
Dennis Faas's picture

Create a Web Page: MS Word

You don't have to be a programmer to create a Web page. It's simple and fun when you use MS Word. In fact, anyone with Word experience can create Web pages very easily using the features that Word provides. You can begin with a blank page or an ... existing document, but it's the Save As Web Page command that converts regular documents into Web pages. Word creates special codes in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) that the Web uses to control how a Web page appears and it does all of this behind the scenes! You don't even have to see them or know what they are! It's a very simple process, whether ... (view more)

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Send Document as Email: MS Word

Whether your colleagues are in the next office or in another country, sharing files isn't very difficult with MS Word. You can turn a document into the body of an email message or you can send a file as an attachment to an email message. You don't ... even have to leave Word to send the message! When you send a document as the body of an email message, it doesn't lose it's formatting. It is sent in HTML (hypertext markup language) format, the same way web pages are formatted for universal viewing. What makes this particularly useful is that when you receive a document in HTML format, you can edit ... (view more)

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Hot Off The Press: Carol's Tips and Tricks eBook Finally Available!

Discover how to create stunning letters, effortless spreadsheet reports, dazzling PowerPoint presentations, and much more -- just like the professionals! Attention MS Office users -- Do you just muddle through and make do with the basic features of ... MS Word? Do you gawk at the gigantic array of features found in MS Excel? Do you feel powerless when using MS PowerPoint? Enough already! If you're like one of the millions of bewildered users around the world aching to unlock the simple secrets behind MS Office, now's your chance to shine! Announcing Carol's Corner Office Tips and Tricks eBook ... (view more)

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Google Docs & Spreadsheets: Free and Collaborative

Google has forayed into the word processing industry by releasing a test version of Google Docs ... (view more)

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Working with Margins: MS Word

Creating a document is as easy as starting Word and typing text. If you choose, you can work with Word's default settings. However, many documents require different layouts. It's important to know how to change the settings so that you can change ... the way the text looks on the page. If you haven't changed the settings in your Normal template, you'll find the defaults (in the U.S. version of Word) to include top and bottom margins set to 1 inch, left and right margins at 1.25 inches, header and footer margins at .5 inches, gutter position left, paper size is 8.5X11 inches, portrait page ... (view more)

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Understanding AutoCorrect, AutoText and AutoComplete: MS Word

It's very easy to confuse the three powerful "Autos" in Word. It is very helpful to be able to distinguish between these three distinct features. When you find yourself inserting the same text over and over again, you can create an AutoText entry. ... When you begin to type, Word suggests the completion. You can press Enter or F to accept the suggestion or just ignore it. Similar to AutoCorrect, where you can type an abbreviation which Word automatically expands, AutoText allows you to control whether the abbreviation expands. AutoText is one of Word's most powerful timesavers. AutoText entries ... (view more)

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Flesch-Kincaid Readability Score: MS Word

Your documents aren't much good to anyone if they aren't easily read and understood. Fortunately, MS Word has a built in feature that will give you a score, letting you know whether your document will be easily read and understood, and that is the ... Flesch-Kincaid Readability Score, which is one of the best known indicators measuring how easily an adult can read and understand a text. Readability statistics are good predictors of the level of difficulty of documents, particularly technical ones. To display the Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease Readability Score in Word, follow the steps below: On the ... (view more)

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Get Margin Placement Errors: MS Word

When you try to print an MS Word document, have you ever gotten the message: "The margins of section X are set outside the printable area of the page. Do you want to continue?" If you click No, Word will cancel printing your document. If you click ... Yes, MS Word will print your document, but some of the text may be cut off at the end of the page. The reason this happens is that your margins are set closer to the edge of the paper than your printer is capable of printing. (Most printers can't print all the way to the edge of the paper.) To rectify this problem, you could try to ... (view more)

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Creating Marginal Blocks of Text: MS Word

You have just finished a huge massive document when you're told that a block of text, such as the word "Confidential," needs to appear in the right margin for each page of your Word document. Learn how Word's Header and Text Box features make it ... easy to add this text to your documents. When you need to display the same block of text (i.e. DRAFT, CONFIDENTIAL, COPY) on every page, you can place it in a header or footer. However, it becomes more complicated if you want to display the text in a specific section of the pages, such as the right margin or the middle of every page. ... (view more)

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Creating Templates: Outlook 2003

Ever get tired of sending out the same old e-mail to everyone in your department every month? Well do I have a cool tip for you! In Outlook 2003 you can create an e-mail message and save it as a template so that you can use it over and over again. ... If you use Word as your e-mail editor, you will have to disable that option. To do this, select Tools | Options and select the Mail Format tab. De-select the Use Microsoft Word to edit email messages, then click apply and OK. From the Outlook menu, select File | New, Mail Message. Complete the Subject portion of the message and type any desired text ... (view more)


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