
Dennis Faas's picture

Creating Templates: Outlook 2003

Ever get tired of sending out the same old e-mail to everyone in your department every month? Well do I have a cool tip for you! In Outlook 2003 you can create an e-mail message and save it as a template so that you can use it over and over again. ... If you use Word as your e-mail editor, you will have to disable that option. To do this, select Tools | Options and select the Mail Format tab. De-select the Use Microsoft Word to edit email messages, then click apply and OK. From the Outlook menu, select File | New, Mail Message. Complete the Subject portion of the message and type any desired text ... (view more)

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'Tabby File', and 'Advanced Windows Care Personal'

Tabby File Tabby File is a minimalist file explorer for Windows without the bloat and obscure features of the more fancy explorer replacements. Advanced Windows Care Personal Advanced WindowsCare v2 ... Personal is a comprehensive PC care tool that takes an integrated approach to help protect, repair and optimize your computer. It provides an One-Click, All-In-One and Super-Fast solution for PC maintenance and protection. (view more)

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'Beam File', and 'Disk Defrag'

Beam File Send files up to 5 gigs in size. Sending one or more files with BeamFile is easy: choose files to send, send an e-mail message to the recipient, and that's it! The recipient will receive an e-mail message with a link that will allow her ... (and only her!) to retrieve the file. Disk Defrag Defragment disks in only a few minutes. Fragmentation leads to system slowdowns, PC crashes, slow startup and shutdown and sometimes to system failures. Useful disk fragmentation map and detailed fragmentation report. Windows XP Home and Professional, 2000/2003 and Vista ... (view more)

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Bit Torrent: What is it?

In the world of computing -- especially home computing -- one of the things we enjoy most is gathering new and interesting programs to make a difference in our lives. I suppose it could be considered a cyber extension of the 'Hunter/Gatherer' part ... of us; we go to a download site and browse the lists looking for the one thing that will make our days a little brighter. We find it and click the file we want, and our computers are connected to the server that stores the file -- and eventually, the file is transferred to our system. From there, what goes on is a little more in depth (but it's ... (view more)

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British Courts Order ISPs to Reveal Accounts of 59 Music Pirates

Despite very liberal views on sex, drugs, and drinking age, Europe is becoming a conservative force in rooting out peer-to-peer (p2p) file sharing. Just weeks after Spain made it a civil offense for individuals to download music and a criminal ... offense for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to allow it, the British music industry is now demanding that two ISPs give up the names of 59 accounts. Although Spain remains the more aggressive of the two countries in weeding out file sharers, Britain's corporate community is forming its own strong-arm policy in making illegal music downloads a thing of ... (view more)

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MS Excel Security Leaks Becoming Flood

Users of Excel's immensely popular spreadsheets are increasingly having to look over their shoulder. Insiders are today reporting that a new security leak -- for the third this month -- has been discovered within the program. Excel 2000, 2002, 2003 ... and Office 2000, XP and 2003 are all affected, and the fallout is driving accountants into the fetal position. The most recently reported flaw allows attackers to carry out their own commands by convincing a user that a repair is needed on a specific file. Once that file is opened, hackers can do what they wish to an affected users' system. Caught ... (view more)

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P2P Crackdown: Spain Makes File-Sharing Illegal

It is a civil (and in some cases criminal) offense to file share over the Internet. And as of Tuesday, June 27th, this is reality for thousands of downloaders in Spain. Recently, the country's Congress passed legislation banning unauthorized ... peer-to-peer sharing of files. The difference between North American crackdowns and those in Spain lies in the aggressive nature of the Spanish legislation. It is a criminal offense for P2P (Peer to Peer) networks to allow downloading, and a civil offense for anyone to engage in this downloading, even for personal use. (Source: ) Long History ... (view more)

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WGA Imitation Spyware: Can't Blame Microsoft For This One

As tension mounts over Microsoft's use of the anti-piracy install Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA), headlines today are reporting that Spyware goons have caught on and are circulating a program that poses as WGA. The new malware imitates WGA in its ... file name, and is allegedly found most frequently on file transfer sites and through spam emails. The new Spyware, acting upon the segment of the tech population that isn't already avoiding WGA at all costs, can be found in at least two different ways. The first pops up in peer-to-peer file transfer programs, such as Kazaa, and prompts the user to ... (view more)

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Save a Workbook: MS Excel

While you are building an Excel worksheet, it is held in a temporary memory within your computer (called "RAM", or random access memory). Unlike human memory, the computer won't remember anything unless you save your work. If you turn off the ... computer or if the power goes out, all your work disappears. To store your work permanently, you must save it on a disk. The First Time You Save You can save a spreadsheet by using any of these methods: Choose File | Save. Click the Save button on the toolbar. Use the shortcut key Ctrl+S. The first time you save, the Save As dialog box appears ... (view more)

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Microsoft's Windows Media Photo (WMPhoto) to replace JPEG Standard?

At the annual Windows Hardware Engineering Conference, Microsoft unveiled their latest technology in saving and uploading digital photography. Available for Windows XP and the upcoming Windows Vista, Windows Media Photo ("WMPhoto") suggests a ... revolutionized means of compressing digital photos. (Source: ) Presently, digital photos are converted into the JPEG picture file format when stored on the computer: a standard form of file compression. Converting a digital photograph in JPEG format keeps the picture file size small, while maintaining almost the same quality as the original, ... (view more)


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