Outlining a Data List: MS Excel

Dennis Faas's picture

Both rows and columns of a worksheet can be outlined or grouped. Outlining provides a way to organize details. Outlines can be collapsed or expanded to hide or show detail within the data list.

Once defined, the group of rows or columns can be expanded or collapsed to display or hid the detail contained within them.

Follow the steps below to group rows or columns in a worksheet:

  1. Select the rows or columns to be grouped.
  2. Choose Data | Group and Outline | Group.

To remove the grouping follow these steps:

  • Select the rows or columns to be ungrouped.
  • Choose Data | Group and Outline | Ungroup.

Excel uses a plus sign symbol and a minus sign symbol to designate rows or columns that can be expanded or collapsed.

Click on the Minus Sign outline symbol to collapse a group of rows or columns.

Or click on the Plus Sign outline symbol to expand a group of rows or columns.

You can remove the outline symbols from a worksheet using a single command.

  1. Position the active cell within the data list.
  2. Choose Data | Group and Outline | Clear Outline.

Outline totals can be cleared without removing subtotals.

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