a significant gap in speed compared with its rivals but will reawaken controversy over Microsoft's policy on web standards. It's no secret that many ... tests show Internet Explorer is much slower in loading pages, particularly those that use javascript. However, it was still surprising to see the firm's Steven Sinofsky openly admit that gap, with his presentation even noting one test which showed Internet Explorer achieving just 50% of the speed of some rivals. According to Sinofsky, Internet ... (view more)

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Windows 8: Microsoft Recruits Developers for New OS

Thus far, Windows 7 is getting some fantastic reviews. However, that doesn't mean Microsoft will be resting on their laurels, and it appears the company is already readying for Windows 8. How do we know that? There's evidence in a secret job posting ... unveiled for the recruitment of Windows 8 developers. discovered the odd posting in reference to the "next newest" Microsoft operating system. The listing, which has since been removed from the original recruitment site, revealed that the company was seeking qualified personnel for the planning and preparation of the Windows Update ... (view more)

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Windows 7 Netbook Battery Life Shorter than XP Systems

When Windows 7 first launched back in late October, Microsoft touted the system as more efficient from the ground up -- making for, it said, longer PC battery lives compared to Vista. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem Windows 7 is quite so generous to ... netbook batteries, particularly when compared to its own, decade-old operating system (OS), XP. Just prior to Halloween, Microsoft had some not-so-scary news for prospective PC buyers: Windows 7 will let you get more out of your laptop battery. That wasn't surprising news, considering Vista, the company's much-maligned 2007 OS, was a veritable ... (view more)

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Microsoft Bans Thousands of Pirated Xbox 360s from Xbox Live

In an attempt to curb the rising number of pirated or 'modded' Xbox 360s, Microsoft has unleashed a torrent of attacks upon these hacked systems. According to reports, in the last little while the software company has banned an astounding 600,000 ... Xbox 360 users from its Xbox Live online gaming community. Modding involves customizing the Xbox 360, Microsoft's popular video game console. Those who buy the system can, if they know how, change the operating system, hard drive and other components so that a console is capable of running unofficial copies of games. The allure of modding a system is ... (view more)

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Windows 7 Inspired by Mac, Says Microsoft Manager

A senior Microsoft figure in the UK has said Windows 7 tries to mimic the look and feel of a Mac. Microsoft headquarters responded by calling him "inaccurate and uninformed." Simon Aldous, Microsoft's partner group manager, recently gave an ... interview to PCR, a computer industry magazine. As you'd imagine given the timing, the interview covered the development of Windows 7, which he agreed was like "Vista on steroids". However, he went on to say: "One of the things that people say an awful lot about the Apple Mac is that the OS is fantastic, that it's very graphical and easy to use. What we've ... (view more)


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