
Dennis Faas's picture

'Keyboard Tweaker', and 'Bandwidth Controller'

Keyboard Tweaker Keyboard Tweaker is a Hotkeys manager. It transform a normal keyboard with 101/102 keys into a multimedia keyboard using the hotkeys. The program sets some combinations to the keyboard keys for a function. ... Bandwidth Controller Bandwidth Controller is a complete Traffic Shaping solution for IP based networks. It provides network administrators with traffic shaping and flow control capabilities, including automated components for Internet allocation and provision. After installing the product on any gateway or server, access is gained to all Internet ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'Crbap', and 'Bandwidth Vista'

Crbap Control the recycle bin. Crbap helps you get rid of Recycle-bin files quickly. No more answering "Yes" to delete files; customizable Hotkey to Empty Recycle-bin; customizable Hotkey to View the Recycle-Bin, and increased functionality over ... previous versions. GUI Assisted Configuration; completely hidden -- no windows or icons; optionally alerts you when you empty the Recycle-bin; hotkey allow you to quickly exit the program entirely; optionally Starts with Windows and uses few resources. 100% Freeware -- absolutely NO SPYWARE! Also features automatic live updates utilizing the UpChk ... (view more)

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Photobucket Give-away

Two years ago, I started up a blog to document my adventures in freeware. Unfortunately, I later discovered that my blog host didn't allow me to store any images on my site. The reasoning was that images can eat up a lot of bandwidth, and bandwidth ... costs money. So (for example): if 100 people came to visit my site and they all viewed a picture that was 50k in size, that would eat up (100 x 50) = 5000k, or 5 megabytes in bandwidth. Obviously this isn't an issue if you're a small-time blogger like myself; nonetheless, if a blog host [company] is hosting 1000 blog sites and there's 100 people ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Kazaa downloads are slow?

Bryan F. from Canada writes: " Dear Dennis, I just surfed in and read your article on Kazaa Lite ... RE: '[On] October 16, 2002, [the feature article of] the Gazette proposed the question of whether or not Kazaa (Sharman Networks) implemented some ... sort of bandwidth cap on downloads. ' I use the full version of Kazaa: only recently, I've had problems downloading. I seem to always get the message 'Need more sources', which stops any downloading. I've tried other source searching, but get the same result almost every time. I have tons of files to share and am listed as Superior Being, [so ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Web Server Upgrade, Part 6

Finally! After all the trouble and hassle with the last host, I think I've finally found a permanent home for the web site and virtual-host friends who are sharing this dedicated server. A brief, but very interesting (hellish) ... synopsis entails: Some time near the end of October 2002: It was decided that I needed to get another dedicated server to handle all the traffic that comes through the infopackets web server. October 30, 2002: After being reassured by a "knowledgeable" web-hosting sales representative that and its high demand for bandwidth could ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Web Server Upgrade, Part 4

Does the drama ever end? No, and it's costing me a bundle. Unfortunately, I have to drop my current web-host because (among other reasons), bandwidth has been capped at 1.5 megabits. According to current server statistics, a 1.5 megabit connection ... isn't enough to meet the demand of knowledge hungry Infopackets Readers and the other web-owners who are sharing the dedicated web-server. And now, the rest of the story (for now)... If you read the last issue of the Gazette , the infopackets web site was originally configured for a 10 megabit connection. According to my current host, the server was ... (view more)

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Web Server Upgrade, Part 3

Much has been happening since I last wrote to you about the web server upgrade. If you want to read up on what's been happening, here's Part 1 and Part 2 . A quick recap Due to an increased in the amount of visitors hitting the infopackets web site, ... I had to upgrade the web server. I am now leasing a lightening fast Pentium 4 1.7 GHz Apache Web Server with 512 Meg DDR RAM a 60 gig hard drive. My web server package includes a "T1 Connection" which allots a continuous flow of 1.5 megabits of bandwidth per second at any given moment. The saga continues! Since the server has been ... (view more)

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Kazaa Bandwidth Capped Downloads

If you share files online the Internet (trading MP3s, movies, software), you have undoubtedly already heard of Kazaa -- maybe even Kazaa Lite . In a nutshell Kazaa uses its own P2P (peer to peer) technology which allow users across the Internet to ... share files online. The last time I checked, there were about 2.2 million users online Kazaa, sharing some 5 million files. That's a lot of files. I'm not going to get into the complexities of how things work, because I've already discussed that in a previous issue of the Infopackets Gazette. Kazaa is free software which gets its funding from the ... (view more)


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