secure boot

Dennis Faas's picture

Downgrade Windows 8: What You Need to Know

In recent weeks we've received quite a few emails asking this pressing question: "Dear Infopackets, I recently bought a new Windows 8 computer and I've just about had enough with it. I'm sure some people love the system, but I find it too confusing. ... I can't afford to replace the computer, so is it possible for me to run Windows 7 on it, instead of Windows 8? George H." My response: Yes, George. The short answer is that you can retrofit a Windows 8 computer with Windows 7. But the process can be a lot of a hassle. Please read through all of our instructions before you decide whether ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Windows 8: How to Disable Secure Boot

We recently received this letter from an Infopackets fan in Arizona: "Hi Infopackets squad, I'm interested in downgrading my new PC from Windows 8 Pro to Windows 7. I know that in order to do that, I need to disable something called Secure Boot. ... What is Secure Boot, and how do I disable it? Thanks for the help, Gail C." My response: Great question, Gail. We'll be running a feature story soon giving you more information about how to downgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 7. However, in this article we'll be focusing exclusively on the Secure Boot feature. Secure Boot Protects Systems from Malware ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Windows 8: How to Use Linux on a Windows 8 PC

Here's a question of increasing importance that recently came to us from a loyal reader in California: "Dear Infopackets, I really appreciate the helpful Windows 8 tips I've been getting from you. But there's one issue I am struggling with: Linux, ... and specifically installing it on my Windows 8 computer. I haven't been able to get Linux to install properly, and I really don't know why. One of my techie friends told me it has to do with a new Secure Boot feature in Windows 8. Is this true? I am really frustrated by this and would appreciate your telling me how to by-pass the problem, if ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Windows 8: New Security Features Explained

Let's get this out of the way: Microsoft's decision to drastically change the Windows interface for Windows 8 remains highly controversial. But there are benefits for users who make the switch to the new operating system (OS). Number one on that ... list: the all-new security features that Windows 8 offers. For one, Windows 8 includes Windows Defender (otherwise know as Security Essentials). This free antivirus and antimalware security program takes over and protects a user's computer automatically, and remains in operation until some other antivirus program is installed. While recent tests have ... (view more)

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