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Microsoft Mulls Future of HD

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. That seems to be the attitude of Microsoft now that Warner Bros has decided to back Sony's Blu-ray in the high definition movie format war. Although the Redmond-based company once stood firmly behind Toshiba's rival ... HD-DVD, things appear to be changing very quickly in the Pacific northwest. For those who haven't heard, Warner Bros recently dealt Blu-ray a pair of aces ('bullets') in the high stakes game for next generation's movie format. By turning its nose up at HD-DVD, Warner may have finally put the final nail in Toshiba's coffin; although the tech company ... (view more)

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Gates Inadvertently Reveals Windows Vista's Dirty Secret

While in Las Vegas this past weekend, Gates boasted that Microsoft has served more than 100 million copies of Windows Vista since the OS was launched to consumers last January. At first 100 million sounds impressive, but in fact it indicates that ... Microsoft's once dominant grip on the operating system is loosening. Based on what Gates said, Windows Vista was only on 39% of PCs that shipped in 2007. Statements at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) by Bill Gates this week show that Windows Vista is proving far less popular with new PC buyers than Windows XP did during its first year in the ... (view more)

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Google Calls Microsoft Outside

What a difference a year makes! At this time twelve months ago, Google was the darling of the online world. As 2007 progressed, however, the search firm found itself under scrutiny for 'collaborating' with the Chinese government, questions arose ... about Google's role in privacy issues via its web advertising, and it is in the middle of a lawsuit with Viacom over proprietary content on YouTube. Perhaps the most interesting development is the head-to-head battle between Google and Microsoft, the undisputed heavy-weight champion of the software world and new contender for the advertising crown. A ... (view more)

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'Google Microsoft Search', and 'Hide Folder'

Google Microsoft Search Search just Microsoft-related sites using Google's famous engine. Hide Folder The free Hide Folder is computer security software meant to help hide your private files. Others will not know ... where your personal files exist and they will not be able to accidentally view them. You can hide folders simply with a few mouse clicks. Hide Folder is protected by a password that you can change or remove at any time. (view more)

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Microsoft Updates Hinder More than Help

Updates are supposed to help us, aren't they? Not always. In this case, a recent security update from Microsoft has completely blocked a number of users from accessing the web with the company's own browser, Internet Explorer. For those who are ... reading this in Explorer after downloading update MS07-069, consider yourselves lucky. The bulletin was released December 11th, and since that time users have been flooding Microsoft's support forums with complaints that they can no longer regularly connect to the Internet. In some cases, the browser shuts down about 50-60% of the time, displaying an ... (view more)

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Looking for Zune

The shortage of Microsoft's new 80GB Zune player this holiday season is not the result of overwhelming demand for the product. A report recently published by the market intelligence firm iSuppli indicates that popular retailers such as ... are either in short supply of the product or backordered. However, iSuppli is quick to dispel speculation that this shortage is a result of overwhelming demand for the Zune, which has been falsely accredited with outselling the various Apple iPod variants. (Source: ) Microsoft's MP3 player has been positively reviewed by a number of ... (view more)

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Microsoft Soaks Up

Not so long ago they invested heavily in social networking magnet Facebook for the advertising payoff. Now, Microsoft has turned its attention to, nabbing rights to display contextual ads in the United States for the immensely popular news ... site. Although exact details of the deal are not available at this time, Microsoft and CNBC are acknowledging that the Redmond-based software giant will take over most of the banner and text advertisements for the page. Jon Tinter, general manager of Microsoft's strategy and business development, is in fact comparing the deal to Microsoft's ... (view more)

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Finally! Carol's Office 2007 Tips Available!

Attention all MS Office users -- Frustrated by MS Word? Excel just doesn't seem to add up? Feel powerless using PowerPoint and MS Outlook? Enough already! Learn MS Office: The Easy Way Our very own Carol Bratt has done it again -- and just in time ... for the holiday season! Whether you're an MS Office veteran or just beginning to learn the ropes, Carol's new Tips and Tricks eBook series on MS Office 2007 is just for you! If you've ever used the cumbersome help menu in any of the MS Office suites, then you know just how frustrating it can be when you can't find what you're searching for, or the ... (view more)

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Windows Vista SP1 To Include Over 300 Hot Fixes

Somewhat contrary to a report from regarding the Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Team's claim that Microsoft Vista is far more secure than Windows XP, Linux and Mac OS X, Microsoft has released a 47-page detailing Vista ... Service Pack 1 (SP1) which describes more than 300 hot fixes covering everything from data protection to video performance. (Source: ) Microsoft says the 47-page document is not exhaustive since they plan to add more fixes and patches to the final version of Vista SP1 before it's released to the public early next year. Among the ... (view more)

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Microsoft Taps into Multi-Map

Microsoft acquired Multimap on Wednesday, a leading provider of location-based services in Europe. The privately-owned British company is one of the United Kingdom's top 100 technology firms, and was an early pioneer in online mapping for the island ... country. According to the Times of London, the deal is worth $50 million dollars, half of which will go to Multimap's founder Sean Phelan. (Source: ) The website is the second most popular online destination in its class in the UK, trailing Google Maps and leading Microsoft's Live Search Maps (which came in fifth). This is the ... (view more)


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