
Dennis Faas's picture

'Tor Anonymity Online', and 'Shell Tools'

Tor Anonymity Online Tor is a software project that helps users defend against traffic analysis, a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security. ... Shell Tools Shell Tools is a collection of free Windows shell extensions and utilities. This package contains updated versions of our old shell extensions FontLoader, FileNote, RegisterEx, CopyURL and more. (view more)

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'Shell Enhancer', and 'System Rescue Cd'

Shell Enhancer ShellEnhancer is an application designed to enhance the default shell of Windows and to make your life easier. ShellEnhancer includes two types of taskswitcher (Enhanced TaskSwitcher and Mosaic TaskSwitcher) which you can use to ... replace the default Windows Alt+Tab taskswitcher. The Enhanced TaskSwitcher supports live previews. ShellEnhancer allows you to make your own tasks. Tasks consist of a number of commands which get executed one after the other. Available commands include: insert text, send keystroke, manipulate windows, run program, start screensaver, lock workstation ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'Shell Tools', and 'Big Picture'

Shell Tools Shell Tools is a windows shell expansion. With Shell Tools you can easily rename multiple files in a folder (advanced or simple) or you can remove all file attributes (reset) on all files in all folders (recursive). MultiRenamer: It is ... now possible (in version > 2.1) to add a input filter. This makes it possible to rename multiple files using more advanced selections. Note: scroll about 3/4 down the page to find "Shell Tools." Big Picture Big Picture is an easy to use poster printing software that allows you to divide any ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'Ultra Explorer', and 'Power Shell Xp3'

Ultra Explorer Ultra Explorer is designed to be the ultimate File Manager for Microsoft Windows. The user interface is completely customizable: you can hide or show as many of the featured windows, dock them in other places or let them float as free ... standing windows. The same is true for the tool bars; you can even move buttons from toolbars to other toolbars and assign your own short cuts keys. Power Shell Xp3 PowerShell XP adds the following to your context menus: Right Click the "My Computer" icon: Add/Remove Programs, Calculator, Clean Drive, Control Panel, Dos ... (view more)

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'Webmaster Tool', and 'Wez Evil Shell'

Webmaster Tool If you have a web site, you need this. Webmaster Tool includes a set of features, including: a sitemap generator, the ability to find formatting errors that may go unnoticed, a server header information that displays on web pages such ... as redirect types and more. It also generates sitemaps of any kind, including XML, HTML, Google and Yahoo! Advanced website spider handles websites of any size! In can display page load times, ping results and other page stats, and graphical layout of site, plus much more. Wez Evil Shell Wez Evil Shell ... (view more)

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'Windows Power Shell', and 'Active Security Monitor'

Windows Power Shell Windows PowerShell is a new task-based command line shell and intuitive scripting language for system administration that provides comprehensive control and automation for Windows administrators. Windows PowerShell allows ... administrators to be more productive by improving the manageability of the Windows operating system and applications that run on Windows. Free from Microsoft. Active Security Monitor Active Security Monitor scans your computer and provides you with a consolidated overview of your PC security based on the existence of common ... (view more)

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'Usbdlm', and 'Beginner's Guide To Customization, Skinning And Shell Replacements'

Usbdlm USB Drive Letter Manager for Windows XP. USBDLM is a Windows service that gives control over Window's drive letter assignment for USB drives. Running as service makes it independent of the logged on user's privileges, so there is no need to ... give the users the privilege to change drive letters. It automatically solves conflicts between USB drives and network or substituted drives of the currently logged on user. Furthermore you can define new default letters for USB drives and much more. Beginner's Guide To Customization, Skinning And Shell Replacements ... (view more)

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'Gmail Drive Shell Extension', and 'Reduced Permissions'

Gmail Drive Shell Extension GMail Drive is a Shell Namespace Extension that creates a virtual filesystem around your Google Gmail account, allowing you to use Gmail as a storage medium. GMail Drive creates a virtual filesystem on top of your Google ... Gmail account and enables you to save and retrieve files stored on your Gmail account directly from inside Windows Explorer. GMail Drive literally adds a new drive to your computer under the My Computer folder, where you can create new folders, copy and perform any file function. Reduced Permissions Run Internet ... (view more)

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'Javascript Shell', and 'Xp On Your Thumb Drive'

Javascript Shell A command-line interface for JavaScript and DOM. You can enter statements and expressions at the same prompt. The result of each non-void statement or expression is shown. User-defined variables. User-defined functions. JavaScript ... error messages are shown in red. Previous statements and expressions are available through Up and Down arrow keys. Tab completion. Multi-line input (Shift+Enter to insert a line break). If the shell is opened using a bookmarklet, JavaScript typed into the shell runs in the context of the original window. Works well in Firefox, mostly works in Opera ... (view more)

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'Wez's Evil Shell', and 'Resize Desktop Icons'

Wez's Evil Shell A replacement for the default Windows XP desktop, includes: graphical shell (taskbar, start menu and tray). The default explorer shell uses quite a lot of run-time resources and can be quite slow to use for "Power Users". This shell ... provides the lots of features but uses only a fraction of the resources that explorer.exe uses. Resize Desktop Icons Customize your desktop by resizing the icons to suit you. Included is the ability for 16px, 24px, 32px, and 48px sizes. (view more)


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