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MS Accused of Bait and Switch, Negative Cashback Rewards

For the past few months, Samir Meghani has been the proverbial "thorn in the side" of Microsoft. First, the co-founder of price comparison search engine posted ways in which users could exploit the Bing cashback rewards program . Now, ... Meghani is claiming that this same promotion is responsible for making some products appear more expensive on the web than their actual retail price. Bing 'Negative Cashback' Rewards Acccording to Meghani, Bing has a hidden feature that he refers to as 'negative cashback'. It is his belief that the program, and more specifically, vendors associated ... (view more)

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Ashampoo Burning Studio 9 Review

Update 2011/06/16: We've managed to finagle yet another amazing deal for our readers! Act now and save a whopping 60% off Ashampoo Burning Studio 9 until June 28, 2011 (regular price $39.99 now only $15.99) -- proceeds support our website. This ... fabulous program is used to make CD, DVDs and Blu-Ray discs using your PC and is especially GREAT for beginners / intermediate computer users because it's SUPER EASY to use. A full 30 day money back guarantee is offered if you're not completely delighted! The full review of Burning Studio 9 is below. Details and link to discount offer are at the bottom ... (view more)

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Registry Mechanic 8 Review

Excellent news for anyone who uses MS Windows -- Registry Mechanic version 9 has just been released! Registry Mechanic is the long-standing market leader among Windows Registry Cleaners -- and it's not because of great marketing or a massive ... corporation behind it -- no, Registry Mechanic has the #1 slot simply because it works! Subscribers to the Infopackets email newsletter will have read Dennis Faas raving about this product for years; now I've tried it for myself, I can only agree with his praise. And with this very special release, we've arranged an exclusive offer just for you! Why do ... (view more)

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US Spy Program Operated in Secret, Beyond Wiretaps

A massive data mining system aimed at identifying terrorists may have continued to operate under an executive order signed by President Bush in October 2001, despite an order to shut it down by Congress. In 2001 the Defense Department was briefed on ... the Total Information Awareness (TIA) program developed by Admiral John Poindexter. TIA was concocted to created a massive database program that would be accessible to the CIA, the FBI, and numerous other police agencies around the U.S. President Continued Program In the summer of 2002, JetBlue, Inc. turned over the names and addresses of 1.5 ... (view more)

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Non-Literate Computing: Assistance in Reading and Writing

Infopackets Reader 'feckinbricks' writes: " Dear Dennis I am trying to find a program for a friend who cannot read or write in order to assist him in being able to use his computer -- and maybe even have the program teach him some skills in the ... process. He loves his computer but can not use it to the capacity that he would like to. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! " My response: Great question. There are two things that are universal when using a computer for literate and non-literate users: and that is it requires (and provides) both input and output in order ... (view more)

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Botnet is a jargon term for a collection of software robots, or "bots," that run autonomously and automatically. The term is often associated with malicious software but it can also refer to the network of computers using distributed computing ... software. Zombie Computers and Botnets While the term "botnet" can be used to refer to any group of bots, the word is generally used to refer to a collection of compromised computers (called Zombie computers) running software, usually installed via worms, Trojan horses, or backdoors, under a common command-and-control infrastructure. How it ... (view more)

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Device Driver

In computing, a device driver or software driver is a computer program allowing higher-level computer programs to interact with a hardware device. How it Works A driver typically communicates with the device through the computer bus or ... communications subsystem to which the hardware is connected. When a calling program invokes a routine in the driver, the driver issues commands to the device. Once the device sends data back to the driver, the driver may invoke routines in the original calling program. Drivers are hardware-dependent and operating-system-specific. They usually provide the ... (view more)

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Executable File

In computing, an executable file causes a computer to perform indicated tasks according to encoded instructions, as opposed to a file that only contains data. Files that contain instructions for an interpreter or virtual machine may be considered ... executables, but are more specifically called scripts or bytecode. Executables are also called "binaries" in contrast to the program's source code. Binary Files A binary file is a computer file which may contain any type of data, encoded in binary form for computer storage and processing purposes. For example, a computer document file that contains ... (view more)

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Malware (a portmanteau of "malicious software") is any software program developed for the purpose of causing harm to a computer system, similar to a virus or Trojan horse. Malware can be classified based on how it is executed, how it spreads, and/or ... what it does. The classification is not perfect, however, in the sense that the groups often overlap and the difference is not always obvious, giving rise to frequent flame wars. Overuse of the term 'Virus' Because viruses were historically the first to appear, the term "virus" is often applied, especially in the popular media, to all sorts of ... (view more)

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Virtual Machines and x86 Virtualization

In computer science, a virtual machine (VM) is a software implementation of a machine (computer) that executes programs like a real machine. System Virtual Machine vs Process Virtual Machine A virtual machine was originally defined by Popek and ... Goldberg as "an efficient, isolated duplicate of a real machine". Current use includes virtual machines which have no direct correspondence to any real hardware. Virtual machines are separated into two major categories, based on their use and degree of correspondence to any real machine: a System Virtual Machine and a Process Virtual Machine. A system ... (view more)


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