
Dennis Faas's picture

'Booting Windows From A Usb Drive', and 'Windowless User Interface'

Booting Windows From A Usb Drive According to the author, "Microsoft denies that booting Windows off a USB drive works. To put a long story short, this is exactly what I do now. However, it took me significant time to figure out all the painful ... little problems, and I was not fully happy with the current official guide by Dietmar (no pun: he was the first to make anything public). I wanted an easy guide that allows creating a modified version of the Windows XP CD, for painless and transparent installation to as many systems as you want. This page is the result of my work. Have fun. http://www. ... (view more)

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AOL 9.0 Accused of Being 'Badware'

It seems that AOL can't turn around these days without stepping into some sort of controversy. Bad news , more bad news , and customer service tactics reminiscent of the Mafia have plagued the company in recent months. The latest fiasco: The most ... recent version of AOL 9.0 is now being tagged as "badware" (malware) by The malware-prevention website is a joint project between Harvard Law School and Oxford University. (Source: ) posted this notice about the latest incarnation of AOL 9.0: "In our preliminary findings, we find that AOL 9.0 (free ... (view more)

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Why Spy? Reasons Behind WGA and Microsoft's Alleged 'Spying'

With Microsoft's recent release of the anti-piracy program Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA), the technological world has been given the task of understanding this confusing and complex system intended to root out hackers trying to crack the Big M's ... merchandise. On one hand: Microsoft promises that WGA protects the user by allowing non-pirates easy access to Windows updates, downloads, and special offers. On the other hand: Industry insiders contend that WGA is a hack by Microsoft itself -- a program that deceptively infiltrates home and office computers to spy on the average Joe's every move. ... (view more)

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Disable Access to CD ROM Drive via My Computer?

Infopackets Reader 'Rose' Writes: " Dear Dennis, My question for you today is: how can I make my CD ROM Drive available to users logging in with Administrator rights only? Here's the problem: my kid brother shares the family computer, which has ... Windows XP professional installed on it. He likes to play online games (which are installed via the CD ROM drive); unfortunately, the games he plays seem to crashed the system. As such, I've set up a separate user account with 'general' user access and have disabled the network card so that he cannot access the Internet when using the computer. Now, ... (view more)

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Linux 101

Linux is on the rise and we can all thank Microsoft for it! People around the world are tired of Microsoft's heavy handedness in their marketing ploys and in foisting off a lousy Operating System commonly known as Windows. After years of putting up ... with high pricing, program bloat, and the constant need to Update and Upgrade because of coding errors and insufficient operation, people are turning to Linux in greater numbers. Are you one of them? This article is offered to help you decide which Linux will be right for you and to give you a few resources so you can make an educated decision. At ... (view more)

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'Windowless User Interface', and 'Outlook Attachment Enabler'

Windowless User Interface Traditionally, Windows applications are built upon the GDI windowing hierarchy, and thus restricted in several areas. While you can certainly generate a nice application quickly with the built-in control-set and get a ... standard clean look, you will soon enough stumble upon the limitations of the Windows controls - especially if you want to build something that looks a little more flashy. The native Win32 custom-draw/owner-draw technique is limited, next to no support for transparent windows, rigid control scaling/resizing and the Common Controls are merely remnants of ... (view more)

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'Auto Patcher', and 'Naive User Guide To Running Windows More Securely'

Auto Patcher How often do you install Windows? Most people install their operating system regularly, whether they want to or not. After a while, you will get sick of going to Windows Update and continuously downloading patch after patch, update ... after update. Well, we have just the thing. AutoPatcher is a comprehensive collection of patches, addons and registry tweaks that give you peace of mind in the knowledge that your Windows system is up to date, even before you connect it to the Internet. It's designed to quickly patch a system with the most current updates and tweaks available, and ... (view more)

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Trojan Horse Computing

In the context of computer software, a Trojan horse is a malicious program that is disguised as legitimate software. The term is derived from the classical myth of the Trojan horse. In the siege of Troy, the Greeks left a large wooden horse outside ... the city. The Trojans were convinced that it was a gift, and moved the horse to a place within the city walls. It turned out that the horse was hollow, containing Greek soldiers who opened the city gates of Troy at night, making it possible for the Greek army to pillage the city. Trojan horse programs work in a similar way: they may look useful or ... (view more)

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Mouse Computing

A mouse is a handheld pointing device for computers, involving a small object fitted with one or more buttons and shaped to sit naturally under the hand. The underside of the mouse houses a device that detects the mouse's motion relative to the flat ... surface on which it sits. The mouse's 2D motion is typically translated into the motion of a pointer on the display. A mouse is called a 'mouse' primarily because the cord on early models resembled the rodent's tail, and also because the motion of the pointer on the screen can be mouse-like. In popular usage, the plural can be either mice or ' ... (view more)

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Windows Form Parking Window Error?

Infopackets Reader Jimmy B. writes: " Dear Dennis, I'm running windows XP and use Webroot Spy Sweeper and Norton Anti Virus. Sometimes I'll be using my computer when -- all of the sudden -- I get this very strange error message that reads 'Windows ... Form Parking Window' error and it shuts my computer down. What is Windows Form Parking Window and how can I stop it from appearing? I've done a Spyware and AntiVirus scan of my computer and haven't come up with anything. Can you help? " My response: From what I read via Google, the "Windows Form Parking Window" or " ... (view more)


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