error correction

John Lister's picture

Google Makes Quantum Speed, Accuracy 'Breakthrough'

Google says it's created a processor that can complete a task in five minutes that would take existing supercomputers an effectively infinite time. But it will likely be five years before the processor is ready for commercial use and experts say ... Google's boasts are somewhat selective. The Willow chip is Google's attempt at quantum computing, which is likely to be the next major advance in computing technology. In very simple terms, most traditional computers work by storing and processing data as 0s or 1s, represented by something physical (usually an electronic "gate" in a circuit) that can ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Intermittent Media Player Internet Radio sound, Part 2

Last week I generalized how one might go about systematic PC troubleshooting. In particular, I received a question from Thomas V. who was having problems with his Internet Radio (via Windows Media Player) and his CD ROM drive which both produced ... intermittent silence. Thomas suspected that the issues might be one in the same. I suggested otherwise, based on a familiar problem with TCP / IP packet loss that can result in Internet Radio lag. Since this matter is common, I further theorized that these two issues were most likely not related. But, wouldn't you know it? I received emails from ... (view more)

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