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Microsoft Reports Huge Loss; Blames Aquantive Mess

Microsoft has announced a $492 million loss between April and June of 2012. It's the first time the software giant has experienced a net loss in a quarter since its stock was first publicly traded in 1986. The good news for the company is that while ... its day-to-day business is slightly down overall, it is still fundamentally profitable. Most of the loss resulted from an accounting technicality linked to a bad investment. The quarterly loss comes because Microsoft took a $6.2 billion writedown to cover its acquisition of Aquantive, the online advertising business it bought in 2007. The purchase ... (view more)

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'Microsoft IntelliType Pro 8.20.469.0', and 'JPEGsnoop 1.6'

Microsoft IntelliType Pro 8.20.469.0 Microsoft's updated IntelliPoint software enables Windows operating system users to customize the features of their computer's Microsoft keyboard and mouse. You can easily assign and then reassign keys to perform ... such tasks as: open a program, file, or Web page, or to perform other useful commands and even application-specific functions. It's simple to learn and easy to use. JPEGsnoop 1.6 JPEGsnoop is a free Windows application that can be used to examine JPEG and AVI image files. It can also be used to analyze the source of an ... (view more)

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Microsoft Browser Ballot Fails; EU Investigates

The European Union (EU) is investigating claims that Microsoft isn't providing other browser makers full access to Windows 8. It comes at the same time the EU is deciding whether to punish the company for breaching previous promises to offer new ... Windows users a "browser ballot" that promotes browsers like Safari and Firefox. The newest probe concerns two allegations: the first covers all versions of Windows 8, the accusation being that Microsoft isn't providing full access to application programming interfaces (APIs). Rival Browser Could Have Limited Windows 8 Access In this context, an API ... (view more)

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No Office 2013 for Windows XP, Vista Users

Microsoft recently touted the new features in its upcoming Office 2013 software suite, including enhanced touchscreen and cloud storage capabilities. That was the good news, but here's the bad: the new Office suite will be available only for the ... Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems. Microsoft chief executive officer Steve Ballmer offered that revelation at a press presentation in San Francisco on Monday, July 16, 2012. Left out in the cold will be users of Windows XP and Windows Vista; they won't be able to run Office 2013 at all. More Than Half of PC Users Still On XP, Vista Besides the ... (view more)

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'Microsoft Office 2013 Home Premium Preview', and 'Microsoft Sysinternals Suite'

Microsoft Office 2013 Home Premium Preview Be one of the first to try Microsoft's new Office suite of programs and you can discover some of what's coming in the future. Previews of the Home, Small Business, and Enterprise versions of Office are all ... available for download. To get the software and use it, your computer must be running either Windows 7 or Windows 8. Microsoft Sysinternals Suite The Sysinternals Troubleshooting Utilities from Microsoft have now been rolled up into a single Suite of tools. This file is available for downloading, and contains all the ... (view more)

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New Microsoft Office Embraces Touch, Cloud Features

One of the most visible new additions to Microsoft's upcoming Windows 8 operating system (OS) is expanded touchscreen functionality. But it's not just Windows that is getting the touchscreen overhaul, as the firm's Office software is also being ... updated to better accommodate navigation using fingers and styluses. Microsoft recently showed off these new features in a preview of its next version of Office. Touchscreens Supported by Word, PowerPoint, Excel The first thing that stands out about the new Office is the added ability to navigate any program with a touchscreen display. For example, the ... (view more)

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'Microsoft Process Explorer 15.22', and 'VisiTrax Lite 2.11.3'

Microsoft Process Explorer 15.22 Ever wondered which program has a particular file or directory open? Now you can find out. Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and processes have opened or loaded. The unique capabilities of ... Process Explorer make it useful for tracking down problems, and provide insight into the way Windows and applications work. VisiTrax Lite 2.11.3 Designed for professional DJs and casual collectors alike, VisiTrax provides quick and easy access to your audio CDs, records, tapes, and MP3 files. Browse, sort, and find songs ... (view more)

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Windows 8's 'File History' a Better Backup Tool

Microsoft has revealed that its new operating system, Windows 8, will include a new feature that lets users automatically back up their most important files. If the feature works as advertised, the only data lost in a crash will be whatever is ... produced or saved less than one hour before the unfortunate event. Existing versions of Windows already include a back-up tool, called Windows Backup. However, Microsoft says that fewer than five per cent of home users take advantage of this feature. The company also estimates that, including people who use third-party backup tools on their computers, ... (view more)

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Samsung to Release Windows 8 RT-Based Tablet PC

Samsung is reportedly working on a Windows 8-based tablet computer that will be ready for the new Microsoft operating system's (OS) launch in October, 2012. The device will reportedly utilize the mobile version of the OS, called Windows 8 RT, and ... will run on the speedy ARM chip architecture. The report on Samsung's plan to introduce such a tablet for this fall's Windows 8 launch comes from Bloomberg news, which cites "people with knowledge of the matter" as the source. (Source: ) Samsung Product Seen As Good News for Microsoft The news of Samsung's new tablet should help ... (view more)

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Microsoft Acquires Firm to Make Huge Touchscreens

Microsoft has acquired a firm that produces massive computer touchscreen displays. According to reports, the company plans to reduce the price of those screens, making them far more affordable for both businesses and home consumers. Perceptive ... Pixel, which was founded in 2006, specializes in designing and manufacturing giant, wall-mounted, touchscreen displays as large as 80 inches across. The screens have advanced capabilities that allow multiple users to operate them at the same time. The company received a major boost four years ago, when CNN used its touchscreens during broadcasts ... (view more)


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