
Dennis Faas's picture

Microsoft Surface Pro: Official Pricing Set

Microsoft has officially set the price for its upcoming Surface Pro tablet computer. When it goes on sale early next year, the device will retail for $899 and up. Microsoft's Surface tablet officially launched on October 26, 2012 (along with Windows ... 8), but observers made clear that was just one of the versions of the Surface that Microsoft has been developing. The Surface released in October runs Windows RT, a slimmer version of Windows 8 designed for portable devices with more limited hardware specifications. The new Surface Pro is capable enough to run a full-fledged version of Windows 8. ... (view more)

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Windows 8: How to Shut Down in One Click

Here's a great question we recently received from a loyal Infopackets subscriber: "Dear Infopackets Team, I just purchased a brand new Windows 8 PC. I was really excited to try out the new operating system, but I've been having trouble getting used ... to all the small changes. For example, it's been difficult figuring out just how I'm supposed to shut my new laptop down! Is there a way to do this quickly and easily? Thanks, Merrill B." My Response: When Microsoft introduced Windows 8's new user interface, it changed a great many operating system features. One major change: the shutdown process. ... (view more)

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'DivX for Windows 9.0', and 'USB Oblivion 1.9'

DivX for Windows 9.0 DivX for Windows will play every type of DivX video right on your computer. It includes many exciting and useful features that allow users to add menus, subtitles, and more. You can also use this program to create DVDs that you ... can play on DivX-supported DVD and Blu-ray players. USB Oblivion 1.9 USB Oblivion is designed to protect your personal digitized information by removing all traces of USB devices and CD-ROMs from the Windows registry in your computer. It can be set to perform this function automatically and is compatible with all versions of ... (view more)

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Windows 8: How to Put the Start Menu Back In

Here's a letter that may interest you from a loyal Infopackets subscriber: "Dear Infopackets Team, I'm really enjoying your articles and learning a lot about my computer. But things are not perfect. My wife is going crazy with her new Windows 8 ... computer because there's no 'Start' button. Is there anything she can do to get it back, short of returning to Windows 7? Please keep your useful information coming. Thanks, Bob G." My Response: Your wife is not the only person unhappy with some of Windows 8's new features. One of the least favorite changes appears to be the removal of the ... (view more)

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Windows 7, 8, Vista: Uptake Rates Compared

Windows 8's uptake rate might be low by comparison to its predecessor, Windows 7, but a new report shows it's considerably higher than Windows Vista's adoption rate. Internet analyst firm Net Applications recently released a report examining user ... acceptance of each of these operating systems' during their first full month of availability. According to that report, Windows 8 was running on approximately 0.45 per cent of all Windows computers during the month of October, 2012. Windows 7 5X More Popular Than Windows 8 That's far lower than Windows 7's first month of availability back in 2009, ... (view more)

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New Windows Malware Exploits Google Docs

A new type of malware targeting Microsoft's new Windows 8 operating system (OS) reportedly uses Google Docs to carry out its attacks on unsuspecting users. According to a report from security firm Symantec (which discussed the issue in one of its ... recent Security Response blogs), a Trojan horse known as Backdoor.Makadocs is targeting Windows 8 users. Malware Disguises Itself; Tricks Users Here's how it works, according to Symantec: the malware exploits a vulnerability in the Google Docs program called "Viewer." Apparently the malware masks itself as a Rich Text Format (RTF) or Microsoft ... (view more)

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Windows to Go: Windows 8 Without the Commitment

Getting Windows 7 users to make the switch to Windows 8 continues to be a difficult challenge for Microsoft, despite an aggressive marketing blitz. Now the company is hoping to entice more prospective users to upgrade their computers to the new ... operating system by allowing them to escape worrying about any long-term commitments. Windows to Go is a feature in Windows 8 Enterprise that allows the operating system to boot and run from mass storage devices like USB flash drives and external hard disk drives. All that is needed to start computing with Windows 8 in this manner is to plug the pre- ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Interface Alienates Enterprise: Report

According to a new report, just one in four enterprise users are planning to upgrade to Microsoft's new Windows 8 any time soon. In fact, these users are only half as excited about Windows 8 as they were about Windows 7 in 2009. Enterprise software ... is used in large organizations, such as private corporations and government agencies. A huge part of Microsoft's Windows revenue depends on these kinds of organizations buying Windows licenses in bulk. Only 24% of Enterprise Users Plan to Upgrade to Windows 8 That's why it's bad news to hear that of 1,200 North American and European information ... (view more)

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Microsoft CEO on Sinofsky: 'We Wish Him Well'

Microsoft's chief executive officer has finally weighed in on the recent departure of Steven Sinofsky , former president of the firm's Windows division. In a recent interview at Silicon Valley's Churchill Club, Steve Ballmer had only good things to ... say about Sinofsky. The departing executive had been with Microsoft for more than two decades. Since 2009, he was in charge of Microsoft's Windows unit, and played a key role in the development of both Windows 7 and Windows 8. Ballmer: Sinofsky Made "Amazing Contributions" In his interview, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer credited Sinofsky ... (view more)

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Ballmer: Microsoft to Produce More Hardware

Microsoft chief executive officer Steve Ballmer says businesses are reacting well to the Windows 8 operating system (OS). He also suggested that the company's Surface tablet won't be its last home-grown hardware device. Speaking at a business and ... technology event at the Churchill Club in California, Ballmer said that's he's been surprised by how well business users have reacted to the way Windows 8 focuses on touchscreen users. Before Microsoft released the new operating system, many analysts argued that businesses would be frustrated and angry with the its new interface, tailored to ... (view more)


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