
John Lister's picture

Google Exposes Severe Windows Flaw Before Fix Due

Microsoft has publicly lashed out at Google for revealing a severe security flaw in Windows 8.1 before it was able to release a fix. The public disclosure has reawakened a longstanding dispute about how to go about reporting security flaws. Comments ... on Google's website suggest that the same bug also affects Windows 7 Professional 64bit, with Service Pack 1; if true, it's equally likely the bug also affects other earlier versions of the Windows operating system, including Windows XP, which is no longer supported by Microsoft and will therefore remain unpatched. The bug involves the way ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How Can You Fix My Computer Over the Internet?

Infopackets Reader 'Nurse Lynda' writes: " Dear Dennis, Thanks so much for fixing my computer [over the Internet] - it's amazing to see you work ... you sure know your stuff! ... [I have a question]: I have recommended your 'Remote Desktop Support' ... services to my friends on Facebook, but they don't understand how [you can fix my computer over the Internet]? Specifically, they are asking what is the meaning of 'Remote' Desktop Support? I've tried to explain, but they just don't understand it. Do you have a page explaining this? " My response: ... (view more)

Brandon Dimmel's picture

MS Issues Emergency Patch for Internet Explorer

Microsoft has issued a fix for an Internet Explorer security vulnerability so serious that it prompted the United States' Department of Homeland Security to warn Americans against using the popular web browser. Somewhat surprisingly, Microsoft has ... also provided a fix for Windows XP -- even after promising not to do so. The Internet Explorer (IE) flaw was discovered last weekend. If left unpatched, it could allow hackers unprecedented access to a remote PC. Security experts say that Internet Explorer users could become instantly infected simply by visiting a malicious website or clicking ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Security Experts: Stop Using Internet Explorer

The United States Department of Homeland Security (DOHS) has warned that users should switch away from Internet Explorer until a serious bug has been fixed. It's the first big security scare since Microsoft stopped supporting Windows XP earlier this ... month. The bug doesn't have a glamorous nickname and is instead simply known as CVE-2014-1776. When triggered, the bug allows for remote code execution, which means a third party would have full control over a remote PC without the need for credentials or consent from the PC owner. By clicking on a malicious link or by visiting an infected ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Microsoft: No Zero-Day TIFF Fix This Patch Tuesday

Microsoft will be issuing Patch Tuesday fixes for several "critical" security problems today. Unfortunately, the firm says the list of fixes doesn't include a patch for a recently reported zero-day flaw affecting Windows and the Microsoft Office ... software suite. The November 2013 Patch Tuesday lineup includes a total of eight bulletins, three of which are marked "critical" -- Microsoft's highest security rating. These flaws involve serious security issues affecting some of Microsoft's most popular products, including the Windows operating system and Internet Explorer, the firm's web browser. ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Microsoft Releases Emergency Internet Explorer Fix

Microsoft has issued an emergency software fix for a critical flaw in its Internet Explorer web browser. According to reports, hackers have already exploited the vulnerability. Microsoft released the "Fix It" software in an attempt to prevent what ... it calls "targeted attacks" on a vulnerability in its Internet Explorer browser. Microsoft is calling this a "zero day" vulnerability, meaning software developers were unaware of the issue before it was exploited by hackers. Hackers Launch Remote Code Execution Attacks Reports indicate that hackers have used the flaw to carry out remote code ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Auslogics BoostSpeed 5 Review

Note from Dennis: At the end of the review, we're offering 20% discount for Infopackets readers. I get asked all the time "Why is my PC slow?" The answer, of course, is usually complex and may depend on a number of factors. But, for the most part, ... the culprit is due to repeated installation and removal of software programs to a system over a period of time. For example: a once pristine PC (brand new, untouched) from the factory can perform flawlessly. The same PC after a few months of use will start to lag. And, after a year or two, that same PC will surely suffer major performance ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

December Patch Tuesday Fixes Duqu Worm

Microsoft has fixed a major vulnerability exploited by the nasty Duqu Worm with its most recent Patch Tuesday series of security updates, which started rolling out yesterday. The total number of patches fix 17 vulnerabilities in Windows. (Source: ... ) Unfortunately, the company still hasn't issued a fix for a serious browser flaw ominously known as BEAST (Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS). The BEAST exploit was first discovered in September of this year and was responsible for cracking Paypal encrypted browser cookies. (Source: ) Of the 17 vulnerabilities noted, ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

MS Releases Lock-Down Fix for Critical MHTML Bug

Hackers are actively exploiting a bug that involves both Windows and Internet Explorer. Google believes the hackers may be targeting specific users. The bug involves MHTML, which is a special format designed to combine all the different files of a ... web page, such as the coding for the text and layout, the image files and video files, into a single file. It was originally developed as a way for a user to save an entire webpage to their desktop without winding up with a messy collection of files, but can also be used as a web link. The vulnerability involves the way that Internet Explorer and ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Apple Update Fixes Critical QuickTime Flaw

Apple has patched two critical code execution holes in its QuickTime multimedia player for Windows. At least one of these vulnerabilities has already been exploited by hackers, meaning the fix comes not a moment too soon. An Estimated Several ... Hundred Applications at Risk We first reported the QuickTime flaw over two weeks ago, when it was discovered that the exploit made at least forty (and perhaps several hundred) Windows applications vulnerable to attack. One flaw, called CVE-2010-1818, is associated with QuickTime's ActiveX control. It can be exploited if a hacker can trick a victim to ... (view more)


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