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Thousands of Sites Hit By 'Cryptojacking' Scam

Visitors to more than 5,000 websites had their computers hijacked to earn money for scammers. But the attack would have earned them less than $25 - and they aren't getting paid anyway. The attack involved compromising screen reader software called ... BrowseAloud. Websites can add the software to their site to make it easier for visitors with vision problems to browse the pages. Because the software is so widely used, compromising it was an effective way to reach a large number of computers - regardless of whether the owners needed to use a screen reader. The software is particularly popular ... (view more)

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Intel and IBM Demo Quantum Computer at CES 2018

Intel and IBM are battling to show off some of the most advanced 'quantum computers' ever made. It's a big step towards incredibly powerful computers that could even replicate the workings of a human brain. A quantum computer takes advantage of one ... of the most curious aspects of physics: that tiny particles can exist in two different states at the same time. This essentially allows a complete rewrite of the mathematics behind computing. Ordinary computers work by turning data into binary code: a string of 0s and 1s. In traditional computers, that involves a series of electronic 'gates' that ... (view more)

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New Malware uses PC Power to Make Cash

Hackers could use your computer to literally make money. That's thanks to an unusual malware attack that doesn't involve any files, making it harder to detect. The "Coinminer malware" takes advantage of a Windows and browser bug nicknamed Eternal ... Blue. That's the same bug that was exploited in several high-profile ransomware attacks recently . While Microsoft has issued updates, it seems some users haven't installed the security patches. Malware Runs Inside Memory One big problem with the Coinminer malware is that it works in the computer's memory, rather than as ... (view more)

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Microsoft Rethinks Windows 10 Updates

Microsoft says it won't deliver new Windows 10 features to some computers. However, it's vowed to give the affected machines security patches for six years, a major extension on its original policy. Last week it was discovered that as many as 10 ... million computers running an Intel processor named 'Clover Trail' did not get the latest major update to Windows 10 - something Microsoft said was a compatibility issue. Applying the update could have made system text and icons unreadable. Most of the affected machines were combined "2-in-1" models that worked as both laptops ... (view more)

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Computer AI Masters Poker

An artificial intelligence program has beaten professional poker players for the first time. It may sound trivial but marks a major advance in technology that could have practical benefits. Computers beat human experts at chess many years ago, and ... last year a computer beat the world champion at the far more complex board game "Go" for the first time. That was significant because the sheer number of possible moves available in Go means ever the most powerful computer can't assess every possible move. Instead the program had to learn to use human tactics such as heuristics (in ... (view more)

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Law Change Could Let Feds Spy On Malware Victims

Opponents of proposed changes that could make government surveillance of computers easier have warned time is running out. The changes will take effect on December 1 unless Congress passes a law to stop them. The debate involves the Federal Rules of ... Criminal Procedure, which is effectively the rulebook of the judicial system. Rule 41 sets out how search warrants work in federal cases. Earlier this year the Supreme Court agreed to a request from the Justice Department for three changes to Rule 41. The first is an exception to the usual principle that a local judge can only issue a search ... (view more)

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Free Windows 10 Bad News for PC Makers

A research firm believes the free Windows 10 upgrade offer may have had a significant effect on new PC sales. It's part of an apparent pattern of users holding on to their old computers for longer. Speaking to The Register, Ranjit Atwal of Gartner ... said the company surveyed people who had taken advantage of the upgrade. It found that one in five of those questioned had decided against plans to get a new computer after trying out the new system on their existing machines. Atwal claims Microsoft did not expect that figure to be so high. (Source: ) In some ways the trend ... (view more)

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Windows 10 RAM Requirement Doubles

Windows 10 will officially require more memory to run on many computers this summer. It's only a minor change but is the first time the official specifications for Windows have significantly increased in the past seven years. The biggest of the ... changes is the minimum memory specification for 32-bit computers, which is doubling from 1GB to 2GB. The specification for 64-bit machines was already 2GB and will remain unchanged. The change doesn't mean machines with 1GB of RAM will stop working. Instead, it means computer manufacturers will now have to include at least 2GB of RAM to be ... (view more)

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Pentagon to Upgrade 4M Seats to Windows 10

The Department of Defense plans to upgrade four million staff members to Windows 10. It's a major boost for Microsoft given the security needs of the DoD. Historically, government organizations have been slow to update operating systems. That's ... often because of the complexity of doing so across an entire network; for example, having to weigh up the problems of different computers on different systems, plus the hassle of having too many computers out of action even temporarily during an upgrade. Major upgrades such as this have caused concern in the security community - especially when ... (view more)

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North Korea's PC Operating System: At a Glance

Two German researchers have revealed that the world's most secure operating system could be Red Star OS. If you've never heard of it, that's probably because it's used only in North Korea. Florian Grunow and Nikalaus Schiess say that the system, ... which was created by the country's government, tracks virtually every file a computer user opens or handles. (Source: ) The system is widely used on publicly owned computers. Reports from the country say the very few privately owned computers in North Korea are more likely to run Windows XP. System Uses Open-Source Base ... (view more)


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