Dennis Faas

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Filemap by Bernie Madigan

Over the weekend, a fellow named Bernie Madigan from Australia sent me a quick email to let me know of a nifty freeware utility he's recently developed. Bernie's new program is called FileMap and it helps users to identify whether or not Spyware has ... been installed on their machine. He writes: " I have just published FileMap version 3.0.1, which discloses files added to your system without your knowledge. The program is ideal for serious computer buffs, or for people who want [early warning incase their systems are ever hijacked with Spyware]. I would also like to thank Bob Helmer of ... (view more)

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Document text does not align when pasted into email?

Infopackets Reader Eileen B. writes: " I have a resume saved in My Documents ... I am trying to apply for a virtual secretary job, and they want me to send the resume through e-mail, with no attachments. The problem is that when I try to [copy and ... paste my document into my email Window, the layout gets jumbled up] ... and believe me it doesn't look professional! Any ideas? " My response: Quite often, many users make the mistake of formatting a document with the Space Bar instead of using the Tab key to align text. When the document is copied and pasted into another window (as in ... (view more)

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How files are undeleted

Infopackets Reader 'Pigginbabe' writes: " Hi, I really like your newsletter and it has really helped me a lot when I sometimes have problems. Question: A while ago, my hard drive went on me and I lost emails that I wanted to keep. Is there any way ... of getting these back? " My response: If the hard drive is completely toast (I.E.: if it won't power up / detect during boot up), then you won't be able to retrieve any data unless you mailed the drive away to a data-recovery company -- which is probably very expensive. However, if the drive still detects under BIOS and still appears under ... (view more)

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Hard drive does not detect and has disappeared?

Infopackets Reader LaVerne B. writes: " Approximately two months ago my computer suddenly stopped recognizing my D Drive. What should I do to correct this problem?? I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the hardware; however, I still have the ... predicament! " My response: This sounds like it might be a hardware problem. What I am about to suggest may not be the most 'correct' answer, but will surely set you in the right direction. Having said that, here are some probable reasons as to why your drive is no longer working: The drive is not configured / plugged in properly. The BIOS ... (view more)

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Archive Web Pages for offline reference?

Infopackets Reader David J. writes: " I sure do enjoy your newsletter! I was wondering if you knew of a software utility that allows me to copy and archive web pages (including the graphic files). Can you suggest anything? " My response: I tried ... searching Google for "archive web pages freeware" and "web page archiver" (plus a few few other variations), but couldn't come up with anything. I do happen to know that Internet Explorer (version 6) has the option to archive a web page using File -> Save As. When the "Save As" window appears, click the ... (view more)

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Showstopper (Windows Shutdown Utility)

Recall -- A few weeks back, Infopackets Reader Ian B. asked if there was a way to make his Windows 98 computer shut down and power off: " I have a win 98 computer that used to shut off the power after a Start -> Shutdown command was clicked, but ... now it just stops at that the 'It is now safe to shut down your computer' screen. Can you advise if this is a hardware or software fault, please?" I responded to this question by writing 2 articles. In part 1, I commented on a number of reasons why Windows 98 might not shut down (I.E.: BIOS, device drivers, Power Management, and APM) and ... (view more)

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Track emails received by recipient?, Part 2

With respect to our recent discussion on MsgTag and tracking whether or not a recipient has received an email, quite a few Readers emailed me over the weekend with some questions. Infopackets Reader Frank R. had some security concerns about MsgTag. ... He writes: " I was curious about MsgTag, so I went to download it. I was immediately notified that my security settings would not allow that to happen. I use Spyware Blaster and IE-spyad for protection against the 'bad guys', as well as the usual anti-hacker firewall / anti-virus stuff ... so now I'm second guessing the whole MsgTag operation ... (view more)

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Activate Windows XP on more than one PC?, Part 3

Another hot topic in the Gazette is our discussion regarding Windows XP, and whether or not it can be installed on more than 1 PC using the same activation key. Infopackets Reader Steve S. writes: " In response to your recent discussion concerning ... re-activating WinXP after substantial hardware changes, I just wish to add that the process is done pretty simply in terms of 'setting things right' with Microsoft. When Microsoft detects that your computer's hardware components have substantially changed -- (as in my case: I had simultaneously added more RAM [memory] and installed a faster ... (view more)

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Activate Windows XP on more than one PC?, Part 2

Recall -- Infopackets Reader Marie 'ChameleonsGirl' asked if it was possible to use the same copy of Windows XP that came with her new computer and install it onto her second computer. My response was that Microsoft has designed Windows XP so that ... it can only be activated on 1 computer (per copy). This is a form of copy protection and is aimed at stopping software piracy, and works something like this: You buy Windows XP on CD (or it comes with your computer) and includes a registration number. The Windows XP activation program looks at each hardware component inside your computer, gathers ... (view more)

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Message Tag: Status Review

Have you ever sent an email to someone and wondered if your message was opened by the recipient? Yesterday, Infopackets Reader Brian 'BigJohn2' asked if I knew of a program which could do just that. After some prodding and poking around Google, I ... came across a program called MsgTag [Message Tag]. In a nutshell, MsgTag works by injecting a traceable object into outgoing emails. When the message is opened by the recipient, MsgTag alerts the sender with an email receipt that the message has been read. As I discussed briefly in yesterday's article, there are 3 different flavors of Message Tag. I ... (view more)


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