
Dennis Faas's picture

'ModernView 2.1', and 'Dropbox 1.2.33 Experimental'

ModernView 2.1 ModernView is an image viewer that uses a simple, consistent and efficient user interface. ModernView can zoom and scroll large images extremely softly and smoothly without delay or compromising image quality (e.g. by reducing ... resolution or skipping necessary on-the-fly image filtering). It opens all common Windows image formats, offers a full screen mode with full functionality and supports also dual monitors. 2D Scrollbar panning, selection zooming and a magnifier are nice-to-have features as well. http://home.arcor.de/modernview Dropbox 1.2.33 Experimental Dropbox is a ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'Scott's Gmail Alert 4.2' and 'Dropbox 0.8.48 Experimental'

Scott's Gmail Alert 4.2 Scott's Gmail Alert is a notification program for Gmail, Google Apps, Google Calendar, and RSS feeds which quietly sits on your taskbar until it discovers new messages in up to five separate accounts. Send quick emails ... without logging in to Gmail directly, including replying to received messages and website email links. Set eye catching colors to alert messages to help differentiate important emails from others, using either the default or Windows Aero Glass theme. http://majorgeeks.com Dropbox 0.8.48 Experimental Dropbox is a useful tool that will enable you to ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'Google Experimental Search', and 'Belvedere'

Google Experimental Search Google is always experimenting with new features aimed at improving the search experience. Take one for a spin. http://www.google.com/experimental/index.html Belvedere Keep your desktop or any other folder on your hard ... drive organized and under control with Belvedere, an automated Windows file management tool. Use Belvedere's friendly interface to create advanced rules to move, copy, delete, rename, or open files based on their name, extension, size, creation date, and more. Sets up rules for taking actions on files based on the name of a file, its extension, size, ... (view more)

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