
Dennis Faas's picture

'Seconfig Xp', and 'Create A Custom Windows Taskbar Toolbar'

Seconfig Xp Seconfig XP is a security configuration utility for boasting the following features: Able to close ports 135, 137-139 and 445 on most systems. These ports (more exactly -- Windows components running behind them) are the major entry point ... in Windows systems for most worms, hackers etc. Seconfig XP simply configures these Windows components not to use TCP/IP as a transport protocol (to leave those ports closed). http://seconfig.sytes.net/ Create A Custom Windows Taskbar Toolbar A demonstration on how to create a custom Windows toolbar for quick access to frequently-used folders and ... (view more)

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'Jedi Window Dock', and 'Taskbar Shuffle'

Jedi Window Dock Dock any number of applications inside of a tabbed window. You can dock all your putty sessions together, put all of your instant message conversations on tabs, or perhaps you manage a ton of remote desktop sessions All of these ... windows need not take up space on your taskbar any longer! Software Jedi to the rescue. Any application, with the exception of console apps, can be docked. http://www.anappaday.com Taskbar Shuffle Reorder the programs and buttons on your taskbar exactly how you like. http://www.freewebs.com/nerdcave/taskbarshuffle.htm (view more)

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'Taskbar Shuffle', and 'Google Mail Remote Command'

Taskbar Shuffle Re-arrange the buttons on your Windows taskbar. http://www.freewebs.com/nerdcave/ Google Mail Remote Command Send your computer commands through your Gmail account from another computer or a hand phone. Just execute GRC.exe, insert ... Gmail username and password, and click on Sign in. GRC will the await instructions. Each 60 seconds it will check if new instructions have arrived through email. http://www.gianniamato.it/grc/ (view more)

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AlphaXP Review

Synopsis: Add eye candy and extend the functionality of Windows XP (you won't want to miss this one)! AlphaXP is a *very* cool desktop enhancement utility that adds advanced transparency effects to any Windows 2000/XP computer. It has won many ... five-star awards for excellence and is regarded by thousands of users worldwide. Some of the features have been incorporated into AlphaXP include: three direct ways to set transparency, two automatic ways to set transparency, smooth fade effects, menu transparency, tooltip transparency, taskbar transparency, and much more! To get a better idea of what ... (view more)


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