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MS Office Pulled from Microsoft Store, Downloads Halted

After a lengthy court battle that saw Microsoft cut down by tiny Canadian firm i4i, the software giant has agreed to remove the conflicting function from its popular Word program. As of this morning, the XML features at the heart of the great 2009 ... Word legal battle have been cut out. The ordeal began back in August , when a Texas federal judge found Microsoft guilty of infringing on small Toronto-based i4i's copyright of various XML functions found in the software company's Word, a prominent part of the very popular Office suite. Microsoft was given until October 10 to remove Word from store ... (view more)

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Confirmed: Microsoft Natal to be released Holiday 2010

Thanks to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's address at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Wednesday night and a video interview with Entertainment ... (view more)

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Microsoft Launches Windows 7 Tablet PC at CES

Apple's much-hyped tablet computer could be on sale within a few months . But now Microsoft has responded by promoting its own tablet PC in partnership with HP. The Windows 7 Tablet: by HP Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer showed off the device as part of ... his major address to the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Wednesday night. The computer is effectively a Windows 7 notebook but in the form of a single touchscreen rather than a separate keyboard and display. Pricing isn't confirmed, though reports are that it will be sold for less than $500. The new device is produced by HP, and not Microsoft. ... (view more)

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Microsoft Slashes Price of Windows 7 Professional

Microsoft is offering a whopping 50 per cent discount on the Professional edition of Windows 7. It's an attempt to gain ground among smaller businesses, some of whom need more features than the home user but aren't big enough for large-scale ... licensing. The firm has announced that customers of its "Open Value Subscription" licensing scheme will get upgrades to Windows 7 Professional for half-price until the end of June. They'll also qualify for a 50 per cent discount on Office 2010. About: Open Value Subscription "Open Value Subscription" is aimed at small and medium businesses (those with 5 ... (view more)

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MS Natal Details Leaked Before Microsoft CES Address

Word of Microsoft's upcoming video game console, MS Natal, broke last night but it didn't come during company CEO Steve Ballmer's much-anticipated speech in front of a Consumer Electronics Show (CES) crowd. Instead, news that Microsoft Natal will ... ship this year emerged thanks to a leaked video featuring former Xbox chief Robbie Bach. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer hit the stage last night; the company had hoped it would be during his speech when further details about Natal were finally unveiled. Unfortunately, a video featuring Robbie Bach playing Natal was posted to Microsoft's Channel 9 ... (view more)

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Microsoft Reveals Office 2010 Pricing, Preps for CES

Everything is just about set for Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's keynote address tomorrow night in front of a giddy Consumer Electronics Show (CES) crowd. Big news on upcoming products is expected -- however, a day before his speech, Microsoft ... yesterday unveiled pricing for its highly anticipated Office 2010. Microsoft Office is well known for its impressive suite of tools used by home and business users, including fan-favorite programs Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. The next edition of Office is due this June, but thanks to the recent announcement we now have an idea of how much Office 2010 will ... (view more)

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Rumor: Xbox Live Headed to Windows Mobile Phones

If you don't have any trouble reading deep into Microsoft job postings, it would appear that the Redmond-based company is preparing to bring its extremely popular Xbox Live online gaming network to Windows Mobile phones. The postings in question ... were for a principal program manager and for a software test engineer. The former was filled on December 23, 2009, but that doesn't really matter -- for the wider interests of techies, the devil is in the details. The job ads made several blatant references to Windows Mobile and the possibility of some level of integration with Xbox Live, currently ... (view more)

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MS Word Shutdown: What It Means to You

As we reported yesterday , Microsoft has lost a federal appeal over a copyright case involving the MS Office program, MS Word. In short, Microsoft breached a patent on a technique for opening XML (Extensible Markup Language) documents in MS Word. ... What is XML? XML is something of a sequel to HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), which is the language used for creating the layout of a webpage. Whereas HTML "tags" decide how text appears on screen, XML tells a computer what the text is about. This effectively turns web content into a type of database and makes it easier to organize and manipulate ... (view more)

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MS Word Shutdown: US Appeals Court Rejects Microsoft

Microsoft has lost another appeal to keep Microsoft Word 2007 on store shelves in its current form. An appeals court on Tuesday found that the company had infringed on Canadian firm i4i's patent for a built-in XML editor. Microsoft and i4i aroused ... much attention back over the summer , when a U.S. District Court judge in Eastern Texas found that the Redmond-based software giant had infringed on the much smaller Toronto company's patent for an XML editor that is a critical part of the Office program Word. Rather than immediately set about changing the program to avoid the patent conflict, ... (view more)

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MS to Combat Illicit Child Photos with PhotoDNA

Microsoft has announced their involvement in the war against illicit child photos by creating a new software tool that will give those looking to abolish such unethical material an upper hand. The software, which is somewhat similar to an antivirus ... program, will identify signatures in content to find images of those being abused. Microsoft researchers worked alongside Dartmouth College computer science professor Henry Farid to produce PhotoDNA. The software is able to accurately pinpoint certain characteristics in digital images that computers can scan online. Said Farid, "The basic idea is ... (view more)


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