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Corps Still Prefer IE6, Even if it's Dangerous: Report

New research suggests that a number of major corporations are unwilling to update their web browsers to Internet Explorer 8, instead deciding to continue the use of the ever-aging and ever-dangerous Internet Explorer 6 (IE6). The reason for the ... resistance is not a question of cost; rather, companies are willing to stick it out with IE6 not only because of compatibility reasons for use with their own internal applications -- but also because Internet Explorer 6 lacks social networking features. "Companies are happy to stay with Internet Explorer 6 because a lot of the social networking sites ... (view more)

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Asus Challenges iPad with Win7 Eee Tablet PC at Computex

Less than two weeks after Hewlett-Packard (HP) announced it would not be using Windows 7 on its upcoming Slate tablet PC, hardware producer Asus says they're willing to step up to the plate and offer their Eee Pad (tablet PC) hosting Windows 7. HP ... announced early last week that it would not use Windows 7 due to underwhelming touchscreen capabilities. HP says it will instead go with the webOS (operating system) when Slate ships this October. Asus Eee Pad Boasts 12" Screen, 10-Hour Battery, Win7 Stepping in to defend Windows 7's compatibility with tablet computers is Asus, who recently ... (view more)

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Microsoft Project Natal to Ship Oct 26, Rumor Suggests

Microsoft's Project Natal , which features motion-feedback gameplay similar to the Nintendo Wii and and connects directly to the Xbox 360 console, appears to be shipping October 26, 2010. That's if you believe a recent report, which also says the ... add-on will cost about $150 USD. The ship date and the price have both been suggested by UK gaming magazine, Edge. The $150 price tag actually conflicts with older reports that Microsoft might try to get the device down to around 50 UK pounds, or $72 USD. The new price isn't going to provide the "impulse buy" sensation those earlier ... (view more)

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Apple Overtakes Microsoft As Biggest Tech Firm

This week marked a historic, albeit merely symbolic moment in technology history. For the first time, Apple is worth more than Microsoft. The statistic in question is the market capitalization of the two companies, namely the current stock price ... multiplied by the number of shares. In theory it's the price you'd have to pay to take over the company -- though in reality, either the sellers or buyers controlling the deal would ultimately affect the takeover price. As of the end of trading on Wednesday, Apple's value was $222 billion, overtaking Microsoft's $219 billion. As well as taking the top ... (view more)

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Bach Out as Microsoft Entertainment Undergoes Shakeup

Microsoft has reorganized its entertainment section after word that division president Robbie Bach will retire this fall. Combined with news that another very public entertainment figure, J Allard, is leaving the company, Microsoft has been forced ... to do some major tinkering with the division. Robbie Bach has been a part of Microsoft for over two decades. The 48-year-old became a prominent part of the company after he helped establish the first Xbox game console, released in 2001, as an industry heavyweight. Unfortunately, other Microsoft devices have not proven so popular under Bach's watch, ... (view more)

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Windows 7 Makes Up for Vista, Survey Suggests

Last week it was reported that Microsoft's customer satisfaction rating had rebounded from a 4 per cent drop in 2007 caused by the mess that was Windows Vista. Now, a new study of hardcore techies finds that there's some truth to that report, as ... most people feel prepared to admit that Windows 7 makes up for Vista, by a long run. Last Wednesday we reported that the American Customer Satisfaction Index, or ACSI, had improved Microsoft's mark from a 70 in 2007 -- shortly after Vista's public release in January -- to a 76. Experts pointed to Windows 7, which was released in October of last year, ... (view more)

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HP Ditches Windows 7 for Slate Tablet, Opts for webOS

Tech hardware producer Hewlett-Packard (HP) has decided it won't be loading the very popular Windows 7 operating system (OS) on its upcoming Slate tablet computer after all. The company recently revealed that it would instead ship the device with ... webOS, a Linux-based system. The move is a somewhat surprising one, given that much of the buzz surrounding the Slate has been associated with HP's plans to run Windows 7. The operating system, which launched in October of last year, has made fans the world over. It has helped Microsoft recover from the debacle that was Windows Vista, with customer ... (view more)

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Microsoft Acquires VPN License with $200M Payout

Microsoft recently lost its latest battle to have a $290 million decision over copyrighted Word XML functionality overturned. In a move to overcome another decision made against it earlier this year, the software giant has paid $200 million to ... VirnetX to keep that company quiet over its own patented technology. Back in March, a Tyler, Texas jury found that Microsoft had infringed on a copyright owned by VirnetX. The patent involved virtual private network (or VPN) technology used in Microsoft's Windows XP and Vista operating systems. The Redmond-based firm was ordered to pay a hefty $105.7 ... (view more)

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MS CEO Admits Vista 'Was Just Not Executed Well'

Microsoft's road back into the good graces of techies worldwide has been a long and trying one. Most of the struggles came after 2007's launch of Windows Vista, a highly-touted and highly-disappointing operating system (OS). Four years later, ... Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has admitted that Vista "was just not executed well." Microsoft Annual CEO Summit Ballmer made the statement on Wednesday at Microsoft's annual CEO Summit. The charismatic, bold executive spoke for about thirty minutes on Microsoft and his role as the software giant's Chief Executive Officer. As part of his speech, Ballmer ... (view more)

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Hotmail Revitalized in Lieu of MS Office 2010 Release

Microsoft recently unveiled a whole new look for its very popular online email service, Hotmail. Heading the list of new features is "Sweep," which automatically prioritizes emails into categories. The Hotmail update is just one part of Microsoft's ... plan to improve all of its Windows Live products over the next several months. Designated Emails Marked with Priority The new Sweep feature automatically designates certain kinds of emails low priority. Think of it like a weekly Best Buy or grocery store flyer; you signed on to the mailing list, but these emails certainly aren't as important as ... (view more)


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