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New Sneak Peeks of IE9, Chrome Available

Amidst news that Google's Chrome has made remarkable strides in chewing up Microsoft's long-time browser market domination, there's now word that both companies have revealed test versions of their upcoming updates for Chrome and Internet Explorer 9 ... (IE9). Google's new Chrome beta comes with some impressive upgrades, including faster and more stable performance, bookmark synching preferences, and various themes and home page customization options. Users will also find that they can implement browser extensions while still engaged in private browsing mode. Google's HTML5 support also gets a ... (view more)

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Windows 7 Second Most Used OS Worldwide: Report

Looking back now, it seems inevitable that Windows 7 would eclipse the much-disliked Windows Vista, released three years ago amidst absentee fanfare. Now, we've got perfect proof of Microsoft's success in improving upon the latter: Windows 7 has now ... passed its predecessor as the most-used operating system (OS) in the world. Impressively, it took just seven months for Windows 7 to achieve that feat. Early predictions had been that it would take the new OS until sometime this summer to pass Vista, but in the end the process was complete only weeks after the ushering in of spring. Compatibility ... (view more)

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Browser Market Watch: Chrome Share Rises, IE Falls

Microsoft's jubilation over the fact that Windows 7 has surpassed Vista to become the second-most used OS on the planet could be tarnished by the dreadful news concerning their browser, Internet Explorer (IE). According to the most recent figures, ... IE has officially fallen below 60 per cent market share for the first time in its existence. In 2003, Microsoft sat atop the browser market with a whopping 95 per cent market share. The remaining five per cent was impacted by users of other operating system platforms (since Internet Explorer is a Windows-only browser). Seven years later, more than ... (view more)

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Windows Needs Alternative to Adobe, Security Expert Says

For most of us, opening a PDF (portable document file) means we're forced to use Adobe Reader, the most prominent application associated with viewing PDF files. Unfortunately, programs like Adobe Reader are often targeted by hackers, and one ... security expert believes Microsoft should offer an alternative for its users. According to Sean Sullivan, security advisor for Finland's antivirus firm F-Secure, Microsoft's competition has already beaten them to the idea. "Apple does this with its Preview [application], and Microsoft should, too," Sullivan said. (Source: ) Security ... (view more)

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HP's Win7 iPad-Like Tablet Cancelled, Reports Suggest

It would appear two potential rivals to Apple's iPad have been bumped off by their parent companies in just a few days' time. According to reports, Hewlett-Packard's (HP) Slate tablet , which planned to use Windows 7, has been cancelled. The news ... comes less than a week after word that Microsoft had nixed its Courier device. Microsoft admitted last week that it had no plans to release a final version of Courier, a dual-screen, touch screen tablet computer that opened up like an old-timey book and used a stylus for navigation. That wasn't such a huge surprise, since Courier received most of its ... (view more)

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Microsoft Readies Windows Live Messenger Upgrade

Users of Microsoft's popular Windows Messenger will soon notice the company has given the service a dramatic facelift. In a recent preview, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer showed off several of Messenger's new features, ranging from tabbed conversations ... to high-definition video chat. "The new Messenger will provide a great way to have more meaningful conversations with the people you care about most while also bringing together your social networks and sharing updates, cutting through the clutter, and staying up to date with your favorite friends," Microsoft noted in a recent statement. (Source: ... (view more)

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Windows 7, Windows Media Center Coming to TV

Windows 7 could soon be appearing on television sets and set-top boxes. It's the most high-profile outcome of Microsoft releasing a special edition of the system for standalone devices. For many years, Microsoft has released a completely separate ... version of Windows (called "Windows CE") for devices with limited storage space. What Windows CE does is allow small devices to carry out specific tasks without the hardware requirements -- and potential instability -- of a full-blown Windows operating system. Some examples of technology which use Windows CE are in-flight entertainment ... (view more)

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Microsoft Cancels its iPad Rival, Courier

Microsoft's proposed rival to the very popular Apple iPad appears stillborn. According to reports, the Redmond-based firm's much-hyped dual screen Courier tablet computer has been cancelled. The report is courtesy of tech blogging site Gizmodo, ... which says that Courier failed to make it out of Microsoft's research phase. It was Gizmodo that first revealed the Courier several months ago, showcasing pictures of a device boasting two screens that folded into one another like one of those old-fashioned books we hear about from time to time. The Courier prototype was reported to include a touch ... (view more)

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Microsoft Developing New Strategies to Combat Piracy

Microsoft has revealed some of the tactics it uses to fight back against software counterfeiting. It involves the use of nine regional crime labs and 75 dedicated anti-piracy staff. Surprisingly, the company maintains that many users of pirated ... Microsoft software are unaware they are running bogus copies. That may seem hard to believe in Western nations, but does appear a genuine problem in some developing countries where there is less awareness about whether or not a retailer is using legitimate copy of Microsoft Windows, for example. It also appears that software with price tags "too good ... (view more)

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Microsoft Reports Third Quarter Sales Hike

Microsoft last week reported an impressive 35 per cent increase in net income for its third quarter ending March 31, 2010. Overall, revenue saw a jump of 6 per cent since the same period last year, and most analysts are pointing to Windows 7 as the ... cause. Released on October 22, 2009, Windows 7, Microsoft's latest (and, critically, greatest) operating system (OS) has fueled a remarkable rise in the Redmond-based firm's popularity and profitability. According to reports, sales in Microsoft's Windows unit were up 28 per cent, to $4.4 billion. That's good news for a department that desperately ... (view more)


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