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Hotmail Revitalized in Lieu of MS Office 2010 Release

Microsoft recently unveiled a whole new look for its very popular online email service, Hotmail. Heading the list of new features is "Sweep," which automatically prioritizes emails into categories. The Hotmail update is just one part of Microsoft's ... plan to improve all of its Windows Live products over the next several months. Designated Emails Marked with Priority The new Sweep feature automatically designates certain kinds of emails low priority. Think of it like a weekly Best Buy or grocery store flyer; you signed on to the mailing list, but these emails certainly aren't as important as ... (view more)

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Microsoft Initiates Questionable Patent Lawsuit

Microsoft has filed a lawsuit claiming an online software operator breached nine of its patents. The general reaction thus far is that the case has much to do about trying to deter a business competitor, rather than protecting genuine innovation. ... The case is against, a company which offers customer management services: its slogan is that it is "the enterprise cloud-computing company", an idea borne out by its phone number, 1-800-NO-SOFTWARE. Most of Salesforce's products are based on marketing campaigns and tracking sales leads, putting it directly in competition with Microsoft ... (view more)

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Microsoft Warns of 'Unlikely' Windows 7 Aero Flaw

A new security flaw in Microsoft's very popular Windows 7 operating system (OS) could open users up to a remote code execution and denial-of-service attack, Microsoft said in a security advisory on Tuesday evening. The vulnerability affects only ... 64-bit versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. The flaw affects the Canonical Display Driver, or CDD.DLL, used in the Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) and DirectX drawing. The vulnerability is tied to the graphics system's desktop composition process. (Source: ) Microsoft: Remote Code Attack "Unlikely" Luckily, it ... (view more)

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Win7 Earns Microsoft Highest Customer Satisfaction Record

The curse of Windows Vista may have finally come to an end. Recently, Microsoft not only regained their lost customer satisfaction rating, but also managed to attain their highest rating to date, according to the American Customer Satisfaction Index ... (ACSI) survey. All signs are pointing to Windows 7 as being the reason for the happy Microsoft customers. Vista Customer Satisfaction Rate Low Microsoft had much to lose with the release of Windows 7, especially since Vista was considered by many to be a marketing flop. The reaction to Vista became so negative that many credit it as the reason ... (view more)

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Google Slams Microsoft Claims Over Online Office Tools

Google has dismissed Microsoft's claims that Google Docs is a failure, and says to use that the argument simply highlights Microsoft's proprietary tactics. The dispute comes as both sides step up their online cloud computing battle . Microsoft is in ... the midst of releasing its free online-only edition of its forthcoming Office 2010. Meanwhile, Google already has online document editing via its Google Docs service (plus the paid professional version Google Apps), and is heavily promoting that as an alternative to Office 2010. Microsoft: Google Docs Falls Short Indeed, it even said using Google ... (view more)

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Microsoft Snubbed Again in $290M MS Word Patent Case

One of Microsoft's last hopes of escaping a $290 million fine for MS Word patent violations has once again fallen by the wayside. It means the company must either hope for an unlikely hearing at the Supreme Court, or pay up the cash. The case ... involves XML, a variant on web programming language HTML. Whereas HTML only covers the formatting and presentation of data, XML allows for description and classification of the content of that data. Series of Appeals End in Failure Microsoft Word lets users open XML documents, but the technique it uses to do so was ruled to have breached a patent by ... (view more)

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Microsoft: Office 2010 Will Be Hottest Office Yet

Microsoft isn't afraid it might jinx itself with bold sales predictions for its upcoming Office 2010 . In a recent interview, one company representative said they expect Office 2010 to be the most rapidly-adopted Office software yet. Why the bold ... predictions? Well, you can forgive Microsoft for being a bit arrogant -- after all, Windows 7 has virtually flown off shelves, to the point where it's nabbed the number two position in the world amongst currently-used operating systems, just behind Windows XP. At least one Microsoft executive thinks all that Win7 love is bound to spread to the ... (view more)

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Windows 7 'Compatibility Checker' Actually a Trojan

Beware any program that describes itself as a Windows 7 compatibility checker promising to verify whether or not your system can run Microsoft's new operating system (OS). Prominent security firm BitDefender first reported the attack earlier this ... week, but noted that the problem has not yet become widespread. However, because the Trojan appears genuine, it could actually have an enormous impact on users in the near future. Trojan Emulates Microsoft in Emails As one might expect, scammers are using the popularity of Windows 7 to spread malware. "This [Trojan is in particular is appealing to ... (view more)

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MS to Face Challenges With Free, Web-based Office 2010

Microsoft is set to launch their latest software suite, Microsoft Office 2010, which is slated to be released next month. (Source: ) In an effort to compete with Google's 'Google Docs' software, however, Microsoft is releasing an ... alternative version of Microsoft Office, called Office Web Apps . The Office Web Apps version is available to the public at no charge, but will be supported by advertisements instead of a per-user license fee. Google Docs, Google Apps, compared to MS Office Google Docs is essentially a stripped-down version of a web-based word processing, spreadsheet ... (view more)

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Microsoft Confirms: Internet Explorer 9 Won't Run on XP

Microsoft has confirmed earlier reports that Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) will not run on XP . That's prompted speculation that the company may be using the browser as a way to encourage users to upgrade to Windows 7. Some sources speculated that a ... future update to either the browser or operating system might alter the lack of support for Microsoft's current #1 operating system (OS). But this week Microsoft's Giorgio Sardo confirmed IE9 will never run on Windows XP. Going by the statistics, it seems an odd decision to not have the browser on XP. Even though Windows XP is nine years old and has ... (view more)


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